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- The life of poetry: Jerome Rothenberg selections
(Mon, Sep 25, 2006)
- Finding the words: Two Jena Osman recordings
(Mon, Nov 27, 2006)
- "Trying to Live As If It Were Morning": Tom Devaney's PennSound playlist
(Thu, Dec 21, 2006)
- To bring out the inherent awfulness: Flarf Poetry Festival
(Thu, Mar 22, 2007)
- What you know most isn't true: an interview with Steve Evans
(Tue, Jun 19, 2007)
- Line of Continuity: PennSound pedagogy
(Fri, Aug 17, 2007)
- Death, human mortability, and nature's stasis: Donald Hall's Fellows Visit
(Fri, Oct 05, 2007)
- Two very different Cageans: a conversation with Jena Osman and Kenneth Goldsmith
(Tue, Jan 08, 2008)
- Cranky, clunky voice: an interview with Robert Creeley
(Tue, Feb 12, 2008)
- Poundian sound editor: an interview with Richard Sieburth
(Mon, Nov 24, 2008)
- The truth of why you are here: an interview with Adrienne Rich
(Tue, Nov 25, 2008)
- Return to the Tapeworm Foundry: an interview with Darren Wershler-Henry
(Wed, Nov 26, 2008)
- Venice as a sort of poetic structure: an interview with Jennifer Scappettone
(Sun, Apr 19, 2009)
- Word sculptures: an interview with Tony Green
(Thu, Jun 11, 2009)
- Lower East Side poetics in the 60s: an interview with Dan Saxon
(Mon, Jun 15, 2009)
- A spot of light on the curb: 100th birthday celebration of George Oppen
(Tue, Jun 16, 2009)
- Taking the form of his uncertainty: celebrating Gil Ott
(Wed, Jun 17, 2009)
- A dream of history: an excerpted 1966 radio interview with John Ashbery
(Mon, Oct 26, 2009)
- The true, the good, the dead: Poems of Thanksgiving
(Fri, Nov 20, 2009)
- Into the life of making books: an interview with Charles Alexander
(Tue, Feb 1, 2011)
- Ringing through his head: an excerpted 1972 conversation with Robert Creeley, Joanne Kyger, and Greg Hewlett
(Mon, Feb 4, 2013)
- To isolate a space: a PhillyTalks conversation with P. Inman and Dan Farrell
(Tue, Feb 5, 2013)
- Quality of world: Susan Howe interviews Charles Bernstein and Bruce Andrews in 1979
(Tue, Feb 12, 2013)
- From the voice to the book: a presentation by Jerome Rothenberg
(Mon, Feb 18, 2013)
- Already passing into something else: 40th anniversary celebration of Burning Deck Press
(Tue, Feb 19, 2013)
- Voices, one after another: a conversation with Kenneth Sherwood and Loss Pequeño Glazier
(Mon, Mar 18, 2013)
- Given just the work to be present in: Eight introductions to Creeley, 1961-1996
(Mon, Mar 25, 2013)
- A moment is everything: a Belladonna* anthology
(Mon, Apr 1, 2013)
- The words were what interested him: a celebration of Hart Crane
(Mon, Apr 8, 2013)
- Anselm Hollo, in memoriam: an anthology of Hollo recordings
(Mon, Apr 15, 2013)
- Loose with rare volumes: an interview with John Tranter
(Mon, Apr 22, 2013)
- Act to change men's lives and minds: an Alcheringa sound anthology
(Mon, Apr 29, 2013)
- Sense memory: PennSound's 10th anniversary
(Mon, Nov 18, 2013)
- To invent and reinvent: Introduction to Oulipo by Harry Matthews
(Mon, Dec 23, 2013)
- All subjects are made new: Four introductions to John Ashbery across five decades
(Mon, Jan 6, 2014)
- Poetry and architecture: a Bowery Poetry Club event
(Sun, Jan 26, 2014)
- One great poetic mind through the mind of another: a lecture on Walt Whitman by Robert Duncan
(Thu, Feb 6, 2014)
- Beauty hails us: an excerpted reading by Ann Lauterbach
(Fri, Mar 7, 2014)
- A way of witnessing: an interview with David Abel
(Thu, Apr 3, 2014)
- HOT TEXTS: Erín Moure's reading at a 2012 Belladonna* event
(Tue, Mar 3, 2015)
- I'll Drown My Book: Conceptual Writing by Women
(Mon, Mar 9, 2015)
- Face to face: a conversation with Alan Golding, Orchid Tierney, Bob Perelman and Ron Silliman
(Tue, Mar 10, 2015)
- On reading and teaching the modern long poem: an interview with Eric Weinstein
(Wed, Mar 11, 2015)
- The split life: an interview with Yosuke Tanaka
(Fri, Mar 27, 2015)
- An intangible third: an interview with Rachel Zolf
(Sat, Mar 28, 2015)
- All sorts of education: an interview with William J. Harris
(Mon, Jun 8, 2015)
- Any point can connect to any other point: an interview with Emji Spero
(Tue, Jun 9, 2015)
- Trouble the pronoun: an interview with Brent Armendinger
(Tue, Sep 22, 2015)
- To open things up: an interview with Jerome Rothenberg
(Mon, Nov 16, 2015)
- To go forward: an interview with Brian Teare
(Sun, Dec 20, 2015)
- Adhered to them these extra meanings: Mike Hennessey picks five PennSound recordings
(Mon, Dec 21, 2015)
- Forms of ritual: an interview with CAConrad
(Thu, Mar 17, 2016)
- Soundtrack of your life: an interview with erica lewis
(Wed, Dec 21, 2016)
- Breaking down that I: a conversation with Trish Salah and Christy Davids
(Thu, Apr 6, 2017)
- Through the door: a conversation with Rachel Levitsky and Davy Knittle
(Tue, Nov 7, 2017)
- A place that is living: a conversation with Sue Landers and Christy Davids
(Thu, Jun 14, 2018)
- Dwell in an otherwise space: a conversation with Ted Rees and Ariel Resnikoff
(Thu, Oct 24, 2018)
- Woken up in the sun: a conversation with Samantha Giles and Jenn McCreary
(Tue, Apr 23, 2019)
- Loving the self in the world: a conversation with Jared Stanley and Brian Teare
(Fri, May 17, 2019)
- New writing through the Anthropocene: an interview with Allison Cobb and Brian Teare
(Mon, Jun 17, 2019)
- The poem is the memory: a conversation with William Corbett and Davy Knittle
(Tue, Jul 09, 2019)
- Become something with other people: an interview with Wendy Trevino
(Thu, Aug 01, 2019)
- Always with, never about: a conversation with Dani Zelko and Jennifer Ponce de Léon
(Fri, Aug 02, 2019)
- Taking up space: an interview with Sarah Rose Etter
(Wed, Jan 01, 2020)
- Not-me-ness: a conversation with Eileen Myles and Davy Knittle
(Tue, Feb 11, 2020)
- An openness to language: a conversation with Rodney Koeneke and Davy Knittle
(Wed, Feb 19, 2020)
- 'Some quality of song': an interview with Al Young
(Tue, May 12, 2020)
- Empathy under late capitalism: an interview with Danielle LaFrance
(Thu, Sep 03, 2020)
- I am the city: a conversation with Jill Magi and Davy Knittle
(Tue, May 03, 2022)
- I will wear the mask: a conversation with Emily Abendroth and Jeff T. Johnson
(Wed, May 04, 2022)
- Advance and retreat of energy: an interview with Gail Scott
(Thu, May 05, 2022)
- Backwards and in circles: an interview with Willard Spiegelman
(Mon, Jul 31, 2023)
- A placeholder for memory: an interview with Sally Van Doren
(Tue, Dec 12, 2023)
- If we just had enough heart: an interview with Evie Shockley
(Wed, Jan 24, 2024)
- Parts of parts: an interview with Larry Price
(Mon, Feb 05, 2024)