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- Preface
- Bk 01, ch. 01: M. Myriel
- Bk 01, ch. 02: M. Myriel becomes M. Welcome
- Bk 01, ch. 03: A Hard Bishopric for a Good Bishop
- Bk 01, ch. 04: Works corresponding to Words
- Bk 01, ch. 05: Monseigneur Bienvenu made his Cassocks last too long
- Bk 01, ch. 06: Who guarded his House for him
- Bk 01, ch. 07: Cravatte
- Bk 01, ch. 08: Philosophy after Drinking
- Bk 01, ch. 09: The Brother as depicted by the Sister
- Bk 01, ch. 10: The Bishop in the Presence of an Unknown Light
- Bk 01, ch. 11: A Restriction
- Bk 01, ch. 12: The Solitude of Monseigneur Welcome
- Bk 01, ch. 13: What he believed
- Bk 01, ch. 14: What he thought
- Bk 02, ch. 01: The Evening of a Day of Walking
- Bk 02, ch. 02: Prudence counselled to Wisdom
- Bk 02, ch. 03: The Heroism of Passive Obedience
- Bk 02, ch. 04: Details concerning the Cheese-Dairies of Pontarlier
- Bk 02, ch. 05: Tranquillity
- Bk 02, ch. 06: Jean Valjean
- Bk 02, ch. 07: The Interior of Despair
- Bk 02, ch. 08: Billows and Shadows
- Bk 02, ch. 09: New Troubles
- Bk 02, ch. 10: The Man aroused
- Bk 02, ch. 11: What he does
- Bk 02, ch. 12: The Bishop works
- Bk 02, ch. 13: Little Gervais
- Bk 03, ch. 01: The Year 1817
- Bk 03, ch. 02: A Double Quartette
- Bk 03, ch. 03: Four and Four
- Bk 03, ch. 04: Tholomyes is so Merry that he sings a Spanish Ditty
- Bk 03, ch. 05: At Bombardas
- Bk 03, ch. 06: A Chapter in which they adore Each Other
- Bk 03, ch. 07: The Wisdom of Tholomyes
- Bk 03, ch. 08: The Death of a Horse
- Bk 03, ch. 09: A Merry End to Mirth
- Bk 04, ch. 01: One Mother meets Another Mother
- Bk 04, ch. 02: First Sketch of Two Unprepossessing Figures
- Bk 04, ch. 03: The Lark
- Bk 05, ch. 01: The History of a Progress in Black Glass Trinkets
- Bk 05, ch. 02: Madeleine
- Bk 05, ch. 03: Sums deposited with Laffitte
- Bk 05, ch. 04: M. Madeleine in Mourning
- Bk 05, ch. 05: Vague Flashes on the Horizon
- Bk 05, ch. 06: Father Fauchelevent
- Bk 05, ch. 07: Fauchelevent becomes a Gardener in Paris
- Bk 05, ch. 08: Madame Victurnien expends Thirty Francs on Morality
- Bk 05, ch. 09: Madame Victurnien's Success
- Bk 05, ch. 10: Result of the Success
- Bk 05, ch. 11: Christus nos Liberavit
- Bk 05, ch. 12: M. Bamatabois's Inactivity
- Bk 05, ch. 13: The Solution of Some Questions connected with the Municipal Police
- Bk 06, ch. 01: The Beginning of Repose
- Bk 06, ch. 02: How Jean may become Champ
- Bk 07, ch. 01: Sister Simplice
- Bk 07, ch. 02: The Perspicacity of Master Scaufflaire
- Bk 07, ch. 03: A Tempest in a Skull
- Bk 07, ch. 04: Forms assumed by Suffering during Sleep
- Bk 07, ch. 05: Hindrances
- Bk 07, ch. 06: Sister Simplice put to the Proof
- Bk 07, ch. 07: The Traveller on his Arrival takes Precautions for Departure
- Bk 07, ch. 08: An Entrance by Favor
- Bk 07, ch. 09: A Place where Convictions are in Process of Formation
- Bk 07, ch. 10: The System of Denials
- Bk 07, ch. 11: Champmathieu more and more Astonished
- Bk 08, ch. 01: In what Mirror M. Madeleine contemplates his Hair
- Bk 08, ch. 02: Fantine Happy
- Bk 08, ch. 03: Javert Satisfied
- Bk 08, ch. 04: Authority reasserts its Rights
- Bk 08, ch. 05: A Suitable Tomb