The World's Religionsby Huston Smith
Common Senseby Thomas Paine
Goals!by Brian Tracy
The Mindfulness Solution Guided Meditationsby Ronald D. Siegel
Learn in Your Car: Spanish, Level 1by Henry N. Raymond
Intelligence Squared U.S. Podcast
Duolingo Spanish Podcastby Martina Castro
Hidden Brain Podcastby Shankar Vedantam
Arnold's Pump Club Podcastby Arnold Schwarzenegger
Inquiring Minds Podcastby Indre Viskontas
Rising Strongby Brene Brown
The Seat of the Soul: 25th Anniversary Editionby Gary Zukav
Tools of Titansby Tim Ferriss
Awaken the Giant Withinby Anthony Robbins
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Upby Marie Kondo