
Curious Case of Benjamin Button Free Audio Story


Free Resource (#725) - January 9th, 2009
Today's Free Resource

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

This F. Scott Fitzgerald story was recently adapted into a major motion picture. Hear the story behind the film, as Fitzgerald tells the fantastic tale of Benjamin who is born as a seventy-year-old man in 1860 and grows younger throughout his entire life. This audio book is available on MP3 download from ThoughtAudio.com.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

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The Beautiful and Damned

F. Scott Fitzgerald's second novel, The Beautiful and the Damned, "marks an advance over This Side of Paradise," Edmund Wilson wrote. "The style is more nearly mature and the subject more nearly unified, and there are scenes that are more convincing than any in his previous fiction."

Published in 1922, it chronicles the relationship of Anthony Patch, Harvard-educated aspiring aesthete, and his beautiful wife, Gloria, as they wait to inherit his grandfather's fortune. A devastating satire of the nouveaux rich and New York's nightlife, of reckless ambition and squandered talent, it is also a shattering portrait of a marriage fueled by alcohol and wasted by wealth. The Beautiful and the Damned, Fitzgerald wrote to Zelda in 1930, "was all true."

Lyrical, romantic, yet cruelly incisive, it signaled a new stage in Fitzgerald's career. With The Beautiful and the Damned, H.L. Mencken commented in The Smart Set, "Fitzgerald ceases to be a wunderkind, and begins to come into his maturity.

Available on MP3 Download.

Listen to a free sample of: The Beautiful and Damned

Download the Modern Library Series
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Download Audio Books from the Modern Library

The Modern Library Series features the world's great historians on the world's great subjects. Lively, accessible, and brief (mostly under 10 hours each), these authoritative short histories are designed to appeal to general listeners as well as to students in the classroom. Some of the titles in the library include Islam, A Short History by Karen Armstrong, Nazism and War by Prof. Richard Bessel, The Company: A Short History of a Revolutionary Idea by John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge of The Economist Magazine. Download these and many other titles from the Modern Library.

Download Audio Books from the Modern Library

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