
Adam Gopnik in Conversation


Free Resource - August 3rd, 2010
Free Resource of the Day

Adam Gopnik in Conversation with Paul Lancour

In this one on one interview recorded at City Arts & Lectures, New Yorker columnist Adam Gopnik discusses how he parses through the mundane in life to find interesting topics for his essays. In his search to find the underlying subject within the topic, he has written memorably on people like Anna Nicole Smith, discussed the peculiarities of French workout culture, and ruminated on the changing soul of New York City. One of Gopnik's primary talents is fishing out something resonant from an otherwise mundane framework, and thereby providing fresh insight on cultural or personal concepts that may go unnoticed otherwise. This lecture is available on streaming video on FORA.tv.

Adam Gopnik in Conversation with Paul Lancour

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Best of TED Talks
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Best of TED Talks

We recently became addicted to watching and listening to talks from the TED Conference. The Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED) Conference has been featuring talks from leading thinkers not only in technology, entertainment, and design, but also religion, science, literature, psychology, personal growth, and numerous other areas. Their archive currently features over 400 talks from the TED2005 conference up through TED2010. One great thing is that along with high quality streaming video of each talk, they also offer most of the talks on MP3 download so you can download them and listen to them on the go.

Here we're showcasing 15 of the most popular TED talks which we certainly enjoyed and did some write ups on. We'll continue adding to this Best of TED Talks list as we watch and listen to more talks that we find to be particularly excellent.

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