The Romance of Modern Chemistry
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The Dawn of Chemistry
Alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone
Nature's Building Material
Invisible Substances, and How We Know of Their Existence
Elements with a Double Identity
Metals, Common and Uncommon
Where Two Metals are Better than One
Acids and Alkalis
Natural Waters, and What They May Contain
Chemical Changes which Produce Light and Heat
How Fire is Made
Nature's Stores of Fuels
More About Fuel
Flame: What is It?
Explosions and Explosives
Below Zero
Chemistry at High Temperatures
Chemistry of the Stars
Chemistry of Agriculture
Sugar and Starch
Fats and Oils
How Man Competes with Nature
The Adulteration of Food
The Value of the By-product
Valuable Substances from Unlikely Sources
Chemistry and Electricity
Some Interesting Facts about Solutions
From Solutions to Crystals
Great Effects from Small Causes
How Trifling Observations Lead to Great Discoveries