Emily Dickinson on Death
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01 - Amherst, January 2, 1851, to Mrs. Strong
02 - Autumn, 1876, to Dr. and Mrs. Holland
03 - 'Let down the bars, O Death!'
04 - 'Going to Heaven!'
05 - 'Morns like these we parted'
06 - 'I read my sentence steadily'
07 - 'The only ghost I ever saw'
08 - Memorials
09 - The Journey
10 - Going
11 - 'If I should die'
12 - Ghosts
13 - 'What inn is this'
14 - Till The End
15 - The Chariot
16 - 'Death is a dialogue'
17 - At Length
18 - Numen Lumen
19 - 'I meant to find her when I came'
20 - 'If I may have it when it's dead'
21 - 'There's been a death in the opposite house'
22 - 'After great pain, a formal feeling comes'