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November 9, 2009
Modern Library
We’ve added over 50 new audio downloads from one of the largest independent audio book publishers: Recorded Books. Of the many downloads we’ve added from them, one series that we’re excited to be offering is their Modern Library Series which features the world’s great historians on the world’s great subjects. If you’re looking to learn about a specific subject, then this series includes great introductions to a number of fascinating topics:
Browse The Modern Library Series
Some of the titles featured in the series include:
The Americas: A Hemispheric History by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto
The Christian World: A Global History by Martin Marty
Communism by Richard Pipes
The Company: A Short History of a Revolutionary Idea by John Micklethwait
Evolution: The Remarkable History of a Scientific Theory by Edward J. Larson
Islam, A Short History by Karen Armstrong
Nonviolence: 25 Lessons from the History of a Dangerous Idea by Mark Kurlansky
A Short History of Medicine by Frank Gonzales-Crussi
Storm from the East: The Struggle Between the Arab World and the Christian West by Milton Viorst
Learn about a new subject today with the Modern Library Series.
July 28, 2009
Free College Lectures
Looking for college lectures to listen to? Download over 100 college courses on audio from the Modern Scholar series featuring great university professors teaching college-level courses on a variety of subjects:
Download Over 100 College Courses from the Modern Scholar Series
You can browse their audio courses by subject by clicking the following links featuring philosophy college courses, history college courses, literature college courses, politics college courses, business college courses, religion college courses, science college courses & more.
To help introduce you to the magnificent Modern Scholar series where great professors teach you, we’re offering a new group of 10 free lectures to download from 10 of their best courses. These recorded lectures are taught by eminent university professors.
Here are the 10 lectures you can download right now on MP3. Note: For downloading these files you have to right-click on the Download button and select Save Target As… Then it will allow you to download the file to an assigned place on your computer.
In this lecture, Professor Colin McGinn deciphers what we mean when we say we ‘know’ something to be true. He traces the history of philosophical skepticism, giving the listener several historical arguments for the theory of knowledge, and also touching on arguments made by the likes of Plato, Descartes, and other important philosophers. This lecture is a foundational exercise for the rest of the program, with McGinn arguing that for someone to begin thinking philosophically, he or she must first understand the methods of thinking that go into the pursuit of true knowledge.
2. C.S. Lewis Literature Overview
In this lecture professor Timothy Shutt provides an overview of the life and literature of C.S. Lewis. He mentions various viewpoints that people have had about Lewis and says why he thinks Lewis is more popular now than he was in his time. Shutt breaks Lewis’ works into three categories: his Christian apologetic works, his fictional works including The Chronicles of Narnia, and his scholarly works. He discusses each category of Lewis’ works and examines how Lewis has gained a following particularly in the areas of apologetics and fiction. It’s a good introduction to this masterful writer and storyteller.
In this first lecture called “The Business of America” Professor Brands gives a brief overview of the course and then proceeds to cover 200 years of American business history in 20 minutes from 1776 to the 20th century. He covers the importance of business in colonial times and its influence on the American Revolution. He then examines the 19th century which brought in industrialization and finance as important factors along with the central issue of slavery and its relation to business. And in the 20th century he briefly covers how businesses shifted their focus to the consumers who would buy all of the products that industrial capitalism was producing.
In this lecture professor Peter Meineck introduces Ancient Greek drama and explains why he feels it is still so popular and powerful today. He briefly discusses the plays of the four major Greek playwrights Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes. He then covers what Greek tragedy and comedy were actually like at the time they were performed in Athens 2,500 years ago.
5. Global Warming in Earth’s History
In this lecture professor Michael B. McElroy introduces the worldwide experiment we have embarked on through the increase in global temperature. He covers some of the basics of global warming such as the greenhouse effect, the gases that contribute to global warming, and what creates the climate on Earth. He then puts humanity and global warming in the context of Earth’s entire history going back 4.5 billion years ago. He uses a calendar year as a reference for Earth’s history and places global warming at the last few seconds before midnight on December 31st. It’s an excellent introductory lecture for placing global warming in global history.
6. Comparing Western Christendom & the Abode of Islam
In this lecture professor Seyyed Hossein Nasr discusses the similarities and differences of early western Christendom and the Islamic World known as Dar al-Islam. He talks about the origins of each religious tradition and how Christianity split into western Christendom and the Eastern Orthodox Church centered in Byzantium, while Islam did not split and expanded quite rapidly throughout the Middle East and into Africa and Asia. He also talks the about the importance of the sacred Islamic language of Arabic which spread throughout the Islamic world, whereas Christendom’s languages were much more diverse. And he discusses a number of other comparisons between early Christianity and Islam.
7. Understanding Conversations Between Women and Men
In this lecture linguistics professor and bestselling author Deborah Tannen describes many of the basic differences between in communication between men and women. She starts with an example she discovered when examining the conversations of kids and teenagers. Girls tended to talk to each other face to face while boys generally sat at angles or parallel and looked around the room while they talked to each other. She mentions many other general patterns of behavior in the communication habits of men and women and hopes that by becoming more aware of these differences we can become more understanding in our communication with the opposite sex.
In this introductory lecture, Professor Jay Winik traces what led America into the grip of Civil War, and begins a series on how the nation survived. Citing examples of how the United States was inherently vulnerable to secessionist impulses from the beginning, we come to see how slavery was an issue that was cast aside in order to preserve a young nation, and how it smoldered within the culture into the fires of war. In showing us the seeds of the conflict, Winik effectively argues that due to America’s vast geographic and social differences, bloodshed may have been inevitable.
In this lecture professor Chandak Sengoopta discusses the life of Charles Darwin covering the major events in Darwin’s life including his voyage on the HMS Beagle and his eventual publication of On the Origin of Species in 1859. Professor Sengoopta covers a lot of Darwin’s life in a short amount of time while providing many interesting facts about the man whose theory of evolution by natural selection revolutionized biology and greatly affected many other areas of society from the late 19th century up to the present day.
In this lecture Professor Stephen Prothero discusses what religion is and why it still matters in the modern age. He provides a number of important definitions of religion from its origins up to definitions by modern thinkers such as Emile Durkheim, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, and William James. While many scholars predicted the decline of religion and the rise of secularism in the 20th century, professor Prothero points out many ways in which religion is as widely practiced now as in any time in history.
May 26, 2009
Audio Courses from Modern Scholar
Looking for audio courses to listen to? Download over 100 courses on audio from the Modern Scholar series featuring great university professors teaching college-level courses on a variety of subjects:
Download Over 100 Audio Courses from the Modern Scholar Series
We also want to point out that we have a new free courses section featuring over 400 free courses from top colleges and universities:
Browse Over 400 Free Audio & Video Courses
For the Modern Scholar courses you can browse their audio courses by subject by clicking the following links featuring philosophy courses, history courses, literature courses, politics courses, business courses, religion courses, science courses & more.
To help introduce you to the magnificent Modern Scholar audio courses, we’re offering these ten free course lectures to download from ten of their best audio courses. These recorded lectures are taught by eminent university professors. Here are the 10 lectures you can download right now on MP3:
1. The Foundations of Language
In this lecture Professor Michael Drout focuses on language as a whole and how it develops and is learned. He points out the amazing ability that children have for speaking and comprehending a language they are immersed in until they reach about six years old without having to “learn” the language at all. While the origins of human language are endlessly debated, he does provide some interesting examples of how languages develop such as through mixing of people speaking different languages in the case of Hawaiian Creole, and through the isolation of people developing different languages over time in the case of the over 850 indigenous languages spoken in Papua New Guinea.
2. Introduction to Human Anatomy
Learn about your body with this lecture delivered by Professor John K. Young on the axial skeleton of the human. Professor Young starts the lecture with some definitions of basic human anatomy terms. He then proceeds to cover the axial skeleton of a human starting with the cranium and proceeding down the spinal cord with many interesting tidbits along the way. Professor Young proves that studying human anatomy doesn’t require diagrams as we have our own human anatomical specimen right at our fingertips. He points out many of the bones along the way which you can touch while listening (just keep one hand on the wheel if you’re driving!).
In this audio lecture provided as part of the Modern Scholar Series, noted author and literary critic Harold Bloom provides his unparalleled analysis of Shakespeare’s tragic love story. Focusing his attenion squarely on the role Juliet plays in the play, Bloom argues that it is her characterization and dialogue that marks the beginning of Shakespeare’s maturity as an artist. In this tale we see what may be the definitive portrait of a woman in love, and indeed, Juliet’s ability to find words for complicated emotions is a major reason Romeo and Juliet have become the romantic ideal.
In this lecture Professor James Kaler puts Earth in perspective within the solar system, the galaxy, and the whole universe. He covers what makes a planet and the diversity of planets in our solar system discussing their size and their distance from the sun. Professor Kaler provides dozens of awe-inspiring facts about our solar system in this fascinating introductory astronomy lecture.
5. Understanding the French Revolution
In this lecture esteemed professor Donald M.G. Sutherland sets out to define revolution and how the French Revolution has in turn changed the definition of revolution. He then examines a number of the proposed causes of the French Revolution that have been debated since then. He concludes that no one could’ve predicted in summer of 1789 that in a few years King Louis XVI would be executed, over 16,000 people would be killed by the guillotine during the Reign of Terror, and that a military officer named Napoleon Bonaparte would rise to become the dictator and emperor of France.
In this lecture American lawyer, prolific author, and Harvard professor Alan M. Dershowitz examines one of the most significant American cases in the 20th century: The Scopes Trial. Dershowitz looks closer at the trial than its typical portrayal of fundamentalist creationism vs. evolution characterized in the film and play Inherit the Wind. Through examining the court transcript it becomes clear that the prosecutor William Jennings Bryan was not arguing for Biblical fundamentalist creationism. Rather he was far more concerned with the ideas of segregation and racist eugenics that were taught along with evolution between the first and second World Wars. Dershowitz examines how creation-evolution controversy has changed since then and how God and religious terminology has been replaced with the idea of intelligent design. It’s a fascinating lecture from one America’s leading legal authorities.
7. Introduction to Macroeconomics and Microeconomics
In this lecture Professor Navarro talks about the basics of macroeconomics and microeconomics. He provides numerous real life examples about how both macroeconomics and microeconomics affect our personal and professional lives. Professor Navarro is able to articulate a number of economic principles in a clear and concise way that is relevant to everyday life.
In this first lecture in a series touching on how the U.S. Presidency changed during the 20th century, noted historian Robert Dalek begins with his take on Theodore Roosevelt. In this concise biographical sketch, Dallek describes Roosevelt as the first great president to arrive at the turn of the century, painting the portrait of a charismatic visionary that cast a long shadow on his successor, President William H. Taft. In this introduction, Dallek develops themes that run throughout the course, providing students with an unparalleled view of how modern America was shaped by the men that led it.
In this lecture Professor Kreeft explores what religion is and what questions it tries to answer. He goes over a brief history of philosophical definitions of religion. He feels that religion relies on faith and experience, while philosophy focuses on reason and logical argument, and yet he finds many ways that the fields of philosophy and religion have intersected throughout history.
10. Hiroshima and the Origins of the Cold War
In this lecture professor David Painter discusses the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945 during World War II. Professor Painter establishes how the groundwork for nuclear warfare was established by President Franklin Roosevelt. He then provides reasons why the new President Harry Truman decided to use nuclear weapons against Japan, and provides some criticisms that have been brought forward since then which argue that dropping the atomic bomb was not necessary and was not for the purpose of winning the war against Japan. In the aftermath of dropping the bomb, professor Painter shows how it created the origins of what would come to be known as the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Enjoy these free sample lectures. At LearnOutLoud.com we plan to listen to all of these Modern Scholar courses! Join us in listening to the classes of some of the best teachers in the world.
April 21, 2009
Free Self Help Downloads
Interested in self help, but unsure of where to start? For years, LearnOutLoud has built a name for itself collecting the best self development audio & video resources from across the web. With this list of 20 free resources we showcase the biggest authors in the field, such as Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Steven Covey and more. Here you’ll find success advice from coach John Wooden, get healthy living tips from Andrew Weil and learn important Law of Attraction concepts from Wallace D. Wattles. Self Development is one of the pillars of LearnOutLoud.com’s ongoing mission, and we pride ourselves on providing the best ways to help you realize your best self. Click below to get started on your path to self improvement:
Self Help Free Audio & Video Directory
You can check out the top 20 free self help downloads by clicking below:
1. Inspiring Words of Encouragement Podcast
Zig Ziglar is one of the great motivational speakers of our time, and he’s been inspiring listeners to achieve their goals for over 35 years. This podcast contains excerpts from Ziglar’s recordings with advice and anecdotes on many topics. He began podcasting in 2006 and he’s kept all his podcasts up on his feed. Listen to dozens of Ziglar’s motivational podcasts today.
2. Tony Robbins Asks Why We Do What We Do
Self development expert Anthony Robbins speaks at the TED Conference on what motivates people. Robbins insists that he isn’t a motivator, but instead he is out to find what motivates people and what is it that makes the difference in the quality of people’s lives. He discusses briefly the core human needs that drive people. This talk is available on streaming video and MP3 download from TED.com.
3. 18 Self-Healing Exercises from Sounds True
Listen to 18 Self-Healing Exercises from Sounds True with their Guide to Energy Healing. In these exercises you’ll hear teachers such as Andrew Weil, Cyndi Dale, Caroline Myss, Jon Kabat-Zinn, and many more. Listen to Andrew Weil teaches his most powerful breathing technique for relaxation or to Shiva Rea as she leads a 20-minute yoga relaxation exercise covering the entire body. Enjoy these free self-healing exercises on streaming audio from Sounds True.
4. The Chopra Center for Wellbeing Podcast
From the The Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad, California comes this podcast featuring a number of high quality meditations. The podcast of guided meditations is typically hosted by davidji, the master Chopra Center educator. He leads meditations complete with soothing sounds and music. In one podcast Deepak Chopra leads a Global Peace Meditation and Lecture. Listen to these soothing podcasts from The Chopra Center.
5. Personal Development for Smart People Podcast
One of our favorite personal development bloggers is Steve Pavlina. His popular blog at www.stevepavlina.com attracts over two million monthly readers. He also has a podcast featuring over 20 episodes which address many different areas of personal growth. Pavlina does not believe in any quick solutions to personal growth and knows that it takes a lot of time and hard work to improve in any area of your life. In his first podcast he presents his own story of personal growth which began over 15 years ago in a jail cell when he was 19 years old. These early podcasts can be played at www.stevepavlina.com/audio. In recent podcasts that are on the podcast feed he talks about finding your purpose, achieving your goals, nurturing loving relationships, and more. Enjoy these free podcasts from www.stevepavlina.com.
6. A Peaceful Warrior Brings His Zaadz to Life: Brian Johnson Chats with Dan Millman
In this special LearnOutLoud.com interview Philosopher Notes CEO Brian Johnson chats with Way of the Peaceful Warrior author Dan Millman. The discussion is around finding your life’s purpose and finding ways to get paid doing what you love. Brian and Dan share many stories about their path including a number of the setbacks they experienced along the way. Dan talks about the many teachers he has had including the person he met which is the character of “Socrates” in his book Way of the Peaceful Warrior. Enjoy this free conversation on MP3 audio download exclusively on LearnOutLoud.com.
7. The Game of Life and How to Play It
This free audio book download from Librivox is a self help classic. Florence Scovel Shinn was a New Thought spiritual teacher and in this book she teaches of the game of giving and receiving. With chapters on prosperity, love, karma, intuition, and more, she teaches how to apply the game of life to these areas. Throughout the book she gives real life examples of these principles in action. This 3-hour audio book is available on MP3 download from Librivox!
8. John Wooden on True Success
Hear some wisdom from a man who is often considered the greatest college basketball coach of all time: John Wooden. The legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden passed away last year at the age of 99. Under Coach Wooden, UCLA won a record ten NCAA national championships in a 12-year period. John Wooden left a legacy of leadership wisdom through his numerous books including his conception of “The Pyramid of Success”. In this talk delivered at the TED conference a few years ago, Wooden talks about true success being the satisfaction of knowing you that put forth your utmost effort in the game despite whether you win or lose. He readily quotes poetry and other sources of his inspiration throughout his life. This 20-minute talk is loaded with wisdom from a lifetime of success, and it is available on streaming video and video download from TED.com.
Listen to the Gary Renard Podcast co-hosted by professional voice artist Gene Bogart as he talks with author Gary Renard about the ideas in his books such as The Disappearance of the Universe and Your Immortal Reality: How to Break the Cycle of Birth and Death. Renard’s books draw heavily from the ideas of A Course in Miracles and he provides insight into many teachings from A Course in Miracles in these podcasts. Renard has been podcasting for years now and there are now many podcast episodes to listen to. Check them out!
10. Be Unstoppable: The Essential Laws Fearless Living Podcast
Be Unstoppable: The Essential Laws Fearless Living Podcast features podcasts with speaker and best-selling author Guy Finley. Focusing on spiritual and emotional development, Guy Finley touches on issues which affect us all: relationships, fear, addiction, stress/anxiety, peace, happiness, and freedom. Listen to podcasts from Guy Finley on the Be Unstoppable: The Essential Laws Fearless Living Podcast.
11. The Art of Original Thinking
Author Jan Phillips is currently offering her audio book The Art of Original Thinking: The Making of a Thought Leader for free on MP3 audio download directly through LearnOutLoud.com. This unabridged 6-hour audio book sets out to inspire new thought leaders for the new global paradigm we are entering. She provides many insights from her own life and quotes other unique thought leaders to aid us in creatively thinking outside of the box. She also explores the new thinking that is emerging in the areas of business, politics, religion, the environment, and more. Download this free audio book generously offered by author Jan Phillips and feel free to check out her website: www.janphillips.com.
12. The Science Of Being Great
From the author of The Science of Getting Rich, we’re pleased to offer this free version of Wallace D. Wattles’ The Science of Being Great available on MP3 download from LearnOutLoud.com. This success classic explores how all individuals can be great through the use of their thoughts and actions. This special edition of the audio book is read by motivational author & musician Michele Blood. After each chapter she provides commentary and a snippet of her motivational music. We sincerely thank Michele Blood for offering this title for FREE on LearnOutLoud.com and we highly encourage you to download it!
13. Do What You Fear & Grow Stronger
Get this free 13-minute podcast by Project Management trainer & author Michael Greer. In this podcast Michael Greer begins with some quotes on overcoming fear and the importance of facing your fears. He tells a personal story of how he went from singing in the shower to singing for a rock band as a teenager, and the various steps he took to overcoming his fear of singing in front of a crowd. He also relates these methods of tackling fear to leadership & management and the ways leaders can encourage their teams to overcome fear. At the end of the podcast Greer recommends to get the audio book Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers on LearnOutLoud.com (thanks Michael!) and to check out the wisdom he’s gained from PhilosophersNotes.com.
14. The Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
You can now watch Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture on “Achieving Your Childhood Dreams” in its entirety on YouTube. If you’ve not heard of this lecture it was a lecture delivered on September 18, 2007 by Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch who had been diagnosed with a terminal case of pancreatic cancer. In this lecture Professor Pausch talks about how to live your life through the many lessons he had learned in his quest for achieving his childhood dreams. With humor and upbeat energy, he also talks about the many ways in which he inspired his students to achieve their dreams, many of which he lived to see come true. Professor Randy Pausch passed away on July 25, 2008, yet this lecture continues to inspire millions through Pausch’s enduring lessons about life.
15. Law of Attraction Tips Podcast
Learn about the Law of Attraction on this podcast hosted by Karen Luniw. For many years now Karen has been sharing her experiences and tips about applying the Law of Attraction in everyday life. She also interviews people who’ve successfully employed the Law of Attraction in their own lives such as Bob Doyle from the movie The Secret, Bishop Christopher Wilson, and Multi-multi-multi Millionaire T. Harv Eker. This podcast includes video and audio podcasts on the feed. Learn about the Law of Attraction with Karen Luniw.
16. Monday Again?!: Four Essentials For A Healthy Lifestyle
Start your Monday with this free audio book titled appropriately enough Monday Again?!: Four Essentials For A Healthy Lifestyle by Marquese Martin-Hayes. In the 1-hour book Marquese lays out strategies to use thinking in order to change our perspective on Mondays and on everyday. Marquese published this titles through our TeachOutLoud service. It sounds like a very good listen.
17. Stephen R. Covey on Living a Principle-Centered Life
Dr. Steven Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People gives an outstanding address at Montana State University on living a principally-centered life. He explains how those who live without principles tend to evaluate themselves according to what others think. He also encourages the incoming freshman he is addressing to not cram their studies in order to just get by in college, as that is a bad habit that Covey confesses he had which robbed him of much of the value of his early college education. This one is streaming video only on YouTube, but you have to watch it.
18. 25 Life Purpose Lessons from Sounds True
Sounds True has launched a wonderful new section of their site that features 25 Life Purpose Lessons to help you grow in your passions, your career, and your wealth in the coming year. With 5-15 minute audio lessons from Sounds True’s best business & wealth teachers such as Rick Jarow, Mark Albion, John Mackey, Fred Kofman, and Vicki Robin, these 25 life lessons will propel you with vision & motivation. Enjoy these 25 lessons from Sounds True! Note: These lessons are streaming audio only and not downloadable.
19. Thresholds of the Mind Podcast
Bill Harris is the creator of Holosync (an audio technology designed to enhance meditation), founder & director of the Centerpointe Research Institute, and a featured teacher in the movie The Secret. In his podcast Thresholds of the Mind, Harris lays out his ideas regarding personal growth and the stages one goes through in their human development. In the first podcast he describes his proposed stages of development including preconventional, conventional, postconventional, and transcendental stages. In subsequent lectures he elaborates on these ideas drawing from diverse thinkers such as Ken Wilber, Swiss psychologist & philosopher Jean Piaget, and the 9th century Zen master Tozan. Throughout the podcasts Bill Harris is quite articulate about these ideas and they are very interesting to listen to.
Browse 100 podcasts on the 11:11 Talk Radio Podcast hosted by Simran Singh who also publishes the 11:11 Magazine. She interviews many key authors in the areas of personal empowerment. In a recent interview author and Inner Visions Institute founder Iyanla Vanzant talks about her book Peace From Broken Pieces. Iyanla tells some of her remarkable story about how she rose to be the guru from the ‘hood’ and about the healing process she recently went through after the death of her daughter. Also on the podcast feed you’ll hear from Marianne Williamson who talks about her bestselling book A Course In Weight Loss. You’ll also find podcasts from authors like Gay Hendricks, Julia Cameron, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Sonia Choquette, Joan Borysenko, Thomas Moore, Dr. Zhi Gang Sha, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola-Estes, Sylvia Browne, Don Miguel Ruiz, Neale Donald Walsch, Debbie Ford, and many other living luminaries.
We’ve been sending out our Free Resource of the Day Emails for many years now. If you’ve not subscribed yet, we highly encourage you to do so.
January 27, 2009
Best of TeachOutLoud
Our TeachOutLoud service has enabled authors and publishers to publish their audio learning content for years now. Since we launched this service over 2500 titles have been published on audio download and podcast. We’ve now put together this list of the best TeachOutLoud titles that we’ve featured in our newsletters over the past years and we’ll continue to add to this list. You can browse all of our TeachOutLoud offerings here:
Here’s our list of the best of the best:
Practical Mental Influence by William Atkinson
Thought Vibration – The Law of Attraction by William Atkinson
The Green Book by Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi – First published in 1975 this short book laid out the political philosophy of Gaddafi and was “intended to be required reading for all Libyans”; offered by FreshBeat Audio, the latest imprint of CoolBeat Audiobooks
7 Habits Of Highly Successful Internet Marketers by Annette T. Thomas – for more info visit www.seomarketingmedia.net
Conscious Kernels Audio Books – Specializing in Science of Mind, New Thought, Religious Science and Metaphysical subjects with titles like:
Building a Prosperity Consciousness
Meditation for Mental Manifesting
The Four Pillars of Life
Train Your Brain to Stop Overeating by Damien Young, Cht,Cpt,Spn and you can check out the introduction for free here: Instinctive Weight Loss System – The Introduction
Don’t Waste Money on Google AdWords: Learn to Think Like a Search Engine and Make Money with Google AdWords by Christopher Prince
Financial Mistakes of New College Grads by Joe Templin
Three Titles from a New Audio Book Publisher: Open Book Audio Including:
The Blind Visionary by Virginia Jacko & Doug Eadie
Financial Mistakes of New College Grads by Joe Templin
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
To find out more about his new publisher check out The Open Book Audio Podcast.
The Psychology of a Winner by Paul Robinson
Four Audio Books about Adoption by Mardie Caldwell, Founder and CEO of Lifetime Adoption
Three Audio Books and a Free Podcast from The Out-of-Body Travel Foundation
Japanese Reader Shitakiri Suzume the Cut-Tongue Sparrow – Read, Listen, and Learn Japanese!
Two Cheap Meditations by Dr. Gina Henderson: Celestial Experiences: 15-Minute Guided Meditation and Rest Easy Meditations
Ananda: Live in Bliss – Meditations for all Purposes by the popular TeachOutLoud author Pramod Uday
Half Dozen New Titles by Raj Gavurla author of Winning at Entrepreneurship
Three Nutrition and Medicine Titles from Australia’s LP Distribution:
Bovine Colostrum
Your Body’s Many Cries for Water
Your Health
A Dozen Astrology Downloads by internationally-respected astrologer Lauren Delsack
Easy Russian for English Speakers by Max Bollinger – Results Focused Audio Training; Learn to Meet, Greet, Do Business in Russian; Make Friends, Dates and Discover The Mysterious Russian Soul
16 Kids’ Audio Stories on MP3 Audio Download from the One To Grow On! Children’s Audio Series by Trenna Daniells
Six Christian Living & Growth Downloads from Foundation Rock Ministries with Dr. John and Pastor Karen Mastrogiovanni
Six Audio Downloads by Elizabeth Stanfill (With Two Free Downloads) – Creator of DestressYourself.com and expert in Critical Incident Stress Management, General Stress Management, and Overcoming Burnout Including:
Releasing Worry
How To Destress Yourself
A Way To Personal Happiness by Ronni Bar
Nine Affordable Downloads from The Faeries and Angels Radio Network
Secret Jobbers Success Seminar by Khalilah Murarsheed
SharePoint Roadmap for Collaboration by Michael Sampson – Using Microsoft SharePoint to Enhance Collaboration
Monkey Madness Prevention: Taming Stress Forever by Dr. William Carlyon & Todd Dunlap – A self-improvement book delivered like a variety show, musical and comedy revue all rolled into one
Over 25 Short, Affordable Health Audio Book Downloads by online health author and editor Jim Lowrance
Open Road Adventures offering four self-guided audio driving tours throughout Minnesota on audio download
Step By Step to Stand-Up Comedy by Greg Dean – A 7-hour truly comprehensive guide to Stand-Up Comedy from the man who has the longest running stand-up comedy school in America
Downloads from HGRB Services which is a national home services agency specializing in free online consultation of and a series of audio works and other important information for American homeowners and homerenters on home improvement issues
Imagery Training Package by Michael Blackburn – set of nine MP3s contains practice exercises to help you develop all aspects of your imagery and visualization skills
Over 100 History Lectures by Professor Eugene Lieber – Covering everything from the Ancient World to 20th Century History including Numerous Aspects of American, European, & World History
The Job Seeker’s Confidence Kit by Susan Bernstein, MBA PhD
Book Writing for Fun and Profit & The Book Author’s Copyright Protection by Brian Scott – BOTH FREE
The Little Trilogy – Stories by Anton Chekhov: The Man in a Case, Gooseberries and About Love Narrated by Alan Davis Drake
Prospering in a Changing Market by David Knox
9 Downloads by Ian Watson, a facilitator of self-healing and personal transformation, including his Inner Work Series
B’Mums Pregnancy Relaxation: The Relaxing Way to Stay Calm and Tranquil During Pregnancy by Sinead Hoben
15 Downloads by Authenticity Coach Wendy Franklin Muhammad
Download 5 National Park Audio Tours by Travel Audios including Yellowstone National Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, & Grand Canyon National Park
Spiritual Audio Downloads by Natasha Dern, host of the Buddha Lounge Radio Show
Free Motivational Audio Book: Monday Again?! by Marquese Martin-Hayes (which has been download over 900 times now!)
The Force Field Podcast and The Force Field Premium Edition Vol. 1 IT Service Industry Podcasts by Rick Savoia
Kirk E. Hillman Audio on Christian Living
Life of Lincoln by John Hugh Bowers & The Call to Shakabaz by Amy Wachspress – both published by Legacy Audio Books, Inc.
10 FREE Audio Downloads by Evangelist Ron Mitchell – Covering numerous aspects of Christian living.
Global Illumination Council w/ Dr. Bernard Alvarez – Featuring numerous spirituality titles.
Think Spanish Magazine & Think French Magazine – New Issues of this Spanish language learning digital magazine with MP3 download to increase Spanish fluency, improve grammar and listening comprehension, and build useful vocabulary.
Download mp3cityguides – Walking Tour of Europe’s most beautiful cities
Mark Twain Audio Downloads from Rambler Audio Narrated by Richard Henzel, who, as Mark Twain, has given over a thousand performances during the last forty years in America, Canada, and Great Britain.
Numerous New Audio Books Published by Wetware Media including: Snap Out of it NOW! by Adrianne Ahern, PhD, Seeds for the Soul by Chuck Hillig, and One Less Bitter Actor by Markus Flanagan.
Mindful Solutions for Success and Stress Reduction at Work by Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D.
Audio Books by Mike Vendetti including free downloads of classics like The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Bass Reeves, American Hero by Barry Brierley
Free Business Law Lectures by Prof. Jay Garrett with Texas A & M University – Commerce
The Remarkable Life of Kitty McInerney: How a Poor Irish Immigrant Raised 17 Children in Great Depression New York by Christopher Prince
What You Don’t Know Will Hurt Your Business by Andrew Colins
25 Free Excerpts from The Laugh Makers: A Behind-The-Scenes Tribute To Bob Hope’s Incredible Gag Writers by Robert L. Mills
Mastery In Negotiation Tactics by Paul Robinson
New Audio Books Published by Treasure House Publishing Including Armed & Amorous, Detox, Get Rid of Warts, Moles & Skin Tags The Natural Way, and Your Marriage: Steps Toward Healing
Downloads of G. A. Henty Audio Books, Historical Storyteller for Boys
Selling Your Valuables in Tough Times: A Yankee Auctioneer’s Best Secrets by Walt Kolenda (Only $4.99)
Words to Live By by Motivated Mindset Coach Denise J. Hart with 3 free downloads!
SyberWorks e-Learning Series Podcast
Getting Good at Life with Dr. Carolyn Podcast
Ten Language Learning Podcasts from LingQ.com
2 Minute Tips for Parenting Teens Podcast
5 Video Podcasts from VideoMathTutor.com
Hispanic Marketing 101 Podcast
New Downloads from Core Media Productions – Including Joint Venture Marketing and 30-Day, Step-By-Step, Plan to Internet Riches!.
Wetware Media – Audio for thirsty minds including new titles RealTime Speaking: YOU Are the Message! & To The Questions in Your Life, You Are the Only Answer (FREE!).
15 FREE Audio Downloads by Michael Greer – Including numerous inspirational and motivational titles.
10 FREE Audio Downloads by Evangelist Ron Mitchell – Covering numerous aspects of Christian living.
Global Illumination Council w/ Dr. Bernard Alvarez – Featuring numerous spirituality titles.
Think Spanish Magazine & Think French Magazine – New Issues of this Spanish language learning digital magazine with MP3 download to increase Spanish fluency, improve grammar and listening comprehension, and build useful vocabulary.
Boost Your Power of Attraction, Discovering and Embodying Your Life’s Purpose, and Stress Less, Produce More – Self help titles from author & speaker Steve Sisgold.
Jesse Berg & Steven Schneider Hypnosis Audio – 6 Hypnosis Downloads by Certified Hypnotherapists at Team Success International.
Nuts & Bolts Spirituality & The New Fundamentalists – Audio Book and Free Download by award-winning author and international speaker Richard Blackstone.
Professional Speaker & Author Raj Gavurla – Featuring His Winning at Entrepreneurship Audio Book along with FREE downloads like Destroy Your Self-Defeating Voice & Your Neuroplasticity Mindset
Nationally Acclaimed Speaker John Santangelo – Featuring Titles such as NLP Introduction 101, Harmony In Hypnosis, & Developing Emotional Power (Free Download).
Wiccan Journeys by Cheree Porter – Creative visualizations based on the thought that it is important to raise children with an understanding of the Wiccan Rede, as well as a strong moral compass.
How to Negotiate in Tough Situations by David Knox
Hunting & the Bible by Dr. Tom Rakow
You’re Empowered!: Parenting Teens with Conviction, Communication, and Love by Sue Blaney
30 Wasted Years: A Journey in Self Motivation (Free Download) by Jeff Grundy
Golf State of Mind by David MacKenzie which focuses on the mental game of golf to consistently play the golf you are capable of.
Drg Drishya Viveka – “One of the most succinct spiritual guide books ever written”, translated and read by Norman Daw.
Walden by Henry David Thoreau for $7.99.
Aristotle’s Poetics: A New Translation
Over 20 Creative Visualization & Relaxation Titles by Patrick Porter, Ph.D.:
AM Focus for Free!
PM Dreamtime Session for Free!
Four Titles Including an Audio Podcast and a Video Podcast from Alaska In My Dreams Film Studio, Inc. including:
In The Time That Was: Being Legends of the Alaska Klingats
Sourdough In A Snowdrift Video Podcast
White-Knuckling It for 4,000 Miles
Three Full Cast Children’s Audio Titles from DARIAN Entertainment including:
REMIXED: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
REMIXED: The Greatest Bible Stores Ever Told! Volume One
REMIXED: The Greatest Bible Stores Ever Told! Volume Two
Destroy Your Self-Defeating Voice by Raj Gavurla for Free!
Emotionally Balanced Parenting by Laura Doerflinger
The Instinctive Weight Loss System by Damien Young, Cht,Cpt,Spn
A Date With Your Destiny or The Law of Attraction by Paul Robinson
Being Refined in 2009 and 4 Other Titles by Evangelist Ron Mitchell
Healthy Organizations, Profitable Enterprises by Dr. Lisa M. S. Barrow
Mindful Solutions for Addiction and Relapse Prevention by Stefanie Goldstein, Ph.D. & Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D.
The Call to Shakabaz by Amy Wachspress
Affirmation Quik Start by Rochelle Smith
Ian Mitroff on Crisis Management by Russ Volckmann interviewing Ian Mitroff
My Little Books – DEEP RELAXATION – Love by David Carnelian
7 Secrets to Successful Customer Relationships by Michael Jenkins
Giddio Audio Adventures For Kids including:
Billy Brown And The Mystery Package for Free!
Billy Brown And The Frog Tunnel
Over 30 Titles from Law of Attraction teachers Beth and Lee McCain including 20 free podcasts and these titles:
The Law of Attraction for Kids!
Journey with Guided Meditations
Unlocking the Secret to WEIGHT LOSS
A Grateful Life: Living the Law of Attraction
Over 30 Free Titles from Lorman Educational Services including discussions of:
Physicals: Should Physicians Know?
Fairness Between Departments with Different Standards
Nine Titles from Life & Relationship Coach Kim Olver including:
Empowerment Parenting
Relationships from the Inside Out
Soundmap London Audio Walks including:
Sweeney Todd Audio Tour For Free!
25 Audio Titles by Dr. Leslie M. Moore, as she teaches in the areas of yoga and metaphysical studies including 19 free titles.
Career Satisfaction From Within Audio Course: Find And Follow Your True Calling, Or Get More Satisfaction From What You Do by Christopher Edgar
Seven-Step Spiritual Mind Treatment: Scientific Prayer, Affirmative Prayer, Effective Prayer by Tina Montalto
From Tragedy to Triumph: Winning Through a Life Crisis by Mary Jaksch
How To Become A Wine Connoisseur or Wine – The Basics by Paul Green
The Science Of Being Great by Wallace Wattles; special edition put together by Michele Blood
Song of the Sage: A Musical-Wisdom Experience by Dan Millman and Asoma
Have Your Way: Getting The Job You Want by Theo Stegers
The Magic of Pray Rain Journaling: Leverage the Law of Attraction with the Written Word by Jeannette Maw
The Mommy Mastermind in the Kitchen: Time & Money-Saving Tips for Moms
The Risk of Creativity: Dialogues in Amsterdam with Steven Harrison
Grief and Loss Recovery by Dr. Maurice Turmel
Self Help Audiobooks from Core Media Productions:
The Science Of Being Well by Wallace D. Wattles
Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins
Jewish History by Rabbi and Historian Berel Wein:
Thomas Jefferson: Champion of the Jews
Three Free Titles from Success Coach Steve Chandler:
And Steve Chandler’s Comprehensive Course:
MindShift: The Steve Chandler Ultimate Success Course
New Audio Programs from Reiki Master/Teacher Zach Keyer:
What To Do, Wilderness Survival Tips
How To Protect Your Home and Family
The Truth About Getting Government Grants
Lectures from Dr. David Neiman, Rabbi, Archaeologist, and Renowned scholar in the fields of Biblical Studies, Jewish History, and the relationship between the Catholic Church and the Jews:
Be Proud To Be An American by Bryan Golden
High Velocity Leadership: Never Fry Bacon In The Nude by Stone Payton
Crazy for Me: How I Got Over Bipolar Disorder & Other Life Stuff by Wambui Bahati
Searching for Spirit: Searching for Truth about Mind and Morality by Chris Lind
The Dead by James Joyce
Mindful Solutions for Stress, Anxiety, and Depression by Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D.
Alice in Wonderland – From the Oxford Storypods narrated by a lively Cast of actors.
Guided Meditations from Leena Patel – Downloadable meditations infused with Buddhist philosophy, Yoga, and other spiritual practices.
45 Educational Downloads from Reiki Master/Teacher Zach Keyer – Guides to camping, pet training, instrument playing, Internet money making, online dating, NLP, gardening, public speaking, and much, much more.
Think Spanish Magazine – Spanish language learning digital magazine with MP3 download to increase Spanish fluency, improve grammar and listening comprehension, and build useful vocabulary.
Dare to Live Without Limits and The Power of Attraction – Free inspirational downloads from author and motivational speaker Bryan Golden.
Boost Your Power of Attraction, Discovering and Embodying Your Life’s Purpose, and Stress Less, Produce More – Self help titles from author & speaker Steve Sisgold.
Book Writing for Fun and Profit – Completely free 2-hour audio book with tips and techniques for writing and profiting from your own book.
–5 Audio Courses from Dr. Know, Inc. covering the United States Medical Licensing Examination and the American Board of Surgery In-Training Examination
–Free New Testament Books of the Bible with accompanying music to engage teens and kids
–Money For Life: A Personal Budgeting Course
–Free Hindi Scriptures including a 4-Part Audio Book of the Krishna Leela and a 6-Part Audio Book Valmiki Ramayana narrated by Prati Dhwani
–Spiritual and Personal Growth Titles from Dr. Maurice Turmel including 2 free downloads
–Free Personal Finance Audio from the Northern Trust Corporation
–Over 25 Instructional Audios from Reiki Master/Teacher/Author Zach Keyer
-Teachings from Benedictine monk Fr. John Main including The Essential Teachings and The Last Conferences, as well as Christian meditation talks from Fr. Laurence Freeman published by Medio Media on behalf of The World Community for Christian Meditation.
-Many more audio books from Reiki Master/Teacher Zach Keyer including NLP For Beginners, Neuro Linguistic Programming and Your Success and Time Management Made Easy – Tactics and Truths
-Numerous teachings from Rabbi Nathan Glick including 4 free downloads.
-Talks by dream & relationship expert Strephon Kaplan-Williams for $1.00 and $2.00.
–Life On Purpose: 6 Passages to an Inspired Life by W. Bradford Swift. Have you clarified your life’s purpose?
-Sales success programs from Al Argo, including a free title The Think Thank Tank.
-Over 40 lectures on Kabbalah, consciousness and inner power and fulfillment from educator and ontological coach Jonti Mayer.
-And dozens of new lectures from Sherwin T. Wine at the Center For New Thinking, including talks on Mao Zedong, Benito Mussolini, Vladimir Lenin, and Maximilien Robespierre.
–The Believer’s Guide To The Law of Attraction by Jerry Thompson is a blend of scripture, quantum physics, and universal law.
–United Hypnotherapy is a publisher of self help related audio and training material related to hypnosis, hypnotherapy, and subliminal audio with titles such as Stop Smoking Effortlessly, Journey to Sleep, and Law of Attraction – Attracting Money.
-Last but not least the self help pamphlet It Works by R.H. Jarrett being offered at the modest price of $1.00. This little pamphlet published through TeachOutLoud is now our #1 bestseller!
Advantage Business Partnership – Self development guides to Time Management, Alternative Medicine, Healthier Eating, and more.
Albert Anderson on Human Nature & World Community – Free downloads on philosophical topics delivered by Philosophy Professor Albert Anderson
The Slender Path – Self-published audio book by Sara LeVere exploring the law of attraction.
The Shepherds’ Prayer by Richard Barry
Over 60 Educational Lectures from the Center For New Thinking
Health & Fitness Titles by Kelli Calabrese MS, CSCS
Michele Blood’s Motivational Audio
Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment by Jed McKenna
Introduction to Your Mind (Two free guided meditations)
And we could go on and on with the fascinating stuff that has been published. Now it’s time to publish your audio book!
It’s free to publish, and if you publish something inspired or intelligent you may even be able to help a lot of people out while making an extra stream of income. Many of our TeachOutLoud titles are among our bestsellers! Many of our Top 100 Sellers have been published through TeachOutLoud!
If you don’t have anything to teach at this time, then narrate and record something from the public domain on Gutenberg.org and sell it or offer it for free through TeachOutLoud. To Learn More about publishing through TeachOutLoud click here.
July 31, 2008
Guide to Audio Tours
With the proliferation of iPhones, smart phones, iPods, and portable MP3 players, audio tours have become an increasingly popular way to explore new places when traveling to tourist destinations. They’re cheaper, less obtrusive, and often better than taking a guided walking tour or bus tour of a city. We thought we’d put together a comprehensive resource of the audio tours available throughout the world (most of them we don’t have up on the site yet so we’re linking directly to them).
Best & Most Comprehensive Audio Tour Sites:
Over 100 Audio Guides from Tourcaster now featuring numerous Free City Guide Podcasts on iTunes
Over 400 Audio Guides from Heart Beat Guides With 25% of the Tours Available for Free
AudioGuide2go.com Search Portal to Audio Trails Guides and Tours on the Web
So here are all the walking tours we can find, starting with U.S. cities:
U.S. Cities:
Sounds for Sights Audio Tours for New York City covering Lower Manhattan, Rockefeller Center, South Street Seaport, and Times Square
CentralPark.com Audio Tours Podcast
Made in NY: Walking Tours of Film and Television Locations in New York Podcast on iTunes
Frommer’s Audio Tours on Audible.com (Scroll Down to Find These on the Page) Covering New York City & San Francisco and Frommer’s Day by Day Audio Walking Tours Podcast Including a Tour of Greenwich Village in New York City
Sidewalk Guides of Washington, D.C.
Downtown LA Walks Podcasts Covering Downtown LA in the areas of Arts and Culture, Shopping, Historic Downtown, and International Downtown
Scott’s L.A. Audio Driving Tours of Pasadena, Hollywood, and Los Angeles
Stroll San Francisco Audio Tours
CityStoryWalks of San Francisco
The Chicago Poetry Tour Podcast on iTunes
Mp3TravelGuides.com Featuring Tours of Portland and Seattle
Rocky Mountain Audio Guides Tour of Denver
Guided Tours from Jeff Shaara’s Civil War Battlefields Covering Antietam, Chickamauga, Cold Harbor, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, New Market, Petersburg, Vicksburg, and Spotsylvania
Door Audio Tours Podcast on iTunes Covering Wisconsin’s Door County
Open Road Adventures Features Self-Guided Audio Driving Tours of Scenic Sites in Minnesota
DK Eyewitness Travel Podcasts Covering Miami’s South Beach, Orlando’s Disney World, and New York’s Greenwich Village
CityListen Audio Tours Includes Tours of New York, Chicago, and San Francisco
Cape Treks Cape Cod Audio Driving Tours
Untravel Media Boston Walking Tours
National Park Service Podcasts on iTunes including the Glacier National Park Podcast
Travel Audios U.S. National Park Audio Tours covering Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona, Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado, Glacier National Park in Montana, Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming, and Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming
Waypoint Tours Includes Tours of Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Zion National Park, Yosemite National Park, San Francisco, Grand Canyon National Park, and Sedona Arizona Red Rock Country
Walkabout Audio Tours Includes Tours of the Grand Canyon, Sedona Area, & Northern Arizona
Acoustiguide Free Audio Tours Covering Cities and Museums throughout the United States with numerous Acoustiguide Podcasts on iTunes
AudioSteps Walking Tours for the Digital Age – Includes Tours of New Orleans, Philadelphia, Sacramento, San Francisco, & Washington, D.C.
European Cities:
Rick Steves’ Audio Tour Podcasts Include Free Tours of Paris, Britain, and Italy, and if you have an iPhone you may want to check out Rick Steves’ Audio Europe iPhone App
Soundmap London Audio Walks Includes Tours of Brixton, Camden, Brick Lane, King’s Road, Soho, a free Sweeney Todd Audio Tour
Travel London and Travel Paris by iMinds Audio Each Covering 6 London and Paris Destinations
City of the Soul: A Walk in Rome by William Murray Covering the Coloseum, Villa Borghese, the Piazza di Spagna, the Trevi Fountain, and the Capuchin Church of Santa Maria della Concezione
AudioExplore Walking Tours of Cities in Ireland Includes Tours Dublin & Cork
audiotravel Walking Tours of Cities in Germany Includes Tours of Cologne & Munich
iAudioguide European City Tours Includes Tours of Barcelona, Berlin, London, Paris, & Rome
DK Eyewitness Travel Podcasts Covering Paris River Walk, Art Nouveaux Prague, Amsterdam’s Dam Square, and Rome’s St. Peter’s Basilica
StrollOn Audio Guides of European Cities Include Tours in London, Paris, Prague, Amsterdam, and Venice
MPTours Includes Tours of Rome & London
noambit.com Tours Featuring Tours of Florence, Prague, Lisbon, the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Memorial, the Alhambra in Granada, Spain, and the Euphrasian Basilica in Porec, Croatia
Helsinki, Finland Sightseeing Tram Audio Guide
Talk of the Town Audio Guides in Stockholm, Sweden
Walk & Talk Series by Gildan Media Includes Walk & Talk Paris, Walk & Talk Rome, Walk & Talk Venice, & Walk & Talk Florence
Footnotes Audio Walks in London
Free Audio London Walks Podcast by LondonWalks.org
Free Paris Audio Guide Podcast by CityZeum.com
Frommer’s Audio Tours on Audible.com (Scroll Down to Find These on the Page) Covering Paris, Rome, & London and Frommer’s Day by Day Audio Walking Tours Podcast Including a Tour of DaVinci’s Paris
MP3 City Guides Includes Tours of Amsterdam, Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Paris, Prague, Rome, Vienna, Venice, and York
AudioSteps Walking Tours for the Digital Age Includes Tours of Bath and Bristol, London, Granada, Florence, Rome, Berlin, Paris, & Prague
Play & Tour MP3 City Guides Includes Tours of Amsterdam, Atenas, Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Istanbul, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Marrakech, Paris, Prague, Rome, Seville, Venice, & Venice
Walki Talki Audio Walking Tours Includes Tours of Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Edinburgh, Geneva, London, Madrid, Munich, Paris, Prague, Rome, and Venice with short, concise capsules about major European destinations on their Walki-talki Podcast
A History of Scotland Audio Walks Podcast covering Edinburgh, Finlaggan, Stirling, Dunfermline, and Kilmartin Glen
Podtours Includes Tours in Austria, Italy, France, England, Spain, Belgium, Germany and Austria
iJourneys Tours of the Wonders of Italy Includes Tours of Amsterdam, Rome, Barcelona, Florence, Paris, Pompeii, Salzburg, Venice, Vienna, and Innsbruck
Audio Guide of Historical Sites in Palma de Mallorca, Spain including the Palma de Mallorca Cathedral Audio Guide
Acoustiguide Free Audio Tours Covering Cities and Museums throughout Europe with numerous Acoustiguide Podcasts on iTunes
Jane’s Smart Art Guides Covering Art Destinations in Italy
PocketVox Audio Guides and Walking Tours Included Tours of numerous cities in Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, and more
Artineraries Includes Tours of Assisi, Edinburgh, London, Ostia, Padova, Paris, Rome, Torino, and the Vatican
CitiesInSound.com Includes Tours of London, Edinburgh, Rome, and Paris
Audio City Tours Includes Tours of London, Amsterdam, Salzburg, Paris, and Oxford
Sound Travel Walking Tours Includes Tours of Florence, London, Paris, Rome, and Venice
Walk Talk Tour Includes Tours of London, Edinburgh, York, and Manchester
Tourist Tracks MP3 Walking Tours Includes Tours of Bath, Brighton, Cambridge, Canterbury, Cheltenham, Edinburgh, Ely, Glasgow, London, Manchester, and Oxford
ChooseMalta.com Valetta Walking Tour
ZeVisit Free Audioguided Tours Mostly in France
CitySpeaker Audio Guide Includes Tours of Rome, Paris and London
Other World Cities:
Hear Planet: Audio Guide to the World iPhone App
DayOut Audio Guides of New Zealand
Talk ‘N Tours Self Guided Audio Walking Tours Australia and New Zealand
Tours of the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico from Tek Trek
MPTours Includes Three Tours of Buenos Aires
Walk The Talk Tours of Hong Kong and Macau
Colombia Audio Tours Includes Tours of Bogota, Cartagena, and Medellin
City Surf Toronto Walking Tours
Isla Mujeres, Mexico: Downtown Self-guided Audio Walking & Learning Tour
Content Creation’s Sounds & The City Audio Tours Includes Tours of Singapore, Mumbai, Beijing, Seoul, Bangkok, Hong Kong, and Dubai
Acoustiguide Free Audio Tours Covering Cities and Museums throughout the World with numerous Acoustiguide Podcasts on iTunes
Sonusland Audio Tours Covering Tours of Puerto Varas, Chile and other Latin American destinations
Acoustiguide Free Museum Tours Site and Acoustiguide Podcasts on iTunes Including the Asian Art Museum (San Francisco), the Kimbell Art Museum (Fort Worth), The National Portrait Gallery (London), and numerous other museums around the World
Artineraries Includes Art Tours in Assisi, Edinburgh, London, Ostia, Padova, Paris, Rome, Torino, and the Vatican
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) on iTunes U
Museum Masterpieces: The Metropolitan Museum of Art Teaching Company DVD Course
Museum of Modern Art (New York) Mobile Audio via the Museum’s WiFi
Museum of Modern Art (New York) on iTunes U
Whitney (Museum of American Art, New York) Focus Video Podcast
American Museum of Natural History (New York) Podcast
National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.) – Behind the Scenes Podcast
National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.) Video Podcast
National Portrait Gallery (Washington, D.C.) on iTunes U
Slate Audio Tours Podcast Covering Memorials on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York
Smithsonian American Art Museum Podcast, Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History on iTunes U, and Smithsonian Podcasts on iTunes
The International Spy Museum (Washington, D.C.) SpyCast Podcast
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (Washington, D.C.) on iTunes U
Philadelphia Museum of Art: Exhibition Minutes Podcast and all Philadelphia Museum of Art Podcasts on iTunes
The Baltimore Museum of Art on iTunes U
Arab American National Museum (Dearborn, Michigan) on iTunes U
The Cleveland Museum of Art Podcast
Indianapolis Museum of Art on iTunes U
Walker Art Center (Minneapolis) on iTunes U
MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles) Audio and Podcasts
SFMOMA (San Francisco) Artcasts Podcast
Asian Art Museum (San Francisco) on iTunes U
The San Diego Museum of Art on iTunes U
Rick Steves’ France Audio Tours Podcast Includes Free Tours Versailles, Orsay Museum, and Louvre Museum
Museum Masterpieces: The Louvre Teaching Company DVD Course
Palace of Versailles (Versailles, France) on iTunes U
The Grand Tour – The National Gallery, London Podcast
The National Gallery, London Podcast
Museum Masterpieces: The National Gallery, London Teaching Company DVD Course
Tate Modern (London) on iTunes U
National Gallery of Victoria (Australia) on iTunes U
Let us know if we missed any at suggestions@learnoutloud.com!
December 28, 2007
LearnOutLoud Podcasts Garner Best of 2007 Awards on iTunes
Two of LearnOutLoud’s podcasts received mention in iTunes Best of 2007 Awards. Our Aesop’s Fables Podcast was awarded one of the Best New Podcasts of 2007. And our Great Speeches in History Podcast was considered one of the Best Classic Podcasts of 2007. Thanks to everyone who subscribed and helped make these podcasts so popular! To check out the best of this year’s podcasts in iTunes click this link:
Best of 2007 Podcasts on iTunes
Here’s some of the educational podcasts from 2007 that made iTunes list:
NPR: Fresh Air Podcast
Philosophy Bites Podcast
YogaDownload.com – 20 Min. Yoga Sessions Podcast
Guardian Weekly Podcast
My Daily Phrase Italian Podcast
April 9, 2007
Everyone is getting an iPod
OK, not everyone. But I saw this story out of Michigan and wonder if iPods aren’t going to become as integral to students’ lives as laptops.
Michigan’s “no iPod left behind” budget proposal
The audio revolution continues.
August 1, 2006
“Soul-deadening gridlock”???
The lead story of this week’s Los Angeles CityBeat is titled Fear and Entropy in Los Angeles and starts with the following tagline:
Scenes from a gas struggle: Will soul-deadening gridlock and exorbitant fuel prices kill the remnants of SoCal car culture?
Soul-deadening gridlock? Well let’s see. In the last few weeks I’ve spent my “soul-deadening gridlock” listening to Krishnamurti, Alan Watts and Ken Wilber (Kosmic Consciousness may be the most anti-soul-deadening thing I’ve ever listened to).
So what is the author of this article talking about? Do people not know they can consume the wisdom of the world’s greatest teachers during their commutes? Or do they not care? If it’s the latter there’s not much we can do. But I suspect that it’s at least partially the former. And if that’s the case then we have a helluva lot of work to do.
Here’s to anti-soul-deadening…
July 14, 2006
What if a mobile phone could make your life better?
Came across this amazing article in the Washington Post yesterday (thanks Kareem!). I’ve been fired up about mobile for a long time now but reading this article just adds more fuel to the fire. It’s soooo nice to see an application of technology that truly changes lives for the better. Not that there’s anything wrong with the plethora of RSS aggregators and video sharing service out there…but at the end of the day the question is whether we’re using technology or whether technology is using us right?
I definitely have no desire to wax philosophical here but at the same time I think it’s refreshing to see a clear case where technology is improving peoples’ lives and presents the opportunity to possibly lift an entire generation out of poverty through enhanced communication, better business possibilities, etc.
So what does this have to do with audio learning? Well…my gut tells me that when the audio learning thing hits the developing world it’s not going to come via the PC but largely via the mobile phone. Imagine this…kids growing up in rural Africa learning English and other basic skills via a cell phone. Based on what I’m reading in this article I don’t think that’s too far off. It might be a while before the sub-$100 laptop is a reality. During that time the whole effort might be leap-frogged by a cheap cellular phone that can provide voice and data access.
I’ll admit I know nothing about this.
This might be an idealistic Pollyannish notion from a guy who lacks basic know-how about what goes on over there.
Or not.
A buddy of mine reminded me yesterday that the only limitation is our imagination. So for today I’m going to imagine a world in which kids from Africa and other third world countries grow up listening to educational and inspirational audio material and use the knowledge they’ve gained to create sustainable businesses and teach others and lift their countries out of crushing poverty. Will that dream become a reality? I don’t know but we’re going to do our darnedest to make it come true.
Have a great weekend everyone and thanks for all of your support of LearnOutLoud. We’re experiencing record levels of traffic this week and I want to express how excited I am about what’s going on. After all, we’re just getting started.