To the Lighthouseby Virginia Woolf
Kant's Critique of Pure Reasonby Daniel N. Robinson
Pride and Prejudiceby Jane Austen
Think and Grow Richby Napoleon Hill
Winnie-The-Poohby A.A. Milne
Intelligence Squared U.S. Podcast
The Tim Ferriss Show Podcastby Tim Ferriss
Napoleon 101 Podcast
The Rachel Cruze Show Podcastby Rachel Cruze
Learn French with Coffee Break French Podcast
Secrets of the Millionaire Mindby T. Harv Eker
Becomingby Michelle Obama
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ckby Mark Manson
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Upby Marie Kondo
The 7 Habits of Happy Kidsby Sean Covey