Eat That Frog!by Brian Tracy
The Princeby Niccolo Machiavelli
Monday Meditationsby Louise L. Hay
Tao Te Chingby Lao Tzu
Introduction to Computer Scienceby David J. Malan
The Dave Ramsey Show Podcastby Dave Ramsey
Arnold's Pump Club Podcastby Arnold Schwarzenegger
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Podcastby Wayne Dyer
Plato - The Republic Podcastby Plato
Grammar Girl's Quick & Dirty Tips for Better Writing Podcastby Mignon Fogarty
The Power of Positive Thinkingby Norman Vincent Peale
Atlas of the Heartby Brene Brown
Think Againby Adam M. Grant
Greenlightsby Matthew McConaughey
Awaken the Giant Withinby Anthony Robbins