The American Housewife
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01- Meat Part 1
02- Meat Part 2
03-Meat Pies
04- Gravies & Sauces
05- Soups & Various Methods of Cooking Eggs
06- Fish
07- Vegetables
08- Pickles
09- Bread & Biscuit
10- Hot Cakes
11- Sweet Cakes Part 1
12- Sweet Cakes Part 2
13- Trifles, Blanc Manges & Creams
14-Pastry & Pies
15- Custards
16- Puddings
17- Fritters and Dumplings & Syrups
18- Sweetmeats
19- Jellies
20- Common Drinks
21- Essences, Perfumery, & Cookery for the Sick
22- Misc, Receipts Relevant to Housewifery Part 1
23- Misc, Receipts Relevant to Housewifery Part 2
24- Misc, Receipts Relevant to Housewifery Part 3
25- Common Dyes & Soaps
26- The Art of Carving