
Learn About Movies, Music, & the Arts for Free

This section features all of the Arts & Entertainment free audio & video learning resources we've featured in our "Free Resource of the Day Emails" over the past many years with reviews of all of our favorite free resources.

In addition to our bi-weekly E-Magazine, LearnOutLoud.com also sends out our "Free Resource of the Day Email" which features one free audio or video learning title that we've added to our site. You can receive our "Free Resource of the Day Email" by entering your Email address into the box on the right, clicking Subscribe, and then checking the "Free Resource of the Day E-mail" check box in the pop up. This email is sent out Monday through Friday and is a great way to discover new audio & video educational content. You'll be informed of audio books, lectures, speeches, sermons, interviews, and much more all which you can listen to or watch for FREE! Below is a sampling of some of the free resources we have offered in the past through our Free Resource of the Day Email.

John Lennon Rolling Stone Interview on Audio

Adam Gopnik in Conversation

Jesse Thorn Comedy Podcast

Rick Rubin Production Techniques and Creativity

Ancient Greek Theatre History Free Audio Lecture

Benjamin Zander on Music and Passion

9 Conversations on Beethoven's Nine Symphonies

81st Academy Awards Nominee Interviews

Curious Case of Benjamin Button Free Audio Story

Changing the Media Landscape

Garrison Keillor's Writer's Almanac

Dave Barry's Humorous History of the 21st Century

Robert Greenberg Free Lecture

Tom Wolfe on the South

Great Oliver Stone Interview

Michael Medved on Hollywood

Elvis Mitchell's The Treatment

Magnum Photo Essays

Mona Lisa History, Last Supper History, and other Art History Videos