Tao Te Chingby Lao Tzu
Loving Relationshipsby Leo Buscaglia
Studs Terkel Radio Archiveby Studs Terkel
Introduction to Psychologyby Paul Bloom
Change Your Questions, Change Your Lifeby Marilee Adams
After Words - C-SPAN Podcast
Joyce Meyer Radio Podcastby Joyce Meyer
The Dave Ramsey Show Podcastby Dave Ramsey
Learn French with Coffee Break French Podcast
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History Podcastby Dan Carlin
Educated: A Memoirby Tara Westover
Secrets of the Millionaire Mindby T. Harv Eker
Unleash The Power Withinby Anthony Robbins
The Power of Habitby Charles Duhigg
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasionby Robert Cialdini