The Mindfulness Solution Guided Meditationsby Ronald D. Siegel
Jack Kornfield's Dharma Talksby Jack Kornfield
Pride and Prejudiceby Jane Austen
Waldenby Henry David Thoreau
Philosophy for Beginnersby Marianne Talbot
Kwik Brain Podcastby Jim Kwik
Duolingo Spanish Podcastby Martina Castro
Becoming You with Suzy Welch Podcastby Suzy Welch
After Words - C-SPAN Podcast
Ask N.T. Wright Anything Podcastby N.T. Wright
Educated: A Memoirby Tara Westover
The American Spiritby David McCullough
Dare to Leadby Brene Brown
Breath: The New Science of a Lost Artby James Nestor
The Laws of Human Natureby Robert Greene