The Shiftby Wayne Dyer
Living on Half a Dime a Dayby Sarah Elizabeth Harper Monmouth
Herbert Benson: The Relaxation Revolutionby Herbert Benson
Selected Essays of Ralph Waldo Emersonby Ralph Waldo Emerson
Introduction to Computer Scienceby David J. Malan
10% Happier Podcastby Dan Harris
Oprah's SuperSoul Conversations Podcastby Oprah Winfrey
Plato - The Republic Podcastby Plato
Things Fell Apart Podcastby Jon Ronson
Making Sense with Sam Harris Podcastby Sam Harris
Think Againby Adam M. Grant
A Knock at Midnightby Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Magic of Believingby Claude M. Bristol
The Power of Habitby Charles Duhigg
Basic Human Anatomyby John K. Young