UCTV: Human Brain
The Speaking Voiceby Katherine Everts
Italian I, Unit 1
The Call of the Wildby Jack London
Wuthering Heightsby Emily Bronte
ESPN: PTI Pardon the Interruption Podcastby Tony Kornheiser
The Library of Congress: Music and the Brain Podcastby Kay Redfield Jamison
TEDTalks Podcast
LeVar Burton Reads Podcastby LeVar Burton
Inquiring Minds Podcastby Indre Viskontas
The Body Keeps the Scoreby Bessel A. van der Kolk
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasionby Robert Cialdini
Getting Things Done (New Edition)by David Allen
The Power of Positive Thinkingby Norman Vincent Peale
Atlas of the Heartby Brene Brown