Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do?by Michael Sandel
Pride and Prejudiceby Jane Austen
Brene Brown: The Power of Vulnerabilityby Brene Brown
The Second World Warby Winston Churchill
The Metamorphosisby Franz Kafka
Intelligence Squared Podcast
Talks at Google Podcast
The Library of Congress: Music and the Brain Podcastby Kay Redfield Jamison
The New Yorker: Fiction Podcast
The Tony Robbins Podcastby Anthony Robbins
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Upby Marie Kondo
Talking to Strangersby Malcolm Gladwell
Secrets of the Millionaire Mindby T. Harv Eker
The 7 Habits of Happy Kidsby Sean Covey
The Power of Habitby Charles Duhigg