The Elements of Styleby William Strunk
The Feynman Lectures on Physicsby Richard P. Feynman
Selected Essays of Ralph Waldo Emersonby Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Other Americaby Martin Luther King, Jr.
Winnie-The-Poohby A.A. Milne
Alan Watts Podcastby Alan Watts
The Tim Ferriss Show Podcastby Tim Ferriss
Joyce Meyer Radio Podcastby Joyce Meyer
The Marianne Williamson Podcastby Marianne Williamson
New York Times The Daily Podcastby Michael Barbaro
Unleash The Power Withinby Anthony Robbins
Talking to Strangersby Malcolm Gladwell
The Seat of the Soul: 25th Anniversary Editionby Gary Zukav
High Performance Habitsby Brendon Burchard
The Power of Habitby Charles Duhigg