Historical Newspaper Articles, Volume 2
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1848-06-10 Excitement & Enthusiasm of Gold Washing Still Continues -- Increases,
1859-01-11 American Industry Abroad
1884-10-22 Dakota. A Description of One of the Most Perfect Apartment Houses in
1886-10-29 France's Gift Accepted
1888-09-01 Another Murder in Whitechapel
1889-07-18 The Whitechapel Crime
1889-07-21 Whitechapel Crimes and French Elections
1889-09-11 Another London Murder
1893-05-22 World's Fair Annoyances
1900-12-01 Memorial Notices Mr. Oscar Wilde
1906-05-26 How to Dress in the Water
1906-06-26 Thaw Murders Stanford White
1910-04-09 A Girl's Visions and Her Career
1911-03-26 141 Men and Girls Die in Waist Factory Fire
1911-12-03 'Typhoid Mary' Asks $50,000 from City
1915-10-03 The Novel is Doomed, Will Harben Thinks
1917-05-19 Anarchists Demand Strike to End War
1918-01-13 The Story of Harry Houdini
1919-08-29 The Progress of the Film
1920-01-17 America 'Dry' Tonight