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- 01 - Showing How Philip Lachance Sing a Song, How He is Rewarded, and How Policeman Spencer is Troubled by the Presence on His Beat by a Very Suspicious Character
- 02 - Showing How Philip and Mr. Dunne, Becoming Friends, Pass an Agreeable Half Hour and How Mr. Dunne Gets an Idea, Which He Discreetly Keeps to Himself
- 03 - In Which the Reader, Going Back to the Month of November, and the City of New York, is Witness to a Music Lesson that was Never Finished
- 04 - In Which Isobel Lachance Finds and Loses Her Vocation
- 05 - In Which Mrs. Lachance Gives Isobel a Strange Order, and Dies
- 06 - In Which Isobel Announces Her Resolution, and Professor Himmelstein Creates a Scene
- 07 - In Which the Lachances Make Their Farewells and Go to Milwaukee
- 08 - In Which Philip Tells Isobel About Mr. Dunne, and, Finding a Dollar in His Pocket, Thinks Himself Rich
- 09 - The Concert, the Face at the Window, and the Mystery of the Overcoats
- 10 - Isobel's Hour of Desolation
- 11 - A Morning Walk with Surprising Results, Which, As the reader Shall Presently Learn, Have Much to do With the Fates and Fortunes of the Lachances
- 12 - In Which Some Very Pleasant Characters Make Their Appearance, and the Day, Begun So Sadly, Is Ushed Out to the Merry Jingle of Sleigh-Bells and the Happy Laughter of Joyous Youth
- 13 - Farewell to Milwaukee! The 'Anarchist' Again Attracts Attention
- 14 - Philip Meets an Old Friend, and Gets a Surprise Which Literally Takes Away His Breath
- 15 - In Which Professor Himmelstein Gives an Account of Himself and Restores Philip to Perfect Good Humor
- 16 - In Which Marion Philippo is Prepared to Astound a Most Cultured Milkwaukee Audience
- 17 - An Old Friend Appears on the Scene Again, and the Audience is Treated to its First Pleasant Surprise
- 18 - In Which the Audience is Surprised Beyond the Wildest Dreams of Professor Himmelstein, and Philip is the Most Astounded Boy That Ever Sang in Public on the Stage
- 19 - A Chapter of Recognitian and Surprises, Philip Decides to Remain in Milwaukee, and Isoble Gets a Gladsome Message
- 20 - In Which There is a Joyful Homecoming, and Mr. Hammond, Obeying His Grandchild, Arises and Goes to His Father's House
- 21 - Isobel Hears the Angels Calling