The Major Symptoms of Hysteria
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Prefatory note
Lecture 1: The Problem of Hysteria
Lecture 2: Monoideic Somnambulisms
Lecture 3: Fugues and Polyideic Somnambulisms
Lecture 4: Double Personalities
Lecture 5: Convulsive Attacks, Fits of Sleep, Artificial Somnambulisms
Lecture 6: Motor Agitations - Contractures
Lecture 7: Paralyses - Diagnosis
Lecture 8: The Psychological Conception of Paralyses and Anesthesias
Lecture 9: The Troubles of Vision
Lecture 10: The Troubles of Speech
Lecture 11: The Disturbances of Alimentation
Lecture 12: The Tics of Respiration and Alimentation
Lecture 13: The Hysterical Stigmata - Suggestibility
Lecture 14: The Hysterical Stigmata - the Retraction of the Field of Consciousness - the Common Stigmata
Lecture 15: General Definitions