I've Been to the Mountaintopby Martin Luther King, Jr.
Brene Brown: The Power of Vulnerabilityby Brene Brown
The Elements of Styleby William Strunk
Jack Kornfield's Dharma Talksby Jack Kornfield
Meditationsby Marcus Aurelius
ESPN: PTI Pardon the Interruption Podcastby Tony Kornheiser
10% Happier Podcastby Dan Harris
The Charged Life Podcastby Brendon Burchard
The Doctor's Farmacy Podcastby Mark Hyman
Feeling Good Podcastby David D. Burns
The 7 Habits of Happy Kidsby Sean Covey
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasionby Robert Cialdini
The Power of Positive Thinkingby Norman Vincent Peale
Tools of Titansby Tim Ferriss
The Magic of Believingby Claude M. Bristol