The Canterbury Tales
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The Life of Geoffrey Chaucer
The General Prologue
The Knight’s Tale, Part 1
The Knight's Tale, Part 2
The Miller's Tale
The Reeve's Tale
The Cook's Tale
The Men of Law's Tale
The Wife of Bath's Tale
The Friar's Tale
The Sompnour's Tale
The Clerk's Tale
The Merchant's Tale
The Squire's Tale
The Franklin's Tale
The Doctor's Tale
The Pardoner's Tale
The Shipman's Tale
The Prioress's Tale
The Tale of Sir Thopas
Chaucer’s Tale of Meliboeus
The Monk's Tale
The Nun’s Priest’s Tale
The Second Nun’s Tale
The Canons Yeoman’s Tale
The Manciple’s Tale
The Parson’s Tale
Preces de Chauceres