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- Introductory Note and Preamble
- I-IV Purposes and Principles, Membership, Organs, General Assembly
- V-VI The Security Council, Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
- VII- IX Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace, and Acts of Aggression. Regional Arrangements, Ethnic & Social Cooperation
- X-XII The Economic and Social Council, Declaration Regarding non self governing Territories, International Trustee System
- XIII-XIX Trusteeship Council, International Court of Justice, Secretariat, Misc, Provisions, Transitional Security Arrangements, Ammendments, Ratification & Signature
- International Court of Criminal Justice Introductory Note and Table of Contents
- Chapter I: Organization of the Court (Articles 2 - 33)
- Chapter II-III Chapter II: Competence of the Court, Procedure
- Chapter IV-V: Advisory Opinions, Amendments
- Millenium Development Goals: I-II Values and Principles, Peace, security and disarmament
- III-IV Development and poverty eradication, Protecting our common environment
- V-End