Michio Kaku: The Universe in a Nutshellby Michio Kaku
Learn in Your Car: Spanish, Level 1by Henry N. Raymond
The Science of Mindby Ernest Holmes
Minimalismby Ryan Nicodemus
The Enchiridionby Epictetus
Intelligence Squared Podcast
Happier with Gretchen Rubin Podcastby Gretchen Rubin
Talks at Google Podcast
The Marianne Williamson Podcastby Marianne Williamson
Hidden Brain Podcastby Shankar Vedantam
Courage Is Callingby Ryan Holiday
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasionby Robert Cialdini
Atlas of the Heartby Brene Brown
The Magic of Thinking Bigby David J. Schwartz, Ph.D.
Think Againby Adam M. Grant