The Elements of Styleby William Strunk
Winnie-The-Poohby A.A. Milne
Gateways to Nowby Eckhart Tolle
Carl Sagan: Christmas Lectures on The Planetsby Carl Sagan
The Bhagavad Gitaby Mohandas Gandhi
The Marianne Williamson Podcastby Marianne Williamson
Unlocking Us Podcastby Brene Brown
Grammar Girl's Quick & Dirty Tips for Better Writing Podcastby Mignon Fogarty
Plato - The Republic Podcastby Plato
CBC's The Best of Ideas Podcast
MONEY: Master the Gameby Anthony Robbins
Think Againby Adam M. Grant
The Light We Carryby Michelle Obama
Rising Strongby Brene Brown
Educated: A Memoirby Tara Westover