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November 21, 2023
80 Podcasts Hosted by Best-Selling Authors
According to Apple Podcasts, they have over 2.5 million podcasts on their platform, and according to Spotify, they now have over 5 million podcasts on their service! There are so many podcasts to choose from that discovering interesting new ones to listen to can be daunting. One good place to start is by listening to podcasts that are hosted by best-selling authors. Here, we’ve made a list of 80 best-selling authors who have published highly-rated best-sellers over the years and are hosting their own podcasts. These authors have published a range of nonfiction books, from self-help classics to popular science books and more.
Below, we’ll list all 80 podcasts in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. We’ll link to the podcasts on our site. We’ll also note their best-selling book and link to the audiobook version on our site. And we’ll let you know what their podcast is all about. Enjoy these 80 podcasts from these popular authors:
1. Mitch Albom hosts the Tuesday People Podcast – Mitch Albom is the author of the 1997 best seller Tuesdays with Morrie, which features lessons Albom learned from his sociology professor, Morrie Schwartz. The Tuesday People Podcast continues the instructional ideas that Albom learned and has included in his books.
2. David Allen hosts the Getting Things Done Podcast – Allen is the best-selling author of time management classic Getting Things Done. His podcast features discussions on productivity, technology, and other topics.
3. Daniel G. Amen hosts the The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast – Dr. Daniel Amen is the best-selling author of numerous popular books on the brain and mental health, including Change Your Brain, Change Your Life. His podcast, which he co-hosts with his wife, focuses on ways to improve your brain health and overcome anxiety, depression, addiction, and other brain afflictions.
4. Dave Asprey hosts the Bulletproof Radio Podcast – Dave Asprey is the best-selling author of the book The Bulletproof Diet that features a low-carb, high-fat diet. His podcast, which now goes by the name The Human Upgrade, features guests that Asprey interviews about all methods of biohacking.
5. Glenn Beck hosts The Glenn Beck Program Podcast – Glenn Beck is a conservative radio host and author of many best-selling books including The Christmas Sweater. His popular daily podcast covers American culture and politics from a conservative angle.
6. Martha Beck hosts the The Gathering Room Podcast – Martha Beck is the author of best-selling audio programs like Finding Your Own North Star. Her podcast broadcasts her weekly Facebook event, where she fields questions about spirituality and personal growth.
7. Rob Bell hosts The RobCast Podcast – Rob Bell is the author of the book Love Wins. His podcast covers topics on spirituality and features interviews with notable guests.
8. Gabrielle Bernstein hosts the Dear Gabby Podcast – Gabrielle Bernstein is the author of motivational best sellers like May Cause Miracles. Her podcast features Q&A sessions where she coaches in real-time, along with inspiring conversations.
9. & 10. Brene Brown hosts two podcasts, the Unlocking Us Podcast and the Dare to Lead Podcast – Brene Brown is the author of many best-selling books including Daring Greatly. Her Unlocking Us Podcast focuses on personal growth with many special guests. Her Dare to Lead Podcast focuses more on professional growth and becoming a great leader. Both are available exclusively on Spotify.
11. David D. Burns hosts the Feeling Good Podcast – Dr. David D. Burns is the author of the best-selling book Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy that helped to popularize cognitive behavioral therapy. His Feeling Good Podcast explains CBT and other therapy techniques to help overcome depression and anxiety.
12. Joseph Campbell is featured on the Pathways with Joseph Campbell Podcast – Joseph Campbell passed away in 1987 but his teachings live on in his many books and recorded lectures. His best-selling book is
The Hero With a Thousand Faces. The Pathways with Joseph Campbell Podcast features recorded lectures on many topics by Campbell with intros and commentary by Brad Olson, Ph.D.
13. Jack Canfield hosts The Jack Canfield Podcast – Jack Canfield is known for his “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series of books and his best-selling book The Success Principles. On The Jack Canfield Podcast, he interviews guests on the principles that helped to turn their dreams into reality.
14. Sean M. Carroll hosts Sean Carroll’s Mindscape Podcast – Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist and philosopher who has authored popular science books like The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself. On his podcast, he interviews scientists and philosophers on a range of topics.
15. Clayborne Carson hosts The World House Podcast. Clayborne Carson is a professor at Stanford University and director of the Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute. He has authored many books on Martin Luther King, Jr. and the civil rights era, including the best-selling The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr., which he edited. On The World House Podcast, Dr. Clayborne Carson and Dr. Mira Foster discuss anything related to Martin Luther King, Jr.
16. Francis Chan hosts the Crazy Love Podcast – Francis Chan is a Christian author of many books including the best seller Crazy Love. His Crazy Love Podcast features over 100 episodes of his Christian teachings.
17. Gary Chapman hosts the Building Relationships Podcast – Gary Chapman is the author of the best-selling relationship book The Five Love Languages. His podcast focuses on building relationships from a Christian perspective.
18. Deepak Chopra hosts Deepak Chopra’s Infinite Potential Podcast – Deepak Chopra is a best-selling spirituality author of books like The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. On his Infinite Potential Podcast, Deepak interviews over a dozen guests on maximizing your potential.
19. Jim Cramer on the Mad Money with Jim Cramer Podcast – Jim Cramer has been hosting his Mad Money finance show on CNBC since 2005. He has also authored best-selling books like Jim Cramer’s Get Rich Carefully. His podcast is the audio version of his Mad Money show.
20. Ram Dass on the Ram Dass Here And Now Podcast – Spiritual teacher Ram Dass passed away in 2019 but his wisdom lives on! He’s the author of many popular books, including Be Love Now: The Path of the Heart. On the Ram Dass Here And Now Podcast, you can listen to over 200 lectures that Ram Dass gave throughout his life.
21. Richard Dawkins hosts The Poetry of Reality with Richard Dawkins Podcast – Richard Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist and author of books like The Selfish Gene and The God Delusion. The Poetry of Reality with Richard Dawkins Podcast features Dawkins in conversation on many scientific topics.
22. Stephen J. Dubner hosts the Freakonomics Radio Podcast – Stephen J. Dubner is the co-author of the best-selling Freakonomics book series including Freakonomics, SuperFreakonomics, and Think Like a Freak. He hosts the popular Freakonomics Radio Podcast, where he interviews various economic experts about the challenging topics of our time.
23. Wayne Dyer is featured on the Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Podcast – Personal development author and speaker Wayne Dyer passed away in 2015, but his wisdom lives on in his many books and recordings. He’s the author of best-selling audio programs like The Power of Intention and Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life. His podcast features recordings from his weekly talk show on Hay House Radio, where he advised callers on all aspects of their lives.
24. Bart Ehrman hosts the Misquoting Jesus Podcast – Bart Ehrman is a biblical scholar who has written numerous best sellers including How Jesus Became God and Misquoting Jesus. His Misquoting Jesus Podcast explores the New Testament, the historical Jesus, and early Christianity.
25. Bret Easton Ellis hosts the Bret Easton Ellis Podcast – Bret Easton Ellis is a best-selling author of mostly fiction including contemporary classics like American Psycho. He offers his current version of The Bret Easton Ellis Podcast on Patreon. His earlier free version of Bret Easton Ellis Podcast features over 90 interviews with writers, directors, actors, and musicians.
26. Tim Ferriss hosts The Tim Ferriss Show Podcast – Tim Ferriss has authored best sellers such as The 4-Hour Work Week and The 4-Hour Body. On his popular podcast, he interviews top performers in many fields about how they optimize their success.
27. Elizabeth Gilbert hosts the Magic Lessons Podcast – Elizabeth Gilbert is the author of the mega-best-seller Eat, Pray, Love. Her Magic Lessons Podcast features interviews with creative people about how they face their fears and live creatively.
28. Malcolm Gladwell hosts the Revisionist History Podcast – Malcolm Gladwell has written numerous best sellers including Blink and The Tipping Point. His Revisionist History Podcast looks at historical incidents and re-examines them in the peculiar way only Gladwell can.
29. Seth Godin hosts Seth Godin’s Akimbo Podcast – Seth Godin is a leading expert on marketing with best selling books such as All Marketers Are Liars. His Akimbo Podcast covers different cultural issues and how we can change them.
30. Jane Goodall hosts The Jane Goodall Hopecast Podcast – Jane Goodall is a primatologist who has written many popular books including My Life with the Chimpanzees. Her podcast features interviews with many change-making guests in the area of environmentalism.
31. Chris Guillebeau hosts the Side Hustle School Podcast – Chris Guillebeau has authored best sellers on entrepreneurship such as The $100 Startup and Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days. His Side Hustle School Podcast features over 2,000 brief episodes on various side hustles people have enacted to earn money.
32. Dan Harris hosts the 10% Happier Podcast – Dan Harris is a former journalist and meditation practitioner who authored the best-selling book 10% Happier. His 10% Happier Podcast features interviews with meditation teachers and scientists on practical ways to improve your emotional well-being.
33. Sam Harris hosts the Making Sense with Sam Harris Podcast – Sam Harris is a philosopher and neuroscientist who has authored best sellers such as Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion and The End of Faith. His Making Sense Podcast features audio essays and interviews on many contemporary topics covering politics, religion, science, technology, and more.
34. Gay Hendricks hosts The Big Leap Podcast – Psychologist Gay Hendricks has authored many popular personal growth books including The Big Leap. His podcast covers how to achieve more in many areas of your life.
35. Ryan Holiday hosts The Daily Stoic Podcast – Ryan Holiday is the author of numerous best sellers including many covering modern Stoicism like Ego Is the Enemy and The Daily Stoic. His Daily Stoic Podcast features Holiday teaching lessons from great Stoic thinkers like Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus.
36. Mark Hyman hosts The Doctor’s Farmacy Podcast – Dr. Mark Hyman focuses on nutrition and longevity in his many best-selling books like The Blood Sugar Solution.
37. T.D. Jakes hosts The Potter’s Touch Audio Podcast – Bishop T.D. Jakes is a pastor at The Potter’s House megachurch in Dallas. He has authored many best sellers, including Let It Go: Forgive So You Can Be Forgiven. The Potter’s Touch Podcast features Jakes’s powerful preaching.
38. Byron Katie hosts The Work of Byron Katie Podcast. Byron Katie is the author of best selling books like Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life. On her podcast, Byron Katie teaches her method of self-inquiry known as “The Work”, which she coaches her guests on performing.
39. Guy Kawasaki hosts Guy Kawasaki’s Remarkable People Podcast – Guy Kawasaki starting off marketing Macintosh computers back in the 1980s and has written best-selling books like The Art of the Start 2.0. On his podcast, he interviews remarkable people in the areas of technology, start-ups, entrepreneurship, and marketing.
40. Garrison Keillor hosts Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac Podcast – Garrison Keillor created the beloved A Prairie Home Companion radio show and has authored many popular books including Lake Wobegon Days. His Writer’s Almanac podcast features brief episodes of Keillor’s humorous thoughts of the day.
41. Timothy Keller hosts the Timothy Keller Podcast – Pastor Timothy Keller has authored many best-selling books including The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism. His podcast features his sermons from Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City.
42. Robert T. Kiyosaki hosts the Rich Dad’s Podcast – Robert T. Kiyosaki is the author of the mega-best-selling wealth book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. His Rich Dad Podcast features Kiyosaki talking with guests about personal finance.
43. Jack Kornfield hosts the Heart Wisdom Podcast – Jack Kornfield is a Buddhist monk who has authored popular audio programs like The Wise Heart: A Guide to the Universal Teachings of Buddhist Psychology. His Heart Wisdom Podcast presents dharma talks and meditations he has delivered around the world.
44. Lawrence Krauss hosts The Origins Podcast – Lawrence Krauss is a theoretical physicist who has authored popular science books like A Universe from Nothing. His Origins Podcast offers in-depth conversations with scientists, philosophers, and leading thinkers.
45. Jiddu Krishnamurti is featured on the Urgency of Change: The Krishnamurti Podcast – Jiddu Krishnamurti was an Indian philosopher who delivered many lectures and wrote many popular books like Freedom from the Known (1969). His podcast is run by the Krishnamurti Foundation and presents over 200 conversations and talks given by Krishnamurti.
46. & 47. Patrick Lencioni hosts the At The Table with Patrick Lencioni Podcast and The Working Genius with Patrick Lencioni Podcast – Patrick Lencioni is the author of the best-selling leadership fable The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. He hosts two podcasts. At The Table with Patrick Lencioni offers over 200 conversations with everyday leaders. The Working Genius with Patrick Lencioni Podcast provides practical advice on applying Lencioni’s Working Genius model at your work and in your daily life.
48. Steven D. Levitt hosts the People I (Mostly) Admire Podcast – Steven D. Levitt is the co-author of the best-selling Freakonomics book series including Freakonomics. While his co-author Stephen J. Dubner hosts the popular Freakonomics Radio Podcast, Levitt started his own podcast more recently of conversations with high achievers in many fields.
49. Michael Lewis hosts the Against the Rules Podcast – Michael Lewis has authored numerous best-selling books like Moneyball and The Blind Side. His Against the Rules Podcast covers many topics, often in the area of finance, including most recently his coverage of former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried.
50. Max Lucado hosts the Max Lucado Daily Devotionals Podcast – Pastor Max Lucado is a prolific Christian author with best sellers like You’ll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times. His Daily Devotional Podcast presents 1-minute episodes of Christian encouragement.
51. John MacArthur hosts the Grace to You: Radio Podcast – Pastor John MacArthur is a prolific Christian author of over 150 books including the best-selling book Twelve Ordinary Men. His Grace to You: Radio Podcast offers broadcasts for spiritual growth.
52. John Maxwell hosts The John Maxwell Leadership Podcast – John C. Maxwell is a best-selling leadership author whose titles include The 5 Levels of Leadership and The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. His weekly podcast features leadership lessons and interviews with special guests.
53. Jon Meacham hosts the It Was Said Podcast – Jon Meacham is a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian which he received for his best-selling book American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House. The It Was Said Podcast won the 2021 Webby Award for Best Podcast Series. It’s a documentary podcast written and narrated by Meacham about some of the most famous speeches of all time.
54. Eric Metaxas hosts The Eric Metaxas Show Podcast – Eric Metaxas is a conservative talk show host who wrote the best seller Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. His podcast is of his conservative talk show and features a notable guest in each episode.
55. Joyce Meyer hosts the Joyce Meyer Radio Podcast – Christian author and speaker Joyce Meyer has written many best-selling books including her most popular one The Battlefield of the Mind. Her podcast is of her radio broadcast, which is called Enjoying Everyday Life, and features 15-minute episodes.
56. Cal Newport hosts the Deep Questions with Cal Newport Podcast – Cal Newport’s work covers maintaining focus and avoiding distractions in the digital age, which he writes about in his best seller Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World. His podcast covers our digital world and how we can be more productive and surpass the noise of our technology-obsessed era.
57. Bill Nye hosts the Science Rules with Bill Nye Podcast – Bill Nye the Science Guy has authored a few best-selling science books including Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation. On his Science Rules podcast seeks to answer scientific questions which he tackles with his guests.
58. Suze Orman hosts Suze Orman’s Women and Money Podcast – Suze Orman is a former financial advisor who has authored best sellers on personal finance including Women & Money. Her podcast features financial advice and answers to listener questions.
59. Joel Osteen hosts the Joel Osteen Audio Podcast – Pastor Joel Osteen has authored many best sellers including Your Best Life Now. His daily podcast features sermons from him and his wife, Victoria Osteen.
60. John Piper hosts the Ask Pastor John Piper Podcast – Pastor John Piper has authored many popular Christian books including Desiring God. On his podcast, he answers theological questions in over 2,000 episodes!
61. Dave Ramsey hosts The Dave Ramsey Show Podcast – Dave Ramsey offers financial advice on his nationally syndicated radio program The Ramsey Show. He has also authored best-selling books like The Total Money Makeover. His podcast is of his call-in radio show, where he answers your burning financial questions.
62. Tony Robbins hosts The Tony Robbins Podcast – Superstar motivational speaker Tony Robbins has published many best selling audio books including most recently Life Force: How New Breakthroughs in Precision Medicine Can Transform the Quality of Your Life & Those You Love. His podcast features interviews with other inspiring thinkers from the world of personal and professional growth.
63. & 64. Jon Ronson hosts The Butterfly Effect Podcast and the Things Fell Apart Podcast – Journalist Jon Ronson has authored prescient best-selling classics like So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed. His podcast, The Butterfly Effect, covers the wide-ranging effects that free pornography has had on individuals throughout the United States and the world. His other podcast from the BBC is called the Things Fell Apart Podcast and covers the history of many of the culture wars that have overtaken our public discourse.
65. Gretchen Rubin hosts the Happier with Gretchen Rubin Podcast – Gretchen Rubin is author of the book The Happiness Project. Her Happier with Gretchen Rubin Podcast continues her quest for finding practical ways to be happier in your daily life, with over 900 episodes on the feed!
66. Michael Sandel hosts The Public Philosopher – BBC Podcast – Michael Sandel is a political philosopher who wrote the book Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? based on his popular free Harvard course on YouTube. On his BBC podcast, The Public Philosopher, Sandel tackles current controversies from a philosophical perspective.
67. Arnold Schwarzenegger hosts Arnold’s Pump Club Podcast – Bodybuilder, actor, and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger has written two best sellers Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story and his new book Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life. His new podcast, Arnold’s Pump Club, provides positive advice on health, fitness, and nutrition, all in under 10 minutes.
68. Ramit Sethi hosts the I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast – Ramit Sethi wrote the best-selling book I Will Teach You to Be Rich. His podcast features conversations with real couples where he provides them with financial advice.
69. Michael Shermer hosts The Michael Shermer Show Podcast Michael Shermer is director of The Skeptics Society and publisher of Skeptic magazine. He has written popular books like Why Darwin Matters: The Case for Evolution and Against Intelligent Design. His podcast features in-depth conversations leading scientists, philosophers, historians, scholars, writers, and thinkers about the most critical issues of our time.
70. Simon Sinek hosts the A Bit of Optimism Podcast – Simon Sinek has written several best-selling books on leadership including Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. On his podcast, he interviews his guests on leadership and other ways to be positively influential.
71. Eckhart Tolle hosts the Eckhart Tolle: Essential Teachings Podcast – Eckhart Tolle is spiritual teacher who authored the best-selling books The Power of Now and A New Earth. His Essential Teachings Podcast features Tolle talking to audiences and answering their questions.
72. Neil deGrasse Tyson hosts the StarTalk Radio with Neil deGrasse Tyson Podcast – Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist and popular science communicator who has written some best-selling books like Astrophysics for People in a Hurry. His StarTalk Radio Podcast features interviews with guests from the world of science in over 800 episodes.
73. Iyanla Vanzant hosts the The R Spot with Iyanla Podcast – Iyanla Vanzant is a best-selling author of books like Peace from Broken Pieces. She’s a spiritual life coach, and her podcast features relationship advice for listeners who call in.
74. Gary Vaynerchuk hosts The GaryVee Audio Experience Podcast – Gary Vaynerchuk came to fame in the world of wine before he became a marketing guru. He has written several best-selling books, including Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion. His podcast episodes vary in length and cover ways to help you succeed in business.
75. Matthew Walker hosts The Matt Walker Podcast – Matthew Walker is a professor of neuroscience who specializes in studying sleep. His first book Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams was a best seller. His podcast also focuses on the science of sleep.
76. Rick Warren hosts the Daily Hope with Rick Warren Podcast – Pastor Rick Warren authored the huge Christian best seller The Purpose-Driven Life. His Daily Hope Podcast presents practical Christian teachings on many aspects of life.
77. Alan Watts is featured on the Alan Watts: Being in the Way Podcast – Alan Watts was an author and lecturer who interpreted Eastern religion and philosopher for a Western audience. He wrote best selling books like The Way of Zen and The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are. The Alan Watts: Being in the Way Podcast features many of his recorded lectures with introductions by Alan’s son, Mark Watts.
78. Andrew Weil hosts the Body of Wonder Podcast – Dr. Andrew Weil is an author of many popular books on integrative medicine and healthy living including 8 Weeks to Optimum Health. His Body of Wonder Podcast features conversations with doctors and researchers discussing many topics on health and wellness.
79. Marianne Williamson hosts The Marianne Williamson Podcast – Marianne Williamson has written many best-selling self-help books including her most famous work A Return to Love. She ran for president in 2020 and is doing so again in 2024, so her podcast is currently more political while also bringing her spiritual wisdom to the table.
80. Oprah Winfrey hosts Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations Podcast – Oprah Winfrey is known her talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show that she hosted for 25 years. She has written a few best selling books, including What I Know for Sure. Since 2011, she has run her own TV network called OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network), which for ten years featured her show Super Soul Sunday. Her podcast offers hundreds of conversations from that show with some of the most popular authors on spiritual and personal growth, along with many celebrities.
81. Robert Wright hosts Robert Wright’s Nonzero Podcast – Robert Wright is an author and journalist on a wide range of topics who has written many books including the best seller Why Buddhism Is True. His Nonzero Podcast features conversations with other journalists and thinkers, mostly on the current topics of global politics.
Hopefully, some of those best-selling authors interest you, and you enjoy listening to their podcasts!