War and Peaceby Leo Tolstoy
The Science of Well-Beingby Laurie Santos
The Great Gatsbyby F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Science of Getting Richby Wallace D. Wattles
Sugar: The Bitter Truthby Robert H. Lustig
Alan Watts Podcastby Alan Watts
NewsHour Full Program - PBS Podcast
Duolingo Spanish Podcastby Martina Castro
Oprah's Master Class: The Podcastby Oprah Winfrey
ESPN: 30 For 30 Podcast
Basic Human Anatomyby John K. Young
Be Useful: Seven Tools for Lifeby Arnold Schwarzenegger
21 Lessons for the 21st Centuryby Yuval Noah Harari
Becomingby Michelle Obama
The Power of Habitby Charles Duhigg