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- Never put your faith in anyone who makes you feel unworthy
(Sun, Mar 23, 2025)
- When every argument is petty and unresolved
(Sun, Mar 16, 2025)
- The big life lessons that can change everything for the better
(Sun, Mar 09, 2025)
- Am I really the problem?
(Sun, Mar 02, 2025)
- Should payback for bad behavior be a relationship norm?
(Sun, Feb 23, 2025)
- Decluttering the overwhelmed brain
(Sun, Feb 16, 2025)
- When empathy is used against you
(Sun, Feb 09, 2025)
- What can keep you stuck with the same results over and over again
(Sun, Feb 02, 2025)
- Washing your hands of a problem that won't go away
(Sun, Jan 26, 2025)
- The pressure of sex and expectations in an established relationship
(Sun, Jan 19, 2025)
- Feeling like you have no choice but to submit to ungrateful, uncaring people
(Sun, Jan 12, 2025)
- The partner who likes things as they are when you're just miserable
(Sun, Jan 05, 2025)
- The people who avoid you
(Sun, Dec 29, 2024)
- The judgments you have about others that keep you unhappy
(Sun, Dec 22, 2024)
- How your coping mechanisms may be interfering with your happiness
(Sun, Dec 15, 2024)
- The massive, impossible, overwhelming circumstances that make life feel hopeless
(Sun, Dec 08, 2024)
- Can you heal from the big reveal of your partner's past?
(Sun, Dec 01, 2024)
- Those "Nothing" people when you ask what's wrong
(Sun, Nov 24, 2024)
- The family bonds that require boundaries
(Sun, Nov 17, 2024)
- Arguing your way to understanding
(Sun, Nov 10, 2024)
- The bonds that never seem to end
(Sun, No 03, )(v 06:02:00 2024, +0000)
- When your relationships aren't exactly high quality or authentic
(Sun, Oct 27, 2024)
- What to do when someone you care about shows more excitement about their interests than you
(Sun, Oct 20, 2024)
- When people treat you as you were, not as you are
(Sun, Oct 13, 2024)
- When you love someone so much it doesn't matter how much they hurt you
(Sun, Oct 06, 2024)
- Can we get past the issues that divide us
(Sun, Sep 29, 2024)
- Dealing with hurtful people who won't change
(Sun, Sep 22, 2024)
- I didn't ask to be born and I don't want to be here
(Sun, Sep 15, 2024)
- The people who don't grow may never accept your growth
(Sun, Sep 08, 2024)
- Can an unempathetic person develop empathy?
(Sun, Sep 01, 2024)
- Obsession and regret - when you just can't stop thinking about what happened
(Sun, Aug 25, 2024)
- The part of you that you don't want others to see
(Sun, Aug 18, 2024)
- Moving out of a full life of toxic family
(Sun, Aug 11, 2024)
- Relationship challenges, insecurities, and questions
(Sun, Aug 04, 2024)
- What will you sacrifice to be happy?
(Sun, Jul 28, 2024)
- Know your worth
(Sun, Jul 21, 2024)
- The missing ingredient that can sometimes make or break a new relationship
(Sun, Jul 14, 2024)
- The growing, compounding negative emotional energy building up inside you
(Sun, Jul 07, 2024)
- Jumping to conclusions and overreacting
(Sun, Jun 30, 2024)
- Fool me three times, uh, shame on you again
(Sun, Jun 23, 2024)
- You hurt me and now I want you to hurt... forever
(Sun, Jun 16, 2024)
- Trying to connect with the emotionally disconnected person
(Sun, Jun 09, 2024)
- Why do some people have such a short fuse?
(Sun, Jun 02, 2024)
- Should you convince people who don't like or trust you to like or trust you?
(Sun, May 26, 2024)
- When shame, guilt, and regret keep you from moving forward
(Sun, May 19, 2024)
- Is your fear in control of your life?
(Sun, May 12, 2024)
- How we make others feel unworthy without doing anything at all
(Sun, May 05, 2024)
- When your lessons come back to test you
(Sun, Apr 28, 2024)
- What if I have no clue who I am?
(Sun, Apr 21, 2024)
- When family believes they know what's best for you
(Sun, Apr 14, 2024)
- When all feels lost and you believe nothing will ever be good again
(Sun, Apr 07, 2024)
- Trying to avoid overwhelm and disappointment while moving toward your goal
(Sun, Mar 31, 2024)
- The inner conflict of tough decisions
(Sun, Mar 24, 2024)
- Can a chronic complainer ever be content?
(Sun, Mar 17, 2024)
- Stuck in the middle of someone else's relationship issues
(Sun, Mar 10, 2024)
- When the new person in your life still has feelings for their ex
(Sun, Mar 03, 2024)
- How do I deal with someone always putting me down?
(Sun, Feb 25, 2024)
- The quirks that might make others judge us
(Sun, Feb 18, 2024)
- Can challenges and conflicts lead to happiness?
(Sun, Feb 11, 2024)
- Am I wasting time thinking it's ever going to get better?
(Sun, Feb 04, 2024)
- When you don't want to accept that thing they do
(Sun, Jan 28, 2024)
- You only get along when you agree they have no flaws
(Sun, Jan 21, 2024)
- Will the long-term lie tear the relationship apart?
(Sun, Jan 14, 2024)
- Should you keep the door open to people who want to close it?
(Sun, Jan 07, 2024)
- Why you can't get through to some people
(Sun, Dec 31, 2023)
- The tiny things that improve your life
(Sun, Dec 24, 2023)
- Challenges come in all shapes and sizes in romantic relationships
(Sun, Dec 17, 2023)
- When friends and family think you're making a bad decision
(Sun, Dec 10, 2023)
- Holding on to guilt
(Sun, Dec 03, 2023)
- Carrying around the past can screw up the present
(Sun, Nov 26, 2023)
- Standing proud in your own worth when others are incapable of seeing it
(Sun, Nov 19, 2023)
- BONUS - Time to sleep
(Sun, Nov 19, 2023)
- The toxic partners of friends and family can make life more challenging
(Sun, Nov 12, 2023)
- Where do you look when you believe this is all there is?
(Sun, Nov 05, 2023)
- Struggling with the fear of death
(Sun, Oct 29, 2023)
- Please get off your phone and pay attention to me
(Sun, Oct 22, 2023)
- When perpetual resentment is the new normal of the relationship
(Sun, Oct 15, 2023)
- Are your most private thoughts yours alone or for others know too?
(Sun, Oct 08, 2023)
- The part of you that can take over when things get tough
(Sun, Oct 01, 2023)
- Things are good and bad and mostly bad until they're good
(Sun, Sep 24, 2023)
- When bad things keep happening to you
(Sun, Sep 17, 2023)
- Asserting yourself without getting aggressive
(Sun, Sep 10, 2023)
- Is it possible to patch things up with family who won't let go of the past?
(Sun, Sep 03, 2023)
- Maintaining a healthy relationship with your therapist, coach, or healer
(Sun, Aug 27, 2023)
- The lessons that can change your life for the better
(Sun, Aug 20, 2023)
- When you're feeling judgmental and critical of those you love
(Sun, Aug 13, 2023)
- Getting through every day you can't stop thinking about what happened in the past
(Sun, Aug 06, 2023)
- Can you stay connected to friends and family that don't share your values?
(Sun, Jul 30, 2023)
- We're told no one can make us feel anything... Yeah right
(Sun, Jul 23, 2023)
- Filtering out the good and bad to clear the way for the great
(Sun, Jul 16, 2023)
- Crawling out of the deep hole of being someone you're not
(Sun, Jul 09, 2023)
- How do you cope with people who can't cope?
(Sun, Jul 02, 2023)
- The direct path to stronger bonds
(Sun, Jun 25, 2023)
- There are good people that do bad things and bad people that do bad things
(Sun, Jun 18, 2023)
- The path to emotionally reconnecting with yourself
(Sun, Jun 11, 2023)
- Sometimes you have no options left so you become depressed
(Sun, Jun 04, 2023)
- When confidence feels impossible
(Sun, May 28, 2023)
- Trusting the deeper part of you that is watching out for you
(Sun, May 21, 2023)
- The hard steps that lead to happiness and a life worth living
(Sun, May 14, 2023)
- How to approach those you know will be upset by what you say
(Sun, May 07, 2023)
- Trusting someone to make the right choice
(Sun, Apr 30, 2023)
- Are your feelings wrong?
(Sun, Apr 23, 2023)
- How many strikes do you give someone before they're out?
(Sun, Apr 16, 2023)
- The big, scary choices you might have to make to add more peace and comfort to your life
(Sun, Apr 09, 2023)
- When your happiness depends on and maybe even drains another person
(Sun, Apr 02, 2023)
- When everything bad happens to you and tomorrow will be just as bad or worse
(Sun, Mar 26, 2023)
- Thinking you should have accomplished a lot more by now
(Sun, Mar 19, 2023)
- Don't forget yourself: Taking the leap out of codependent behavior
(Sun, Mar 12, 2023)
- Old coping skills that don't work like they used to
(Sun, Mar 05, 2023)
- Should I accept who they are or move on with my life?
(Sun, Feb 26, 2023)
- Does vulnerability increase love and connection?
(Sun, Feb 19, 2023)
- Getting accustomed to getting older
(Sun, Feb 12, 2023)
- Toxic bonds that might need breaking
(Sun, Jan 29, 2023)
- The next steps in a stuck relationship
(Sun, Jan 22, 2023)
- When you feel like you're not that important to your friends and family
(Sun, Jan 15, 2023)
- Boring, self-absorbed people or maybe you
(Sun, Jan 08, 2023)
- Walking your talk shows you who really wants you to be happy
(Sun, Jan 01, 2023)
- Discovering those buried emotions that you'd like to release
(Sun, Dec 25, 2022)
- It's hard as hell to be vulnerable
(Sun, Dec 18, 2022)
- Where is my thank you? When you don't get acknowledgment for your kindness.
(Sun, Dec 11, 2022)
- The possibility of reconciling with estranged family
(Sun, Dec 04, 2022)
- Have you met the real you?
(Sun, Nov 27, 2022)
- Why it seems impossible to defuse some arguments
(Sun, Nov 20, 2022)
- The choices we make to avoid the choices we don't want to make
(Sun, Nov 13, 2022)
- The risk and reward of being yourself
(Sun, Nov 06, 2022)
- The obligations and responsibilities that can exhaust us
(Sun, Oct 30, 2022)
- Is there really life outside the box or is this all there is?
(Sun, Oct 23, 2022)
- Afraid they'll discover you're a fraud - The Impostor Syndrome
(Sun, Oct 16, 2022)
- Helpful ways to respond to the difficult person
(Sun, Oct 09, 2022)
- The negativity that likes to work its way into your mind and body
(Sun, Oct 02, 2022)
- The beliefs that serve you and the beliefs that don't
(Sun, Sep 25, 2022)
- Punishing yourself for your mistakes
(Sun, Sep 18, 2022)
- I promise this time I'll keep my promise
(Sun, Sep 11, 2022)
- Some people just cannot admit that they are the problem
(Sun, Sep 04, 2022)
- I do so much for them for so little in return
(Sun, Aug 28, 2022)
- When your happy place becomes your misery
(Sun, Aug 21, 2022)
- Not all parents are loving and supportive
(Sun, Aug 14, 2022)
- What's the point of the day to day just to feel depressed and anxious?
(Sun, Aug 07, 2022)
- Stuffing who you are way down can make you numb
(Sun, Jul 31, 2022)
- Giving up happiness because someone holds something over your head
(Sun, Jul 24, 2022)
- Email grab bag 5 - Codependent and stuck - New on the job - Getting a raise - Vague signals while dating
(Sun, Jul 17, 2022)
- Some dysfunctional people don't like when you're functional
(Sun, Jul 10, 2022)
- Is it worth the risk to seek a romantic relationship with a good friend?
(Sun, Jul 03, 2022)
- The toxic relationship ended but I can't forgive myself and move on
(Sun, Jun 26, 2022)
- Putting an end to your own passive aggressive behavior
(Sun, Jun 19, 2022)
- Apologizing to the ex… good idea or bad?
(Sun, Jun 12, 2022)
- Do you let the breadcrumbing toxic family member back in your life?
(Mon, Jun 06, 2022)
- Say what you mean. Mean what you say.
(Sun, May 29, 2022)
- Will you ever be good enough?
(Sun, May 22, 2022)
- The rut of waiting for someone else to decide before you can move on
(Sun, May 15, 2022)
- Carrying around the burden of someone else's secret
(Sun, May 08, 2022)
- Getting stalked online and there's something about love you should know
(Sun, May 01, 2022)
- When you're "on" too much for others but not enough for yourself
(Sun, Apr 24, 2022)
- Pretending to be the person you're not
(Sun, Apr 17, 2022)
- Stopping the head games
(Sun, Apr 10, 2022)
- When is it time to wean your parents off of you?
(Sun, Apr 03, 2022)
- To compromise, sacrifice, or support no matter what
(Sun, Mar 27, 2022)
- Balancing your life with only those things and people that matter
(Sun, Mar 20, 2022)
- The pressure that builds when you can't let go of the negative emotions
(Sun, Mar 13, 2022)
- Are you judgmental toward people that bother the heck out of you?
(Sun, Mar 06, 2022)
- When you want the greener grass on the other side - the life you want vs the life you have
(Sun, Feb 27, 2022)
- Is there such thing as an instant soul mate or is that the first warning sign of a difficult relationship?
(Sun, Feb 20, 2022)
- Not everything is your fault
(Sun, Feb 13, 2022)
- Does bad behavior ever deserve a free pass?
(Sun, Feb 06, 2022)
- The smile of denial that keeps you feeling miserable
(Sun, Jan 30, 2022)
- Is honoring yourself supposed to destroy relationships?
(Sun, Jan 23, 2022)
- Are you being mean but don't mean to be?
(Sun, Jan 16, 2022)
- Following the path that serves you best even if it feels the worst
(Sun, Jan 09, 2022)
- The pain of loss
(Sun, Jan 02, 2022)
- Stuffing emotions way down there
(Sun, Dec 26, 2021)
- How you can sabotage your own happiness waiting for others to change
(Sun, Dec 19, 2021)
- Questions to ask yourself to get to the deepest layer of repressed emotions
(Sun, Dec 12, 2021)
- How complex does something have to get before you decide to quit?
(Sun, Dec 05, 2021)
- Training yourself ahead of time to deal with difficult people
(Sun, Nov 28, 2021)
- Taking the big leap into self-worth and self-esteem
(Sun, Nov 21, 2021)
- Are difficult people really doing the best they can?
(Sun, Nov 14, 2021)
- Is there an answer to the lying, manipulative child?
(Sun, Nov 07, 2021)
- People can change but what about when they don't or wont?
(Sun, Oct 31, 2021)
- What do you do when you're so tired of the world being against you?
(Sun, Oct 24, 2021)
- Should you be happy letting go of people who are a vortex of misery in your life?
(Sun, Oct 17, 2021)
- The betrayal of relationship trust - Emotional Affairs
(Sun, Oct 10, 2021)
- Does your amazing personality intimidate others?
(Sun, Oct 03, 2021)
- Email Grab Bag 4 - Rising toleration of bad behavior, from victim to victor, porn ruining the relationship
(Sun, Sep 26, 2021)
- The obstacles that block the path to self-worth and happiness
(Sun, Sep 19, 2021)
- What did you sign up for in the relationship?
(Sun, Sep 12, 2021)
- Just how deep do you have to dig to heal unresolved issues?
(Sun, Sep 05, 2021)
- Should you erase every speck of old relationships to focus on new ones?
(Sun, Aug 29, 2021)
- Some people just like to put you down and keep you there
(Sat, Aug 21, 2021)
- Perfectionism is a fantastic procrastination tool that sabotages what you value most
(Sun, Aug 15, 2021)
- Is it me or them? Difficult people that make you think you're the problem
(Sun, Aug 08, 2021)
- Is it selfish to focus on your own personal development when others need your time and energy?
(Sun, Aug 01, 2021)
- Should you be more tolerant of bad behavior when they can't control themselves?
(Sun, Jul 25, 2021)
- How your body image can make you do things you may regret
(Thu, Jul 22, 2021)
- Can dysfunctions be useful?
(Sun, Jul 18, 2021)
- Does it make sense to try and change a controlling person?
(Sun, Jul 11, 2021)
- The best kind of relationship is the one where you can be yourself
(Sun, Jul 04, 2021)
- When you don't want to deal with someone else's fears, worries, and anxiety anymore
(Sun, Jun 27, 2021)
- Sometimes the best healing and growth takes place away from other people
(Sun, Jun 20, 2021)
- The inside the box thinking that keeps your emotional triggers alive
(Sun, Jun 13, 2021)
- What fills the holes left behind when people leave you or die?
(Sun, Jun 06, 2021)
- Is it always necessary to dive into the past to heal old traumas?
(Sun, May 30, 2021)
- The part you play when you get terrible results
(Sun, May 23, 2021)
- When feelings of inadequacy prevent you from enjoying what's right in front of you
(Sun, May 16, 2021)
- Self-reliance, self-respect, and a mindset to go along with it
(Sun, May 09, 2021)
- The hidden emotions that may be inside you and you don't know it
(Sun, May 02, 2021)
- Closing the door so that you can stop overthinking and start moving forward
(Sun, Apr 25, 2021)
- The Ten Commandments of Personal Power - Part 2
(Sun, Apr 18, 2021)
- The Ten Commandments of Personal Power - Part 1
(Sun, Apr 11, 2021)
- Random romantic relationship questions answered
(Sun, Apr 04, 2021)
- Learning to counter rude and intimidating behavior from others
(Sun, Mar 28, 2021)
- Getting comfortable in your own skin
(Sun, Mar 21, 2021)
- The secret to making passive-aggressive people less aggressive
(Sun, Mar 14, 2021)
- When their sexual history bothers you
(Sun, Mar 07, 2021)
- Every action you take in your life either increases your power or decreases it
(Sun, Feb 28, 2021)
- When the fear of failure stops you from doing anything and everything
(Sun, Feb 21, 2021)
- Laying down the ground rules for the toxic people in your life
(Sun, Feb 14, 2021)
- Making the shift from repeatedly being upset at someone else and letting it go
(Sun, Feb 07, 2021)
- The risk you take by being your authentic self
(Sun, Jan 31, 2021)
- Making the decisions that help you prevent overwhelm
(Sun, Jan 24, 2021)
- How some life choices bring on your own suffering
(Sun, Jan 17, 2021)
- Feeling more secure with your insecurities
(Sun, Jan 10, 2021)
- Learning to control your own reactions and overreactions
(Sun, Jan 03, 2021)
- The path to empowerment is full of risk and reward
(Sun, Dec 27, 2020)
- Arguing as a tool for healing
(Sun, Dec 20, 2020)
- Don't let fear of confrontation make you silent
(Sun, Dec 13, 2020)
- Learning the difference between useful and unuseful emotions will change your level of happiness
(Sun, Dec 06, 2020)
- Loosening the grip emotional pain and suffering can have on you
(Sun, Nov 29, 2020)
- How to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again
(Sun, Nov 22, 2020)
- Choosing between the empowered response and the dysfunctional one
(Sun, Nov 15, 2020)
- The past, present, and future of unpleasant memories
(Sun, Nov 08, 2020)
- Disarming people that disempower you
(Sun, Nov 01, 2020)
- When loved ones reject your reality and replace it with their own
(Sun, Oct 25, 2020)
- Feeling crazy because you don't have the answers
(Sun, Oct 18, 2020)
- Sometimes facing yourself is the only way change can happen
(Sun, Oct 11, 2020)
- Friends and family that try to be helpful but really aren't
(Sun, Oct 04, 2020)
- The pain you sometimes need to go through to increase your quality of life
(Sun, Sep 27, 2020)
- Taking the blame for their behavior
(Sun, Sep 20, 2020)
- When you don't know who you are
(Sun, Sep 13, 2020)
- What to do when the judgments come out of you
(Wed, Sep 09, 2020)
- Can there be peace and balance in an unbalanced relationship?
(Sun, Sep 06, 2020)
- Practicing non-confrontational ways to honor yourself
(Sun, Aug 30, 2020)
- What to do when you're going nowhere
(Sun, Aug 23, 2020)
- The regrets and leftover emotions after someone dies
(Sun, Aug 16, 2020)
- Do people think you're stubborn for honoring your boundaries?
(Sun, Aug 09, 2020)
- Working through those old emotional triggers so that you can stop the PTSD and start living life again
(Sun, Aug 02, 2020)
- The intimacy that happens behind their back
(Fri, Jul 31, 2020)
- When loved ones resist the decisions you need to make for yourself
(Sun, Jul 26, 2020)
- Depression or the blahs shouldn't be a way of life
(Thu, Jul 23, 2020)
- Walking around as an adult with dysfunctions from childhood
(Sun, Jul 19, 2020)
- Email grab bag: Getting ghosted while dating and when you have trouble forgiving someone who wronged you
(Thu, Jul 16, 2020)
- Should commitments always be a forever thing?
(Sun, Jul 12, 2020)
- More on taking a stand to make changes in your life - A peaceful approach or take a risk instead?
(Wed, Jul 08, 2020)
- Email grab bag: Purging awkwardness, the perfect partner, lonely and depressed
(Sun, Jul 05, 2020)
- How to deal with the worries of today and the emotional triggers of every day
(Sun, Jun 28, 2020)
- I can't get you out of my head but I need to so I can start living again
(Wed, Jun 24, 2020)
- Dealing with mean family
(Sun, Jun 21, 2020)
- Sometimes you have to take a stand to make a change in your life, even if you're scared as hell.
(Sun, Jun 14, 2020)
- Your life's purpose does not have to be about you
(Wed, Jun 10, 2020)
- Can love enable those you care about to do bad behavior_
(Sun, Jun 07, 2020)
- When people don't like you
(Sun, May 31, 2020)
- When you have to make a big decision about the relationship
(Wed, May 27, 2020)
- Waiting for someone else to change so that your life will be better
(Sun, May 24, 2020)
- The emotional aftermath of getting free of the narcissistic relationship
(Thu, May 21, 2020)
- Why you're not getting a second chance
(Sun, May 17, 2020)
- The toxic residue that lingers inside you from people that make you feel bad about yourself
(Sun, May 10, 2020)
- Learning that your adult child suffered child sexual abuse
(Thu, May 07, 2020)
- When your top values aren't being met, the rest of it falls apart
(Sun, May 03, 2020)
- Know and stand by your standards for the healthiest relationships possible
(Sun, Apr 26, 2020)
- When you desperately want an explanation or closure but you can't get it
(Sun, Apr 19, 2020)
- How to feel better about yourself
(Sun, Apr 12, 2020)
- New relationships should not create worry about what it is or isn't
(Wed, Apr 08, 2020)
- Getting comfortable letting go of what no longer serves you
(Sun, Apr 05, 2020)
- Making sure toxic people and toxic environments don't take over your life
(Sun, Mar 29, 2020)
- When social anxiety, fear, and loneliness keep you from doing what you want to do
(Sun, Mar 22, 2020)
- When life seems like an endless series of dead ends
(Sun, Mar 15, 2020)
- The one question to ask yourself when you can't figure out what to do
(Sun, Mar 08, 2020)
- Overcoming a general distrust of people and the benefit of taking risks
(Sun, Mar 01, 2020)
- Am I overreacting or are they just a jerk? And the woman who is the last to know about the family secret
(Sun, Feb 23, 2020)
- When the fear of abandonment keeps you from happiness
(Sun, Feb 16, 2020)
- Those selfish people that don't care if you're hurt by their behavior
(Sun, Feb 09, 2020)
- Bringing the best version of yourself into a world full of fearful people
(Sun, Feb 02, 2020)
- Making impossible decisions
(Sun, Jan 26, 2020)
- How to help yourself and others by accessing your inner wisdom
(Sun, Jan 19, 2020)
- Staying positive while other people get what you want and you don't
(Sun, Jan 12, 2020)
- When it feels like you never get enough from life
(Sun, Jan 05, 2020)
- Keeping old emotional pain out of the new year
(Mon, Dec 30, 2019)
- Keep your power by giving yourself one of the greatest gifts possible
(Sun, Dec 22, 2019)
- Using loved ones as a verbal punching bag
(Sun, Dec 15, 2019)
- How to avoid destroying yourself with guilt
(Sun, Dec 08, 2019)
- Being alone
(Sun, Dec 01, 2019)
- What to do when your self-improvement creates fears and conflict in others
(Sun, Nov 24, 2019)
- What comes out of you when people push you over the edge
(Sun, Nov 17, 2019)
- Establishing boundaries with toxic family
(Sun, Nov 10, 2019)
- "There must be something wrong with me": How you brainwash yourself by reinforcing negative false beliefs
(Sun, Nov 03, 2019)
- Facing the challenge, getting through it, and coming out of it new and improved
(Sun, Oct 27, 2019)
- When others make you feel small
(Sun, Oct 20, 2019)
- Are you inadvertently responsible for your own unhappiness
(Sun, Oct 13, 2019)
- Processing thoughts and emotions through self-guided questions
(Sun, Oct 06, 2019)
- Keeping your power in conversations with controlling, dominating and overpowering people
(Sun, Sep 29, 2019)
- Dealing with the impossible boss and other relationship advice when it comes to job, career and life
(Sun, Sep 22, 2019)
- Jealousy in the relationship
(Sun, Sep 15, 2019)
- When there's insecurity or fear around sex, the entire relationship suffers. And a listener disagrees with my advice
(Sun, Sep 08, 2019)
- Making difficult and sometimes painful decisions that almost always improve your life
(Sun, Sep 01, 2019)
- Enforce your boundaries, keep the balance, stop the compromising, end your suffering and more: Email grab bag episode
(Sun, Aug 25, 2019)
- What you might have to do if the people and situations in your life never improve
(Sun, Aug 18, 2019)
- The big, scary steps that lead to positive change
(Sun, Aug 11, 2019)
- Self-help variety episode: Anxiety, guilt, and people who are worried about their personal life interfering their professional life
(Sun, Aug 04, 2019)
- Changing your habitual negative emotions about the past or future
(Sun, Jul 28, 2019)
- Holding yourself in high regard when others don't
(Sun, Jul 21, 2019)
- When people don't step up in your defense
(Sun, Jul 14, 2019)
- Those intrusive, invading and disturbing thoughts that you try to resist and repress
(Sun, Jul 07, 2019)
- The tough-love principles of living a life without giving away your power
(Sun, Jun 30, 2019)
- When you just can't move forward because of inner conflict
(Sun, Jun 23, 2019)
- The decisions that cause you to lose your power and keep you in a rut
(Sun, Jun 16, 2019)
- You got through the bullying when you were younger but how do you deal with the residual as an adult?
(Sun, Jun 09, 2019)
- When you don't even realize you're giving a free pass to bad behavior: The simple formation and difficult termination of codependent relationships
(Sun, Jun 02, 2019)
- Dealing with those passive aggressive, negative, so hard to be around people that you just hope get it one day
(Sun, May 26, 2019)
- BONUS re-release: When Panic Attacks - The Anxiety Episode
(Thu, May 23, 2019)
- Utilizing your dysfunctions to work for you instead of against you
(Sun, May 19, 2019)
- Criticisms and hurtful comments from others don't apply when you are in alignment with your inner compass
(Sun, May 12, 2019)
- When you can't enjoy life because you're always waiting for the other shoe to drop
(Sun, May 05, 2019)
- Purging negative emotions as soon as they happen
(Sun, Apr 28, 2019)
- Wanting your partner to just stop doing that thing. Are Jealousy or other feelings creeping in?
(Sun, Apr 21, 2019)
- Dissolving love and connection by repressing thoughts and emotions with those you love
(Sun, Apr 14, 2019)
- Is your compassion killing you? What you think is compassion could be self-destruction
(Sun, Apr 07, 2019)
- When you're told to just accept your partner's emotional affair
(Mon, Apr 01, 2019)
- The regrets and upsets from the past that you just can't seem to get over
(Sun, Mar 24, 2019)
- Always Defending Yourself - Introduction to the Love and Abuse podcast
(Thu, Mar 21, 2019)
- The sacred components of personal boundaries and why you should define and enforce them whenever possible
(Sun, Mar 17, 2019)
- How to create the life you want
(Sun, Mar 10, 2019)
- When tiny compromises lead to resentments
(Sun, Mar 03, 2019)
- When you can't fully commit just in case there's something better
(Sun, Feb 24, 2019)
- When fear is the primary obstacle in your life
(Sun, Feb 17, 2019)
- How family drama can teach you a lot about personal boundaries
(Sun, Feb 10, 2019)
- Part 2 - Making decisions that are right for you and tackling obsession and overthinking once and for all
(Wed, Feb 06, 2019)
- Making decisions that are right for you and tackling obsession and overthinking once and for all
(Sun, Feb 03, 2019)
- Enduring the spotlight of humiliation, embarrassment and criticism
(Sun, Jan 27, 2019)
- When a guilty conscious interferes with your decisions and keeps you unhappy
(Sun, Jan 20, 2019)
- Should you leave or stay in a toxic environment - Is it ever wrong to leave the toxic person, place or thing
(Sun, Jan 13, 2019)
- When people take advantage of you
(Sun, Jan 06, 2019)
- Seven little habits that will change your life - special episode featuring Optimal Living Daily
(Wed, Jan 02, 2019)
- More self-help variety - The origin of upset, standing up to loved ones, apologies and forgiveness, shame and anger around death and more
(Sun, Dec 30, 2018)
- Self-help variety - Pushy people, jealousy, body image, self-worth, self-esteem, intrusive thoughts and more!
(Sun, Dec 23, 2018)
- When you're downright miserable at work
(Fri, Dec 21, 2018)
- Second chances - How do you know if it's safe to take someone back into your life?
(Sun, Dec 16, 2018)
- What to look for when starting a new relationship
(Sun, Dec 09, 2018)
- Giving up your power to toxic people
(Sun, Dec 02, 2018)
- Living life on your terms
(Sun, Nov 25, 2018)
- The 'take care of you' episode: Showing up as the best version of yourself
(Sun, Nov 18, 2018)
- Avoiding vulnerability and stuffing down emotions
(Sun, Nov 11, 2018)
- Why don't people understand me? Taking responsibility for the meaning of your communication
(Sun, Nov 04, 2018)
- The Silent Treatment
(Sun, Oct 28, 2018)
- Are you enabling the bad behavior of other people?
(Sun, Oct 21, 2018)
- Decrease Social Anxiety
(Wed, Oct 17, 2018)
- I'm right you're wrong: The sides we take that create division and distress
(Sun, Oct 14, 2018)
- Finding your true path so you don't end up living a false life
(Sun, Oct 07, 2018)
- Stop believing what hurtful people say to you: Transforming negative self-talk to empowerment
(Sun, Sep 30, 2018)
- How to avoid miserable relationships by knowing how to make better choices
(Sun, Sep 23, 2018)
- The phobia of commitments and making decisions
(Sun, Sep 16, 2018)
- Investigating gut feelings in relationships
(Sun, Sep 09, 2018)
- Loosening the Emotional Grip Problems Have on You
(Sun, Sep 02, 2018)
- The fear that you'll never experience something ever again
(Sun, Aug 26, 2018)
- Signs that you are a difficult person for others
(Sun, Aug 19, 2018)
- The mess of mixed messages
(Sun, Aug 12, 2018)
- When a dysfunctional upbringing leaves you with nothing but broken tools
(Sun, Aug 05, 2018)
- People pleasing your way to unhappiness
(Sun, Jul 29, 2018)
- Withdrawing love and affection
(Sun, Jul 22, 2018)
- When you just can't figure out why you're unhappy
(Sun, Jul 15, 2018)
- Is Your Negative Self-Perception Making You Believe in Lies?
(Sun, Jul 08, 2018)
- Increasing intimacy in your relationships and a comment on obsessive thinking
(Sun, Jul 01, 2018)
- Should you leave your partner if the future seems bleak?
(Sun, Jun 24, 2018)
- Pulling out of the emotional rut
(Sun, Jun 17, 2018)
- When you can't let go of guilt
(Sun, Jun 10, 2018)
- The vulnerabiliity of full self-expression
(Sun, Jun 03, 2018)
- I don't let anyone get close to me
(Sun, May 27, 2018)
- When your parent doesn't make you feel worthy
(Sun, May 20, 2018)
- Are you capable of emotional abuse?
(Sun, May 13, 2018)
- Learning the process of figuring out problems
(Sun, May 06, 2018)
- Releasing the fears and pain by walking the path of enlightenment
(Sun, Apr 29, 2018)
- Empowering yourself to fearlessness
(Sun, Apr 22, 2018)
- When you feel unlovable and unworthy
(Sun, Apr 15, 2018)
- When your partner changes their mind about your life plans
(Sun, Apr 08, 2018)
- The life decision you regret - Never find true love again - Do you value yourself
(Sun, Apr 01, 2018)
- Life changing lessons and working through introversion
(Wed, Mar 28, 2018)
- Exploring infidelity - Can the relationship survive the affair
(Sun, Mar 25, 2018)
- The life-altering mistake - Controlling others can lead to betrayal - Things narcissists do
(Sun, Mar 18, 2018)
- Emotionally unavailable - Express and heal - Cancelling Criticism
(Sun, Mar 11, 2018)
- When you lose your mentor - The biggest problem in the relationship - Control and Responsibility
(Sun, Mar 04, 2018)
- Find the Right Teacher - Everything is failing, nothing is working out
(Sun, Feb 25, 2018)
- Controlling upset toward others - Feeding dysfunctional people - Full commitment then re-evaluation
(Sun, Feb 18, 2018)
- Changing someone's life - Tackling your insecurities
(Sun, Feb 11, 2018)
- Breaking up for newbies - Enabling your own terrible relationship - Dating the emotional abuser
(Sun, Feb 04, 2018)
- Valuing Your Partner's Values for Relationship Longevity
(Wed, Jan 31, 2018)
- Handling a Rejection - Combining logic and emotion - Leaving doesn't mean not loving
(Sun, Jan 28, 2018)
- Stupid questions that heal - Dealing with the Sociopath - Endless codependence
(Sun, Jan 21, 2018)
- Will letting go of my narcissistic mom destroy my self-worth?
(Wed, Jan 17, 2018)
- Getting along with everyone - Stuck in the marriage - Get offline to stretch your mind
(Sun, Jan 14, 2018)
- Work sucks. Help.
(Sat, Jan 13, 2018)
- An Addict's Mind - Is Suffering Optional - Avoid Healing by Judging Others
(Sun, Jan 07, 2018)
- Resolving Before New Years - Are You The Problem - Free Will or Destiny - Get Ready for Next Year
(Sun, Dec 31, 2017)
- They love you but don't like to say it - Getting over the guilt of how you treated your ex - You can manipulate but should you
(Sun, Dec 24, 2017)
- The Adapting Chameleon Personality - When they hurt you to get rid of you - Accepting or denying toxic family members
(Sun, Dec 17, 2017)
- When your partner sides with their family against you
(Wed, Dec 13, 2017)
- The cheater who went from kind to cold when caught - Ex won't return even after I improve - Your intuition needs closure
(Sun, Dec 10, 2017)
- Holding on to a lie to keep the relationship going
(Wed, Dec 06, 2017)
- Attracting higher quality partners - Feeling sorry for those that abuse you - Try, try again or do or do not
(Sun, Dec 03, 2017)
- Escaping the Real World - Kids and the Narcissistic Parent - The Isolation of the Child Sexual Abuse Survivor
(Sun, Nov 26, 2017)
- Losing love and the general lies we tell ourselves
(Sun, Nov 19, 2017)
- Freeze instead of fight or flight - Learning what didn't work with the ex - Healing the hole in your heart
(Sun, Nov 12, 2017)
- The abuse victim's perspective - Step-parents and step-children - When honoring yourself leads to loneliness
(Sun, Nov 05, 2017)
- Keeping Your Relationship from Slipping into Dysfunction
(Sun, Oct 29, 2017)
- Stonewalling - Expectations of friends - Emotional abuse follows you - Get away to get closer to people
(Sun, Oct 22, 2017)
- How to feed your brain - Why do abusers abuse? - Too scared to be in a relationship - Everything is temporary
(Sun, Oct 15, 2017)
- Guilt stops growth - Dad's new girlfriend - Enabling the freeloader
(Sun, Oct 08, 2017)
- Those "think positively" people - Little problems that lead to explosive reactions - What is a toxic person?
(Sun, Oct 01, 2017)
- Mother treats me badly - Early warning signs in relationships - You are not that - Bypassing intuition
(Sun, Sep 24, 2017)
- When "I Know" prevents healing - How to be a safe partner - When others bypass your intuition
(Sun, Sep 17, 2017)
- The no-win conversation - Lashing out at others - Blame the cheater not yourself
(Sun, Sep 10, 2017)
- Success via stress - Never too old - judging others when you do the same thing - The guilt of the infidel
(Sun, Sep 03, 2017)
- Obsessing about people - Can your marriage heal if you grow - Online shaming
(Sun, Aug 27, 2017)
- See me, Judge me - Is your opinion really that important?- Stop Oversharing - What is No Contact?
(Sun, Aug 20, 2017)
- Trusting Your Gut - Can You Reconcile with Someone You've Hurt - Making Decisions Easier
(Sun, Aug 13, 2017)
- Blaming Others for Everything - Does time heal? - The overworking ADD partner - Hanging up on family
(Sun, Aug 06, 2017)
- Wanting someone who doesn't want you - The price of inauthenticity - When you want someone to get help
(Sun, Jul 30, 2017)
- Criticism and how you are like them - How to start the therapeutic process - The damage to the soul when someone dies
(Sun, Jul 23, 2017)
- So What You're Afraid - Avoiding Unavoidable People - To Start Anew or Wait for the Old
(Sun, Jul 16, 2017)
- Feeling Unworthy by Comparison - Your Partner's Controlling Parent - Breakdown of Narcissism - Recycling Dysfunction
(Sun, Jul 09, 2017)
- Handling negative feedback - Stop worrying about everything - Enabling is disabling - Guilt and apologies
(Tue, Jul 04, 2017)
- Does Authenticity Make You Cringe - Getting Past Your Partner's Past - Building Rapport with People
(Sun, Jun 25, 2017)
- Rekindling with toxic family - The long-term results of honoring yourself - Even the victim plays a role - Contact or no contact your ex
(Sun, Jun 18, 2017)
- All those years wasted with your ex - When hope works against you - Under the stream of negative emotions
(Sun, Jun 11, 2017)
- Identifying Your Sense of Self - Overcoming the Guilt of Leaving the Emotional Abuser - Diminishing Emotional Triggers
(Sun, Jun 04, 2017)
- When You Haven't Achieved Life Goals Yet - Walking the Line Between Partner and Consoler - Waiting for Your Ex to Return to the Relationship
(Sun, May 28, 2017)
- Starting Sex Before the Bedroom - Achieving Closure After the Breakup - Attracting Authentic People
(Sun, May 21, 2017)
- Fear-Based Decision Making - Wanting more than friendship - Giving it all away for free
(Sun, May 14, 2017)
- Holding on to regrets and resentments - What is healthy communication? - When it can't get any worse
(Sun, May 07, 2017)
- When it's time to call it quits in a relationship - Weaning family off you - Finding Purpose
(Sun, Apr 30, 2017)
- Don't Want You in My Mind - Spouse's Parents Don't Like Me - Most Important Relationship Lessons - Standing in Other's Shoes
(Sun, Apr 23, 2017)
- What are Guilt and Shame - Fearing Rejection and Abandonment - Solving All Your Problems
(Sun, Apr 16, 2017)
- Suicidal Thoughts - You're Not Alone - The Big Picture in Relationships - Taking Time to Heal Loneliness
(Sun, Apr 09, 2017)
- Emotionally Needy People - Tapping into your Foundation - I Didn't Ask For Your Advice - Fighting Desires
(Sun, Apr 02, 2017)
- Failing the Challenge - Silent Abuse in Relationships - Depressed and Unmotivated - Appreciating What Works
(Sun, Mar 26, 2017)
- Committing to a Decision - Chronic Pain and Suffering - Trouble Receiving - Expanding Beyond You
(Sun, Mar 19, 2017)
- Surviving the Crisis - Self-Perpetuating Abuse - Building Resilience Through Criticism
(Sun, Mar 12, 2017)
- Settling for a job because you can't find anything better
(Tue, Mar 07, 2017)
- Overcoming General Unease - When Nothing Works Out in Life - Questioning Trust in Relationships
(Sun, Mar 05, 2017)
- The Abused Mind and Mixed Signals in Relationships - Still Mourning - Overcoming Your Overwhelmed Brain
(Sun, Feb 26, 2017)
- Breaking Through Obsessive Thoughts - Is Everyone Toxic? - The Real Issue in the Relationship
(Sun, Feb 19, 2017)
- Bad Luck and Great Fortune - Stuck with No Way Out - Small Lies and Big Problems - Advice For Life
(Sun, Feb 12, 2017)
- Judging Others - Moving from Guilt to Great - Guilt is a Path to Compassion
(Sun, Feb 05, 2017)
- When love isn't enough - Will marriage fix dysfunction? - Untying selfishness from personal boundaries - Tolerating abuse
(Sun, Jan 29, 2017)
- Racism does not make good rapport - Can Separation save your relationship_ - The standards of a good relationship
(Sun, Jan 22, 2017)
- Why do we dream - The baggage of new love - You either give or take
(Sun, Jan 15, 2017)
- The Formula for Friendship - Tuning Into the Yellow Flags of Betrayal - Trusting Relationships
(Sun, Jan 08, 2017)
- Forget New Years Resolutions, Let's Talk About Commitment and Compatibility
(Sun, Jan 01, 2017)
- A Journey into Jealousy - The Dysfunctional Family Holiday Season - Their Emotions are not Your Responsibility
(Sun, Dec 25, 2016)
- The Emotional Healing Journey - To Express or Not To Express - Focus on Yourself
(Sun, Dec 18, 2016)
- The partner who'd rather be anywhere but home - Honoring myself everywhere but home - The present moment
(Sun, Dec 11, 2016)
- The Toxic Episode - The toxic relationship - Validating toxic friends - Enabling Toxic Behavior
(Sun, Dec 04, 2016)
- The Spiritual Lessons Connecting the Past to Present - Letting Family Hit Rock Bottom - Alone on the Holidays
(Sun, Nov 27, 2016)
- Getting better at receiving - Recovering from abusive love - Living with the affair
(Sun, Nov 20, 2016)
- Selfish or self-sustaining? - The mom who wasn't there for me - Obsession about my partner's history
(Sun, Nov 13, 2016)
- Begin Healing From Childhood Sexual Abuse
(Sun, Nov 06, 2016)
- The Meaning of Communication - Guilt by Manipulation - Obsessing Over the Ex
(Sun, Oct 30, 2016)(00 , )
- The Pattern of Anxiety - Saving Anger Only For Those Closest to You
(Sun, Oct 23, 2016)
- Laughing at Criticism - There Are No Terrible Children - Fixing Your Own Toxic Behavior
(Sun, Oct 16, 2016)
- Measuring Your Worth and Esteem - Jealous and Insecure in the Relationship
(Sun, Oct 09, 2016)
- The Silent Treatment - The Drawbacks of Non-Confrontational Behavior - Permission to Hate
(Sun, Oct 02, 2016)
- Indecision and Stagnation - Realizations of a New, Bad Marriage - Music and Emotions
(Sun, Sep 25, 2016)
- Losing Your Identity in the Relationship - The Brilliant, Worthy You - Exes as Friends - The Right Partner
(Sun, Sep 18, 2016)
- The Bad First Impression - Living with Debilitating Pain - Fear of Doing Whats Right For You
(Sun, Sep 04, 2016)
- The Yeah But Mentality - Life After Abuse - Rejecting Former Friends
(Sun, Aug 28, 2016)
- Building emotional deficit - Can't find or keep friends - In Love But Still Cheated
(Sun, Aug 21, 2016)
- My Partner Changed But Is It Too Late - Guilt About Leaving the Marriage - More Manipulative People
(Sun, Aug 14, 2016)
- The Dysfunction of The New Normal - Offending Defensive People
(Sun, Aug 07, 2016)
- Strength in vulnerability - What if divorce is a mistake? - Never happy without someone else in my life
(Sun, Jul 31, 2016)
- The choice to confront - Release the pressure of negativity - can long distance love work
(Sun, Jul 17, 2016)
- When people don't like you - Is it time to get a divorce - Some family isn't healthy to keep
(Sun, Jul 10, 2016)
- The secrets that we keep - Feeling overexposed and hollow inside - Lonely when you are not alone
(Sun, Jul 10, 2016)
- Getting control back - The small door out of depression - The unforever soulmate - Emotionally disconnected partners
(Sun, Jul 03, 2016)
- You still have to do the work - Protecting your kids from dysfunction - The chain of thoughts
(Sat, Jun 18, 2016)
- Taking the opposite advice - I feel unlovable and unwanted
(Sun, Jun 12, 2016)
- Learning your boundaries - Utilizing anger in a healthy way - Accepting the limitations of others
(Sun, Jun 05, 2016)
- Acting from Integrity - Balancing personal growth with relationship growth - Knowing when you are out of love - Making the right choices
(Sun, May 29, 2016)
- The Kids Episode - For Kids And The Kid In You
(Sun, May 22, 2016)
- Healing from New Age Thinking - The fears in honoring yourself - The stolen childhood of Adult Children of Alcoholics
(Sun, May 15, 2016)
- The relationship you have with yourself - Wanting the anxiety to go away - Enabling abusive people
(Sun, May 08, 2016)
- The Process of Self-Sabotage - You don't have to forgive everyone - Anxiety all the time
(Sun, May 01, 2016)
- Codependency: The Subtle Erosion of Love and Connection
(Sun, Apr 24, 2016)
- Depending on Abusive People - When Physical Pain Will Not End - Should You Take Someone Who Desperately Wants You
(Sun, Apr 24, 2016)
- How your needs drive your behavior and motivation
(Sun, Apr 24, 2016)
- You Are Not Alone in Your Challenges But May Feel Alone in Your Relationship
(Sun , )(, Apr 17, 2016)
- Resolving Emotions Mindfully - I'm Not Cheating So Whats The Big Deal
(Sun, Apr 03, 2016)
- Keep Showing Up and Bringing Value - Dealing With The Pain of Lost Love and Starting the Healing
(Sun, Mar 27, 2016)
- Kids Humiliating Kids - My Boss is Irrational - Enablers Give Their Dependents a Free Ride - The Meaning of Spirituality
(Sun, Mar 20, 2016)
- You Cannot Control Every Thought - Taking the Leap Into The Improved You - Making Empowered Decisions Around Family
(Sun, Mar 13, 2016)
- The Abused Mind in Relationships - A Listener Gets Cheated On And Kicked Out - Wanting Others To Do What You Believe is Right
(Sun, Mar 06, 2016)
- Spotting the Red Flags of Incongruent Metaphysical Teachings - Keeping Your Cool at Work - Empowering Others
(Sun, Feb 28, 2016)
- Healing And Growing From The Dysfunction of Childhood - The Depression of Sexuality
(Sun, Feb 21, 2016)
- Aligning With Fulfillment - The Disrespecting Unloving Relationship - Brain Trick For Eliminating Negative Emotions
(Sun, Feb 14, 2016)
- The Emotional Debt of Financial Debt - A Listener Works Minimum Wage and Owes Two Hundred Thousand for College - You Are a Specialist
(Sun, Feb 07, 2016)
- A Yes Person Can Say No - Fear While Talking to People - Even a Goldfish has Emotions
(Sun, Jan 31, 2016)
- Transforming the Jerk - Ask Paul About Waiting During a Long Distance Relationship - Making a Contingency Plan in Case of a Break Up or Divorce
(Sun, Jan 24, 2016)
- A Perspective on Living with Chronic Pain - Coming Out in the World and Broadcasting Your True Self
(Sun, Jan 17, 2016)
- The Snapping Point of Lasting Change and Finding Compassion When People are Petty
(Sat, Jan 09, 2016)
- Standing Up For Yourself Is The Right Thing - Getting Resistance While Honoring Your Boundaries - A Listener Stops Listening and Calls Me Out
(Sun, Jan 03, 2016)
- The physical symptoms of emotional turmoil - The Unfaithful Husband and the Wife Who Never Let it Go - A Story of Giving for the Holidays
(Sun, Dec 20, 2015)
- Finding peace when so many people are suffering - Listener email about desperately wanting to save a relationship - inner emotion expressed outwardly through voice and movement
(Sun, Dec 13, 2015)
- "I Want to End My Life" - A Letter from a 14 Year Old Considering Suicide - Special Episode
(Sun, Dec 06, 2015)
- Gain Empowerment and Inner Strength by Accepting that Death Could Be The Outcome
(Tue, Dec 01, 2015)
- The One You Feed - The Good Wolf Interview with Eric Zimmer - Then I Talk on Depression and Beliefs then Close the Show with Gratitude.
(Sun, Nov 22, 2015)
- Changing Bad Habits, an Inspiring Letter from Someone with an Eating Disorder , and Jared Fogle and Antisocial Personality Disorder - or the Sociopath
(Sun, Nov 15, 2015)
- Eliminating Negative Memories, the Yin Yang of Masculine and Feminine, and Emotional Detachment
(Sun, Nov 08, 2015)
- Getting the Big Picture in Arguments, Honoring Personal Boundaries with Parents, and Creating the Life You Want
(Sun, Nov 01, 2015)
- Self-Worth, Self-Esteem and Choosing to Handle Situations as the Child or the Adult
(Sun, Oct 25, 2015)
- Self-Compassion and Fearing Happiness
(Sun, Oct 18, 2015)
- Do You Control Fate - Recovering From The Lies You've Told - You Can Spot a Fake Laugh and inauthentic behavior
(Sun, Oct 11, 2015)
- The Long, Dirty Divorce Episode: Enduring The Emotional Drain of a Never-Ending Broken Marriage
(Sun, Sep 27, 2015)
- Adapting to Change and Accepting Death
(Sun, Sep 20, 2015)
- Do You Forgive? And a Little Bit on Shame
(Sun, Sep 13, 2015)
- Part 2 - The Seven Habits of Highly Overextended People
(Sun, Aug 23, 2015)
- Part 1 - The Seven Habits of Highly Overextended People
(Sun, Aug 16, 2015)
- The Family Curse: Do You Become Who You Are Around Family, or Who You Used To Be?
(Sun, Aug 09, 2015)
- Programming Your Future for Success
(Sun, Jul 12, 2015)
- What's Missing In My Life?
(Sun, Jul 05, )( 06:00:00 2015, +0000)
- The Problem with Resisting Your Problems
(Sun, Jun 28, 2015)
- The 10 Components of a Satisfying, Loving Relationship - Part 2
(Fri, Jun 26, 2015)
- The 10 Components of a Satisfying, Loving Relationship - Part 1
(Thu, Jun 25, 2015)
- Stop Justifying Your Poisonous Beliefs - The Curse of Denial
(Sun, Jun 21, 2015)
- The Deception of Perfectionism
(Sun, Jun 14, 2015)
- Relationship Boundaries and Strengthening the Bond
(Sun, Jun 07, 2015)
- How Do You Show Up In Life?
(Sun, May 31, 2015)
- The Everyday Bully and Bully Behavior
(Sun, May 17, 2015)
- The Breakthrough from the Breakdown and a Note on Assumptions
(Sun, May 10, 2015)
- When Those Deeper Negative Emotions Just Won't Go Away
(Sun, Apr 19, 2015)
- Setting Goals for People who Hate Setting Goals
(Sun, Apr 12, 2015)
- When Others Aren't Ready for you to Evolve
(Sun, Apr 05, 2015)
- The 5 Simple Realizations of a Peaceful Mind
(Sun, Mar 29, 2015)
- What's the Point of Life Without Joy and Happiness?
(Sun, Mar 22, 2015)
- More Motivation and Less Anxiety by Building a Healthy Ego
(Sun, Mar 15, 2015)
- Sometimes the End of a Relationship is the Beginning of a New Challenge
(Sun, Mar 08, 2015)
- Start Trusting Your Instincts
(Sun, Feb 08, 2015)
- 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do with Amy Morin
(Sun, Feb 01, 2015)
- Annoyed by your job? Making the transition into something that fits you.
(Sun, Jan 25, 2015)
- Reducing Negative Self-Talk
(Sun, Jan 18, 2015)
- Closing the Past to Open the Future
(Sun, Jan 11, 2015)
- A Practice in Mindfulness
(Sun, Dec 21, 2014)
- 10 Life Lessons You Should Already Know – Part 2
(Sun, Dec 14, 2014)
- 10 Life Lessons You Should Already Know - Part 1
(Sun, Dec 07, 2014)
- Questioning Your Truths - The Philosophy of Belief
(Sun, Nov 16, 2014)
- Judgment - The Ultimate Relationship Destroyer
(Sun, Nov 09, 2014)
- What you think you know you probably don't
(Sun, Nov 02, 2014)
- Honoring Your Personal Boundaries - Revisited
(Sat, Oct 25, 2014)
- Dealing with the Victim Mentality
(Sun, Oct 19, 2014)
- Empowerment Through Vulnerability
(Sun, Oct 12, 2014)
- Infidelity - An Overlooked Warning Sign and Healing in the Aftermath
(Sat, Oct 04, 2014)
- Releasing Emotional Triggers in Relationships
(Sun, Sep 28, 2014)
- Repressed emotions cause harm to the body
(Sun, Sep 21, 2014)
- Practicing Presence in a World of Past Hurts and Future Worries
(Sun, Sep 14, 2014)
- Ending Suffering and Moving Towards Inner Peace
(Sun, Aug 24, 2014)
- That "Blink" Moment, and Making the Right Decisions
(Sun, Aug 17, 2014)
- Optimism, Pessimism and Creating the Life You Want
(Sun, Aug 10, 2014)
- Clearing the Path to Happiness
(Sun, Aug 03, 2014)
- How to deal with irrational people
(Sun, Jul 27, 2014)
- How embracing the masculine and feminine in you leads to a fulfilling life
(Mon, Jul 21, 2014)
- Building self-esteem and self-worth, while avoiding the ego trap
(Sun, Jul 20, 2014)
- Avoiding and Eliminating Humiliation and Embarrassment
(Sun, Jul 13, 2014)
- Letting Go of Attachments Part 2
(Sun, Jul 06, 2014)
- Letting go of attachments Part 1
(Sun, Jun 29, 2014)
- The Challenge and Freedom of Forgiveness
(Mon, Jun 16, 2014)
- Can Your Defense Mechanisms Keep You From Creating the Life You Want?
(Sun, Jun 08, 2014)
- How to live a more balanced life by accessing your inner strength
(Sun, May 25, 2014)
- Relationship love, acceptance, and the decision to leave or stay
(Sun, May 04, 2014)