The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders
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My true name is so well known...
Thus far I have had a smooth story to tell...
But things did not end here...
I was reduced very low indeed...
I loved the company indeed of men of mirth...
But I come now to my own case...
I was now the most unhappy of all women...
When I parted with my brother...
We lived thus near two years...
I was now a single person again...
I came the next evening...
He rose before me in the morning...
While I was here, and before I was brought to bed...
The first sensible reflect I made...
My comrade, having the brand of an old offender...
With all these fine compliments we parted...
I had dressed myself up in a very mean habit...
It was not long after the affair with the mercer...
I was now returned to London...
In the meantime my poor distressed governess...
I must return to my own case...
Here was a perplexity...