Common Senseby Thomas Paine
Inside Creative Writingby Robert Olen Butler
Loving Relationshipsby Leo Buscaglia
The Metamorphosisby Franz Kafka
Jack Kornfield's Dharma Talksby Jack Kornfield
Talks at Google Podcast
Revisionist History Podcastby Malcolm Gladwell
Grammar Girl's Quick & Dirty Tips for Better Writing Podcastby Mignon Fogarty
Unlocking Us Podcastby Brene Brown
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History Podcastby Dan Carlin
The Laws of Human Natureby Robert Greene
A Knock at Midnightby Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Magic of Thinking Bigby David J. Schwartz, Ph.D.
Unleash The Power Withinby Anthony Robbins
Tools of Titansby Tim Ferriss