Confessions, Volumes 1 and 2
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01 - Vol. 1: "I have entered upon a performance..."
02 - "How could I become cruel or vicious..."
03 - "If ever education was perfectly chaste..."
04 - Near thirty years passed away..."
05 - "I had already become a redresser of grievances..."
06 - "Thus before my future destination..."
07 - "My master had a journeyman..."
08 - "I never thought money so desirable..."
09 - "In less than a year I had exhausted..."
10 - Vol. 2: "The moment in which fear..."
11 - "Louise-Eleonore de Warens..."
12 - "The difficulty still remained..."
13 - "My pleasing inquietudes..."
14 - "It is understood, I believe, that a child..."
15 - "At length, sufficiently instructed..."
16 - "Walking one morning, pretty early..."
17 - "To return to our Aegisthus, the fluter..."
18 - "Madame de Vercellis never addressed a word to me..."