The Passenger Pigeon
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My Boyhood Among the Pigeons
The Passenger Pigeon - from American Ornithology by Alexander Wilson
The Passenger Pigeon - from Ornithological Biography by John James Audubon
As James Fenimore Cooper Saw It
The Wild Pigeon of North America - by Chief Pokagon in The Chautauquan
The Passenger Pigeon - from Life Histories of N. American Birds by Charles Bendire
Netting the Pigeons - by William Brewster in The Auk
Efforts to Check the Slaughter by Prof. H. B. Roney
The Pigeon Butcher's Defense - by E. T. Martin in American Field
Notes of a Vanished Industry
Recollections of Old Timers
The Last of the Pigeons
What Became of the Wild Pigeon? by Sullivan Cook in Field and Stream
A Novel Theory of Extinction by C.H. Ames and Robert Ridgway
News From John Burroughs
The Pigeon in Manitoba - by George E. Atkinson
The Passenger Pigeon in Confinement - by Ruthven Deane in The Auk
Nesting Habits of The Passenger Pigeon - by Dr. Morris Gibbs in The Oologist
Miscellaneous Notes