Want to learn more and improve yourself in various aspects of your life? LearnOutLoud.com Articles focus on various topics that you can learn about on audio and video. Our fun to read articles will point you to the resources you're looking for whether you want to improve your golf game, eat healthier, or become financially independent we've got articles to help you listen your way to a deeper knowledge of areas you're seeking improvement in.

A Simple (Audible) Way to Achieve Time Management Skills
Do you always feel a step behind in life? Do you wish you could find more time? Do you have trouble accomplishing all the goals and errands you have each day? Ineffective time management can be a frustrating plague that envelops your life. Taking the time to listen to advice from time management professionals can help alleviate the harmful stress of constantly feeling crunched for time.

Bible on Audio
The most popular book in the world is also the most popular audio book in the world. So popular that there's been over 100 versions of the Bible published on audio and we've collected them all at LearnOutLoud.com. If you're looking for the Bible on Audio, LearnOutLoud.com provides you with a comprehensive resource for listening to the Bible on CDs, Cassettes, MP3s, and downloading the Bible on audio.

Conservative Politics
With 9/11 providing the context of the first part of the 21st century, Americans now find themselves with leaders that are forced to interpret that horror into an ongoing policy that will shape the future. To that end, George W. Bush has risen to prominence as an effective wartime president that has displayed no problem utilizing the power at his disposal.

Darwin's Theory of Evolution: Did Man Really Evolve from Apes?
Charles Darwin’s theories on human evolution upended the
scientific community in the middle of the 19th century. He
theorized that humans were derived from apes. He proposed that
small genetic mutations over millions of years created the human
species we have today.

Experience the Civil War with Your Ears
How much do you know about the Civil War? Can you name intense battles that occurred during the struggle? What areas of the United States were home to the bloodiest Civil War battles? It is important to understand the role the Civil War played in the interactions of cultures and industry today.

Gandhi Out Loud
Mohandas (commonly referred to as "Mahatma") Gandhi is one of history's most inspirational men and greatest leaders. Here at LearnOutLoud we've assembled a list of all of the audio and video resources on Gandhi's life that we could find. We hope you enjoy learning more about this tremendous man and the history of India's fight for independence.

How to Begin Home Recording: Level I
With this article I will go through each step in the recording process. The time is now, the podium is ready, and with my help you will see just how easy it is to step up to the mic.

How to Build a Healthy Family
Every family
experiences the joys and obstacles of what it means to be a
family. However, you crave to have the best family possible.
This leads you to wonder how you can improve the relationships
in your family.

In the Wake of Katrina: The Wrath of Mother Nature
When natural disaster hits there are usually more questions than answers. Why did this happen? Can something like this be prevented from happening again? What does this all mean? In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, people are asking these and many other questions

Introduction To Podcasting
According to Wikipedia, podcasting is a "method of publishing audio broadcasts via the Internet." In layman's terms, it's a way for individuals and companies to create audio programs and allow people to download, listen, and subscribe to them very easily.

LearnOutLoud Exclusives
LearnOutLoud.com features exclusive audio downloads that you won't find anywhere else. Check out the titles, authors, and publishers below to discover audio learning resources offered exclusively through LearnOutLoud.com!

Liberal Politics
LearnOutLoud.com's guide to Audio Books that take on the current political climate from a Liberal Perspective.

Listen Up to Raise a Great Pup
The cute, loveable puppies you see prancing down the street with their owners has got you thinking. You want a puppy. You want the unconditional love and happiness that caring for a puppy can bring. However, you are not quite sure where to start your quest to find the perfect puppy.

Listen Up: It's Football Season Again!
It's starting to get a bit chillier outside and the sun is setting earlier. This can only mean one thing. Football season is upon us again. As the New England Patriots embark on an historic attempt to win three consecutive Super Bowls, every other team in the league is gunning to take them down...

Listen Your Way To a Better Diet
The battle against the bulge isn’t an easy one. Most people these days are trying to eat healthier but it’s tough to keep up with the onslaught of diet-related information and to stay motivated to choose nutritious foods. So here’s a tip. Listen your way to a better diet.

Listen Your Way To a Better Golf Game
Have you ever met anyone who is satisfied with their golf game? Chances are that if you are like the vast majority of duffers out there you’re always on the lookout for things that you can do to bring those scores down. But it’s probably never occurred to you that you can use your ears (yes, I said ears!) to improve your game and lower your handicap.

Listen Your Way To Financial Independence
Financial independence means different things to different people. For some it might mean being a millionaire or never having to work again. Now you can turn that morning commute or daily jog into your own personal wealth seminar. Here are a few audio titles to get you started.

Listen Your Way to Your Hearts Call
Sometimes it is not enough to do what we do. We want more. Something calls us but we are not sure what it is. Listening to our own heart is sometimes the toughest challenge of them all.

Listening Your Way Around The Big Apple
I was in New York City for the first time this summer. And I downloaded a couple audio programs from the publisher Soundwalk. Basically these programs are audio walking tours of various sections of New York City that are timed to your footsteps.

MLK Out Loud
LearnOutLoud.com is very pleased to present this resource of audio and video titles about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Because Dr. King was such a great orator, his ideas are best experienced through the many speeches and sermons he gave throughout his lifetime.

Movie Time!
In celebration of the year in movies for 2005, I'd like to take a moment to discuss audiobooks that pertain to some of the year's most celebrated films and also point you in the direction of some terrific movie-related audio resources.

Plato Out Loud
To understand western philosophy you must begin with Plato and his teacher Socrates. As Alfred North Whitehead said, "The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato."

Podcasts with a Spiritual Edge
In the last year I decided it was time to really study theology. I did this not only to establish a firmer footing for myself spiritually, but also because of a conviction that religion and logic are not mutually exclusive.

Presidential Biographies
Few people fascinate us more than the men that have been chosen to be President of the United States. As Americans, we are irresistibly drawn to their life stories, reflect on their historical importance, and become enraptured by the era they come to embody.

Real Estate
It's been said over and over again by financial experts that Real Estate is the most stable and viable business that anyone can get into. Whatever the state of your financial situation at the outset, many audio book guides have been published to help guide you on your way, regardless of the means you have at your disposal.

Recording a Lecture or Seminar
At one time or another we have probably stepped up to a podium and given a prepared
statement or two, whether it be to share some kind words to a married couple, to read
scripture at church or to give a seminar to professionals in a given field.

Reduce Stress through Listening
Is your “To-Do” list longer then the latest Harry Potter novel? Do you have to pick up the kids from school, work on several cases at work, or plan your next company meeting? Dealing with stressful life situations like these has become common place in our modern speed of light society.

Sheep Have Been Cloned, Are Humans Next?
Do you enjoy watching forensic science shows like CSI? Are you interested in genetics and the intricacies of DNA? Genetic Engineering that deals with the human Genome and DNA has become a hot bed for discussion in recent years.

The Free Audiobook of the Month Club
LearnOutLoud.com invites you to become a member of our Free Audiobook of the Month Club and receive a professionally narrated audiobook for free each month...no strings attached!

The Supreme Court Past, Present and Future
The United States Supreme Court has been an active focus of politicians, news media, and concerned citizens in recent months. The scrutiny of the Supreme Court Justices erupted when Chief Justice Sandra Day O’Connor retired from her position on the Supreme Court. Debate about who should replace her on the Supreme Court filled daily talk shows, political arenas, and dinner tables.

Top Business Leaders Reveal the Secrets of Success
Out of the bevy of reality television shows today, no TV show
affects the business minds and goals of entrepreneurs everywhere
more than "The Apprentice". The show stars Donald Trump, the
famous, wealthy real estate and business icon that has become a
household name. You might not have the opportunity to be on the show, but you can listen your way to success instead.

Travel Podcasts for the Restless Soul
I’ve recently subscribed to some Travel Podcasts, and I wanted to take a few minutes to tell you about my favorites thus far. I've just started to get the travel bug in recent years after going over to Europe while I was in college...

Travel the USA
Are you thinking about taking a road trip across the the United States and want to learn more about where to go? Do you want to know the best destinations and the perfect places to go once you get there?

Valuable Audio Resources for Teachers
Are you a first year teacher? Have you taught in the past and are returning to the classroom? Do you crave knowledge about specific tips and tricks that will help your school year run smoothly? If you answer yes to any of the questions above then you can learn from teachers, professors, and educators with years of experience in the field of education through audio books.

War of the Worlds
H.G. Wells' original novella has gone down in history as one of the formative stories that helped invent modern science fiction. Interestingly, the basic plot has been reformatted many times in a number of audio guises.

Zen Buddhism
Of all the Eastern Religions, Zen Buddhism has found one of the most solid followings in the west. This is not to say that that this particular strain of Buddhism is immediately accessible however. Many have found it's idealogy of "religion with no religion" to be impossible to comprehend, but in some ways, that's the point.