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- 00 Preface and Introduction
- 01 Pt. I, Ch. I Learning to Support the Tone
- 02 Pt. I, Ch. II Learning to Free the Tone
- 03 Pt. I, Ch. III Learning to Re-enforce the Tone
- 04 Pt. II, Ch. I The Technique of the Instrument: Discussion
- 05 Pt. II, Ch. II Study in Change of Pitch
- 06 Pt. II, Ch. III Study in Inflection
- 07 Pt. II, Ch. IV Study in Tone-color
- 08 Pt. III, Ch. I The Law of Approach
- 09 Pt. III Ch. II The Essay
- 10 Pt. III Ch. III The Fable
- 11 Pt. III Ch. IV Lyric Poetry including detailed study of Ode to a Skylark and complete poems Candlemas; Enamoured Architect of Airy Rhyme; The Flower's Name; Hunting Song; Hymn Before Sunrise, in the Vale of Chamouni; I Saw a New World; It was a Lover and his Lass; Juan's and Pablo's Songs from The Spanish Gypsy; The Lesser Children, or A Threnody at the Hunting Season; Love in the Winds; Marching Along; Memory; My Star; Pack, Clouds, Away and Welcome Day; She Was a Phantom of Delight; Topsy-turvy World.
- 12 Pt. III Ch. V Didactic Poetry including complete poems Each and All and Forbearance by R. W. Emerson.
- 13 Pt. III Ch. VI The Short Story including the complete short story The Revolt of 'Mother' by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman.
- 14 Pt. III Ch. VII Epic Poetry
- 15 Pt. III Ch. VIII The Dramatic Monologue and the Play including complete poems Incident of the French Camp; My Last Duchess; A Tale (epilogue to Two Poets of Croisic) by Robert Browning.