
Robert Greenberg Free Lecture


Free Resource (#574) - June 3rd, 2008
Today's Free Resource

Music: Heart, Soul and Dollar - Robert Greenberg

Listen to this thrilling lecture delivered by charismatic professor Robert Greenberg and offered by the Chautauqua Institution. Dr. Greenberg has recorded more than 500 lectures on a range of composers and classical music genres for The Teaching Company. In this lecture at the Chautauqua Institution, Dr. Greenberg provides his definition of music and gives examples of what constitutes as music that deserves our attention. He also talks about three performances that were forthcoming at the Chautauqua Institution, covering pieces by Dmitri Shostakovich and Johannes Brahms. This lecture is available through FORA.tv on streaming video.

Music: Heart, Soul and Dollar - Robert Greenberg

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Gordon Skene Sound Collection
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Gordon Skene Sound Collection

The Gordon Skene Sound Collection is a massive collection of speeches and historical events recorded on audio. LearnOutLoud.com is pleased to now be offering over 50 audio downloads from the Gordon Skene Sound Collection.

Message from Gordon Skene:

"As a rule I hate looking back. The trouble with looking back is you tend to stare at it a long time, and nothing really good ever comes of that. I'm also not a big fan of "nostalgia". I think of nostalgia and think "fond remembrance of events that never occurred" - time tends to blow small events out of proportion and large events into heart stopping defining moments which, at the time didn't amount to much. So why look back at all?

The Gordon Skene Sound Collection & my new site Newstalgia are here to help put history and current events into perspective. Some things never change, some people never change - only the names and situations and outcomes. Sometimes history consists of the same set of events and circumstances over and over until the lesson is learned or the methods changed. Some things never change and some things are destined never to be the same again."

Check out Gordon Skene's great blog site which features tons of free speeches on audio: Newstalgia

Gordon Skene Sound Collection

Elsewhere on LearnOutLoud.com...

What do you want to teach the world? LearnOutLoud is proud to announce TeachOutLoud, our revolutionary service for audio self-publishing. If you've got a course you teach or a book you've written, this is your opportunity to record an audio version and make it available to the world. There's no cost to participate in TeachOutLoud and it's really easy to get started. Just click the link below to find out more information or browse the hundreds of titles that have already been uploaded through the service.


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