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January 20, 2018
Greatest Speeches on Free Audio & Video
We’ve recently gone through and added videos to the 150 great speeches we feature from American Rhetoric. AmericanRhetoric.com is the largest online speech bank which features over 5000 full text, audio, and video versions of public speeches, sermons, lectures, debates, and interviews. From their speech bank we’ve selected 150 of the most well known speeches they offer on streaming audio and MP3 audio download. We’ve now added to these pages the videos of the speeches when they are available as many have been uploaded to YouTube or are available on C-SPAN. You can view them all here:
Browse 150 of the Best Speeches of All Time from American Rhetoric
To see our full collection of free speeches, check out our Free Speeches Audio & Video category:
Browse Over 250 Free Speeches on Audio & Video on LearnOutLoud.com
We’ve also decided to permanently make our Great Speeches in History audio book free. You can download this collection of great speeches from throughout history exclusively on LearnOutLoud:
Download Our Free Great Speeches in History Audio Book Exclusively on LearnOutLoud.com
We also feature many speeches and talks in our over 200 top video programs we selected from C-SPAN:
The Best of the C-SPAN Video Library
For some of the most popular speeches on our site, here are the top 10 most popular speeches from American Rhetoric:
1. I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King, Jr.
2. I’ve Been to the Mountaintop by Martin Luther King, Jr.
3. Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln
4. 1993 ESPY Award Address by Jim Valvano
5. A Time for Choosing (aka “The Speech”) by Ronald Reagan
6. Remarks on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. by Robert F. Kennedy
7. John F. Kennedy: Inaugural Address
8. Beyond Vietnam by Martin Luther King, Jr.
9. The Ballot or the Bullet by Malcolm X
10. D-Day Pre-invasion Address to Soldiers by Dwight D. Eisenhower
In addition to these great speeches, you can listen to over 25 one-hour audio books that highlight some of the greatest speeches of the past century. For years now we’ve been selling the audio books of Speechworks on audio download. Their audio books feature highlights from great speeches of past presidents and notable figures like Sir Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Jr., Joe DiMaggio, and Muhammad Ali. Now over 25 of their audio books are available to stream for free from Spotify. We still sell them on audio download but have embedded the albums on Spotify on our these pages. Please Note: In order to listen to these audio books you’ll need a free Spotify account. You can listen for free with occasional ads and they also have Spotify software for easier listening on your computer. If you want to listen ad-free and on a smart phone and you love music as well, we can’t recommend Spotify Premium highly enough.
Bobby: The Speeches of Robert F. Kennedy
Edward M. Kennedy: Lion of the Senate
General Douglas A. MacArthur: Soldier
The Greatest Speeches of All Time: Volume I
The Greatest Speeches of All Time: Volume II
The Greatest Speeches of All Time: Volume III
Harry S. Truman: Give ’em Hell, Harry
JFK: The Kennedy Tapes Vol. II
Joe DiMaggio: The Yankee Clipper
Martin Luther King Jr.: We Shall Overcome
Michael Jordan: An Audio Tribute
MLK: The Martin Luther King, Jr. Tapes
Muhammad Ali: An Audio Tribute – Beyond the Myth
Richard M. Nixon: The Nixon Tapes
Robert F. Kennedy: In His Own Words
Ronald Reagan: The Great Speeches Vol. 1
Ronald Reagan: The Great Speeches Vol. 2
Sir Winston Churchill: “The War Years”
Sir Winston Churchill: His Finest Hour
William Jefferson Clinton: Great Speeches
And if you’d like to listen to full speeches from our past presidents, we also are linking to large Spotify playlists on the below pages, along with linking to the Miller Center of Public Affairs which features the largest collections of presidential speeches on audio & video. Here they are in presidential order:
Franklin D. Roosevelt Speeches
Lots of speeches on audio & video to choose from. Be inspired by some of the most famous speeches of all time on LearnOutLoud!
January 3, 2018
50 Free Motivational Resources for the New Year
Happy New Year! For the past 5 years we’ve featured a month of free motivational audio & video resources in January in our Free Resource of the Day Email to get you motivated for a New Year. And this year will be no different. To start off our motivation for January of 2018, here are 50 free audio & video resources to motivate you to live better in the New Year. The resources here feature podcasts, video talks, free audio books, and more to help you in your personal, professional, financial, spiritual, physical, and emotional life! We hope some of these resources will aid you as you think about what you want to accomplish in the year ahead.
Tony Robbins sent out this YouTube video many years ago on January 15th. Why January 15th? Because statistics show that 95% of people who have made a New Year’s resolution have already broken it by January 15th. So here’s Tony with some motivation for creating some lasting change in your life. In this 35-minute off-the-cuff talk Tony motivates you to raise your standards in all areas of your life. And he encourages you to create rituals that will hold you up to the new standards that you have set. He gives wisdom from his decades of empowering millions through his books, seminars, audio programs, and videos.
In his own words, “Dan Harris is a fidgety, skeptical ABC newsman who had a panic attack live on Good Morning America, which led him to something he always thought was ridiculous: meditation.” He is the author of the bestselling book 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found a Self-Help That Actually Works – A True Story. In this podcast he interviews practicing meditators, Buddhist thinkers, neuroscientists, and other people concerned with making life a little happier. Some of the people he interviews include George Stephanopoulos, Robert Thurman, actor Alan Cumming, Dr. Richie Davidson, Mingyur Rinpoche, Arianna Huffington, RuPaul, Sharon Salzberg, and many others. In his first episode he interviews His Holiness the Dalai Lama about analytical meditation, religion, and enlightenment. He also periodically brings in guests on the show to lead guided meditations. It’s an invaluable podcast for people interested in the benefits of meditation and being a little happier in their daily life.
We all know exercise is great for the body, but in this lecture Dr. John Ratey talks about the many ways neuroscience is discovering how great exercise is for the brain. His book Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain lays out the research and amazing case studies that show how exercise can improve brain function. In this 50-minute talk at Google, Dr. Ratey summarizes his findings, showing how exercise improves performance in schools and the workplace and its effectiveness at overcoming disorders like ADHD, depression, Alzheimer’s, and more. Learn the latest findings on exercise and the brain with bestselling author and renowned psychiatrist Dr. John J. Ratey.
4. 1 Year Daily Audio Bible Podcast
Want to get through the entire Bible this year? This podcast will take you through the entire Bible in 365 separate podcasts to be listened to over the next year. Each podcast is read by Nashville, TN based record producer Brian Hardin. Instead of going through the Bible chronologically, he selects four different passages for each podcast, which go through books of the Old and New Testament simultaneously, along with a Proverb and a Psalm. If you’d like to read the Bible more, but can’t find the time of day, then try listening to the entire Bible in one year with the Bible In a Year Podcast.
He also features a 1 Year Daily Audio Bible Podcast for Kids which goes through the New Testament:
1 Year Daily Audio Bible for Kids Podcast
5. Don’t Worry, Be Happy Now: The Science and Philosophy of the Happiness Movement
In this talk from UCTV, James Fallows, National Correspondent for The Atlantic, interviews The Happiness Project author Gretchen Rubin. Her book is subtitled “Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun”, and in this talk Gretchen Rubin talks about all the things she attempted in her year-long pursuit of happiness, and all the ways towards happiness she has learned from others since her book was published. Acknowledging that different things make different people happy, she does have one piece of sage advice to make everyone happier: “Make your bed in the morning.” 🙂
6. Conscious Millionaire Podcast
With over 600 episodes, The Conscious Millionaire Podcast led by host J.V. Crum III, is one of the best business & wealth resources with interviews of the world’s top entrepreneurs, business owners, and experts in the conscious business revolution. Scroll down this massive podcast feed and find a business topic or interview that interests you. You’ll find episodes like “David Bach: How to Become an Automatic Millionaire”, “Michael Bernard Beckwith: Embracing and Releasing Your Urge for Success!”, “Bob Burg: Effective and Profitable Leadership”, and many, many more interesting interviews. Note: This podcast will take a while to load because of the over 600 episodes on the feed, but it’s worth the wait!
7. 50+ Free Pimsleur Downloads
The New Year is a great time to dedicate oneself to learning a new language, or to learning a little bit of a lot of languages. We now have over 50 free MP3 audio downloads from the first units of Pimsleur language courses in over 40 different languages! Try out as many as you’d like. You can browse a list of them all on our blog.
Each free lesson contains 30 minutes of spoken language practice, with an introductory conversation, and isolated vocabulary and structures to learn. Please download these free language learning lessons to try out the Pimsleur method and learn some basic language vocabulary as well.
Dr. Orison Swett Marden was a prolific American inspirational author who wrote over 40 inspirational books on how to succeed in life and business, along with books on health, home life, and more. His book How to Succeed contains many of his key insights which came out of his New Thought philosophy. On audio book for the first time, this volume contains lessons that are still valid today. It is narrated by a group of volunteer narrators at Librivox.
And if you’d like to hear more from Orison Swett Marden, Librivox also has a solo narration of Marden’s work:
9. 4-Hour Everything: How Tim Ferriss Tracks His Life’s Data
Tim Ferriss is the author of such bestsellers as The 4-Hour Work Week and The 4-Hour Body. He is also the author of the brand new book The 4-Hour Chef: The Simple Path to Cooking Like a Pro, Learning Anything, and Living the Good Life (which is not available on audio, but you can get the hardcover book).
This is a 25-minute talk he gave at the WIRED Health Conference last October, and it is the #1 most viewed video of 2012 on the outstanding video site FORA.tv. In the talk Ferriss reveals the data that he tracks in regards to his workouts, what he eats, and a whole lot more. While he acknowledges that some of the stuff he tracks might seem obsessive or absurd to outsiders, he is confident that technology (such as apps on smart phones) is making it a whole lot easier for people to track data corresponding to their health and well-being. And he feels that tracking isn’t limited to scientific data, but can be applied to certain intangibles such as your emotions. This talk will surely get you thinking about what data you should be tracking as you strive for better physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health this year!
10. The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
Listen to The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are by Alan Watts. This abridged recording of Alan Watts’s classic book is available to listen to on YouTube. In this book Watts puts forth his worldview, drawing on Hinduism, Chinese philosophy, pantheism, and modern science, in which he maintains that the whole universe consists of a cosmic Self playing hide-and-seek; hiding from itself by becoming all the living and non-living things in the universe and forgetting what it really is – the upshot being that we are all IT in disguise. Enjoy this classic interpretation of Eastern philosophy for a Western audience.
11. The Quest: Discovering Your Human Potential
Ready for an hour of rapid fire personal growth and spiritual wisdom? This 1996 documentary features interviews with some of the leading personal growth voices including Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Thomas Moore, and many others. They confront some of life’s most pressing concerns including the problem of pain and fear, the necessity to love and contribute, and much, much more. Watch this free documentary on YouTube and gain some new wisdom today!
12. Hay House Meditations Podcast
The popular spiritual growth publisher Hay House is offering over 50 guided meditations on their meditation podcast from many of their top authors including Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Judith Orloff, Marianne Williamson, and many more of their bestselling authors. The podcasts vary in their theme and in their running time giving you many options to choose from. There are quick 3-minute meditations to 25-minute meditations, you can find a guided meditation that fits you schedule. Enjoy this podcast from Hay House.
If you like some guided imagery along with your meditation you can also check out Hay House’s Monday Meditation playlist on YouTube featuring over 60 meditations:
Monday Meditations from Hay House on YouTube
13. The Master Key System: Lessons 1-8
Download this free abridged audio version of Lessons 1 through 8 of The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel. This covers about one-quarter of Haanel’s classic personal development course. This book, along with The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles, was the source of Rhonda Byrne’s inspiration for the book and the film The Secret and is now known to have inspired the writing of the world’s most famous success book Think And Grow Rich. We’re trying our best to get you the top free personal growth audio to jump start your year! Download this free abridged version of The Master Key System on Archive.org.
14. The EntreLeadership Podcast
Dave Ramsey is a bestselling financial author and radio host, and his team runs one of the most popular business podcasts on iTunes, The EntreLeadership Podcast. The podcast is hosted by Chris LoCurto, who conducts excellent interviews with today’s top business authors and leaders. At the beginning of each episode you’ll hear a lesson from Dave Ramsey himself. After the lesson LoCurto conducts an interview, and currently on the feed you can listen to interviews with leadership experts like John C. Maxwell, Robin Robins, Patrick Lencioni, Stephen M.R. Covey, Jim Collins, Tony Dungy, Tony Hseih, and, of course, Dave Ramsey. Get great business advice to kick off the year!
15. Marianne Williamson: Stand Up, Speak Out!
Author Marianne Williamson has a brand new audio book out for the new year: A Year of Miracles: Daily Devotions and Reflections. Here’s a TED talk she gave.
Author Marianne Williamson makes an impassioned case for peace in the modern world in a brief lecture presented by TED talks. Williamson argues that the role of human consciousness is to work in harmony with nature, and thus we as a race should work together in a similar way. However in the modern world, many of us have forgotten that we are linked to a natural intelligence in the world, and thus a malignancy now dominates too much, leaving us mired in war, climate change and more. That said, Williamson goes on to point out that the universe is self-correcting, and thus if we attune ourselves to correct the broken system, we can turn back the tide as a race.
16. The Best of Steve Pavlina’s Blog
Steve Pavlina’s popular blog “Personal Growth for Smart People” gets over 2 million visitors per month. Writing on topics as diverse as sleep optimization, natural food diets, relationships, and time management, Pavlina has displayed a fascinating willingness to adjust his lifestyle for the better. We’ve been avid readers of his blog for years and are excited to present his ideas on audio for the first time! Our free audio book for today features six of his most popular blog posts of all time. Download this free 1-hour audio book as an introduction to his unique take on personal growth.
17. Dr. Jordan Metzl on The Exercise Cure
Need some motivation to move? Dr. Jordan Metzl is author of The Exercise Cure: A Doctor’s All-Natural, No-Pill Prescription for Better Health and Longer Life, and in this talk he delivered at Google he prescribes exercise for many of our society’s medical issues from the brain to the body. He emphasizes that “exercise is medicine” and also has great quotes like “sitting is the new smoking”. He quickly lists the many health benefits of exercise and then prescribes what amount and what sort of exercise one may need for optimum health. He also emphasizes the need for change in the medical profession and in public policy to incentivize people to exercise. At the end he answers many interesting questions from Google audience. It’s an excellent 40-minute video that will hopefully give you some inspiration to move more this year!
Today’s free resource is a great new podcast we’ve added to our site called the Inspire Nation Podcast. This motivational podcast is hosted by inspiring self-help expert Michael Sandler. Sandler talks with hundreds of personal growth authors and speakers in these hour long interviews. Sandler is a podcasting machine releasing a new podcast everyday and he is sometimes joined by his co-host and wife Jessica Lee. Sandler’s interviews are insightful and his enthusiasm is infectious (he’s not ashamed to yell out “Woo-Hoo!”). In a recent podcast from Dec. 20, 2016, he talks with veteran self help author and speaker Brian Tracy about his new book Master Your Time, Master Your Life. Tracy lays out many practical ways you can optimize your time to achieve your goals for the New Year. Other guests on the podcast feed include Dr, Joe Dispenza, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Pam Grout, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Start your year with a serious dose of motivation from the Inspire Nation Podcast. Note: It might take a little while for this podcast to load on our site as there are 100s of podcast episodes on this feed.
19. Ken Blanchard: Lead Like Jesus
Management expert Ken Blanchard has authored over 35 books including the bestseller The One Minute Manager. In this recent talk from Biola University, Blanchard teaches leadership lessons from the Bible and Jesus Christ. He talks about the importance of all leadership to shift from self-serving to serving others. He provides many examples of this type of leadership in action such as the customer service expertise and values of Southwest Airlines. Blanchard’s lessons can applied in almost any area of leadership including business, church leadership, sports coaching, and the family. This 1 hour and 20 minute talk is available on streaming video from YouTube.
20. Mitch Albom: From Morrie to Heaven: In Search of a Meaningful Life
Tuesdays with Morrie author Mitch Albom talks to a packed audience of students about living a meaningful life in this engaging speech provided by Elmhurst College. Despite the fact that his college teacher Morrie Schwartz was a key mentor in his early adulthood, Albom did not reconnect with him until 16 years later, when he learned his old friend was dying of ALS. Albom recounts how in those final months, Schwartz talked candidly about what was most important to him as his life neared its end. Albom took these lessons to heart, discarded his workaholic lifestyle, and has since used his dying teacher’s final lessons as a means of helping others find the essence of a well-lived life.
21. Optimize with Brian Johnson Podcast
The Optimize with Brian Johnson Podcast offers daily, practical wisdom offered directly from the creator of PhilsophersNotes. Each episode offers a variety of material, including Johnson’s popular notes on the best optimal living books, “MicroClasses” designed to help listeners apply these notes to their daily lives, and in-depth author interviews. With Optimize, Johnson has reached a new exciting level in his ongoing mission to help others reach their highest potential.
22. The Art of Happiness in Troubled Times by His Holiness the Dalai Lama
In this hour long talk, His Holiness the Dalai Lama reminds the audience that it has always been troubled times, and that while the kinds of suffering changes throughout history, the suffering still remains. He discusses training oneself in compassion in order to overcome self-centeredness, fear, anger, and hatred towards others. His prescription for happiness is keeping oneself open for love and compassion no matter what problems may arise. Watch this talk on streaming video.
23. Joseph Grenny on Change Anything
Today we’re featuring a talk to help boost you into the New Year by thinking smarter about changing aspects of your life. Joseph Grenny is the co-author of the book Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success.
In this talk delivered at Google, Grenny discusses many of the findings of their research on change and presents a new way of thinking about how to change habits in one’s life. While many people assume that the inability to change is due to lack of willpower and that most people have to hit rock bottom with their bad habits before they can change, Grenny gives us a different perspective. He posits that we don’t have to work harder at change but that we have to be smarter at learning about all of the factors contributing to our bad habits. By recognizing six different factors that contribute the most to one’s habits, we can then come to a better understanding of our habits and come up with creative ways to change our environment or our state or mind in order to enable lasting change. He gives many great examples and shows video clips of people who successfully changed their personal and professional life for the better. If you’re making some New Year’s resolutions this year, then this talk can help you with coming up with new ideas on how to accomplish those goals. This 50-minute talk is available on streaming video from YouTube.
24. Oprah Winfrey on Career, Life, and Leadership
Start your year off with this inspiring talk from Oprah Winfrey delivered at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Oprah tells her story as she went from radio to television news to talk shows, and how she chose in the 1990s to rise above the trashy confrontational TV of her time to create a show which she would use to raise the consciousness of herself and her audience. She then talks about how she moved on to create her own television network. Throughout the talk she sprinkles in life lessons she has learned along the way from the many people she has interviewed, and she gives inspiring advice to the students at Stanford for their life and career.
25. Transform Your Mind, Change Your Brain
In this lecture provided by Google Talks, Dr. Richard J. Davidson details recent scientific research on how neuroscience is beginning to learn a great deal about how the brain works with meditational practice. Davidson says research shows that the brain is designed to change in response to experience and that it is clear that the intentional deployment of specific meditation strategies can transform our cognitive and emotional health. After “coming out of the mindfulness closet” and revealing to his colleagues that he had an interest in Eastern spiritual practice, Davidson has effectively devoted his career to merging cutting-edge neurology with contemplative traditions.
26. Dynamic Communicators Podcast
Ken Davis is an author, speaker, and communications trainer who has over 30 years experience in the public speaking business. In this podcast host Ken Davis provides wisdom from his many years of experience for how to improve your public speaking from preparation to delivery to marketing yourself as a public speaker. In the podcast episodes he covers many topics such as using humor, body language, vocabulary, and much more. He also interviews many fellow public speakers and communicators about tips they have learned. Davis delivers his podcasts with wit and enthusiasm in over 80 episodes so far.
27. Jonah Berger on Contagious: Why Things Catch On
We all have ideas we want to share whether it be with friends or in business, and we would all we like these ideas to be influential and spread. In this talk at Google, Jonah Berger takes a look at why certain ideas spread and go viral either by word of mouth or by social media. Berger covers some internet phenomenon that have gone viral and why. He lists six things that make an idea contagious: 1. Their social currency that represents someone’s status, 2. Triggers in the environment, 3. Emotion (when we care we share), 4. Publicly visible (such as Apple’s white headphones), 5. Practical value (news you can use), and 6. Using stories that carry ideas in them. He then answers questions, such as why are cats so viral?!
28. The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast
The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast is hosted by bestselling author Dr. Daniel Amen and his wife Tana Amen as they guide you on practices to improve your brain health. Drawing on ideas in their book The Brain Warrior’s Way: Ignite Your Energy and Focus, Attack Illness and Aging, Transform Pain into Purpose, Daniel & Tana Amen take you through a series of podcasts that deal with many aspects of brain health including defeating automatic negative thinking, relationships & the brain, what foods are good and bad for the brain, and other interesting topics. This podcast is relatively new and already features over 40 episodes that generally run 10-20 minutes long.
If you’re looking for some very sound financial advice, download our free audio book: Benjamin Franklin’s The Way to Wealth. This is an essay written by Benjamin Franklin that contains a condensed collection of the wealth advice he had presented in Poor Richard’s Almanac during its first 25 years of publication. While it has a short running time at 15 minutes, this audio book is worth listening to again and again. Full of wealth wisdom from one of America’s founding fathers who had his own ups and downs financially and passed on his knowledge. The Way to Wealth can be downloaded on MP3 exclusively through LearnOutLoud.com.
The Feeling Good Podcast is a new podcast from Dr. David D. Burns, author of the bestselling book Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy which has sold over 5 million copies in the U.S. since it was published in 1980. The book popularized cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) which has become one the most effective therapy treatments for depression, anxiety, and numerous other mental disorders. Burns’s mentor, Dr. Aaron T. Beck is the father of cognitive therapy which is one of the most practiced psychological therapies used today.
In this podcast Dr. Burns sits down with host Dr. Fabrice Nye and discusses the techniques of CBT along with other techniques that Dr. Burns has developed in his practice over the years. Burns confronts the issue of therapeutic resistance many patients have and how to overcome it with his T.E.A.M. model that he lays out over many podcast episodes. The “Methods” podcast episodes get into cognitive distortions and negative thinking patterns that are often present when people are depressed or anxious. Burns provides examples of this distorted thinking that accompanies low mood, and the CBT method for overcoming this thinking. No matter what mood you are in, you can benefit from the practices of CBT and other techniques that Dr. Burns lays out in this podcast in order to overcome negative thinking patterns.
If you aspire to learn more about or enhance your endurance running goals, the Run to the Top podcast is an unparalleled resource that features in-depth interviews with elite runners, olympians and leading-edge trainers. Hosted by Pro-Runner Tina Muir, Run to the Top is an inspiring showcase of personal running success stories, training concepts, and nutrition advice. You’ll also get valuable information on running form, how to gauge the best recovery time, how to fit running into a busy schedule, and the latest thoughts on shoes and other gear. Presented by Muir in a friendly, accessible manner, this podcast will make you itch to lace up and chase that 5k, 10k or marathon goal immediately!
32. The Art of Public Speaking
Before Dale Carnegie penned How to Win Friends and Influence People, he co-authored The Art of Public Speaking with Joseph B. Esenwein in 1915. This book has finally been recorded on audio by a group of volunteer narrators at Librivox. The unabridged audio book runs 19 hours and contains 31 chapters for how to improve your public speaking. The last 15 sections of this audio book are real speeches by famous men to function as a study aid. Download this free self help classic is available on Librivox.
Host Brian Rose provides an energizing jolt to your self development goals with the London Real Podcast. Each week, Rose offers two types of episode: a short topical discussion with his audience where he tackles a question (“Should you do what you love?”, “Upping your Game”, etc), and then an in-depth interview show. He interviews an incredible range of authors, bloggers, and thinkers, including Dave Asprey, Jocko Willink, Cory Doctorow, Tim Ferriss, Dr. Jane Goodall, David Allen, and Ryan Holliday, just to name a few. Well produced, enthusiastic, and inspiring, the London Real Podcast has become a great resource for a new generation of high-performing self-starters.
In this dialogue from bloggingheads.tv, American psychologist Martin Seligman and British economist Richard Layard take a macro view of happiness and how societies can attempt to measure happiness and achieve greater levels of happiness as a whole. Layard has pushed for governments to start analyzing GWB (General Well-Being) along with GDP and other indicators for how well a country is performing. Seligman questions him about how this is measured and advocates measuring according to his own acronym PERMA (which Seligman laid out his in latest book Flourish). PERMA stands for Positive Emotion, Engagement, Positive Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment/Achievement, and Seligman expounds on these points. Seligman and Layard then both take a look at the role public policy can play in leaning toward the greatest happiness for the greatest number. This dialogue can be watched on video or downloaded on MP3 audio.
35. 15 Free Audio Books by James Allen
Self-help movement pioneer James Allen penned over 20 books in his lifetime all of which are in the public domain. You can now download 15 of these audio books through Librivox thanks in large part to volunteer narrator Andrea Fiore who has narrated most of them. You can download and listen to our version of his most popular work: As a Man Thinketh along with 14 others.
36. House Call with Dr. Hyman Podcast
Dr. Mark Hyman has made a name for himself for views on health, fitness, and nutrition that often run counter to the conventional wisdom being proposed in popular media. The author of books such as Ultraprevention and The UltraMind Solution now hosts a regular House Call podcast that provides a venue for his readers and listeners to ask questions pertaining to particular health needs. Hyman offers valuable (and specific) advice on how to address the emotions that fuel your eating habits, what role exercise plays, what foods we should eat to promote health, and much more. On top of that, Hyman offers lively long-form interviews with various medical professionals that drill in to specific topics related to his overall mission to promote health and wellness in the 21st century.
37. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on Flow
Check out this TED talk from psychology professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi who authored the book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Csikszentmihalyi talks about how he became interested in psychology after World War II when he heard a lecture by Carl Jung. Csikszentmihalyi eventually began his psychological study of how average people become extraordinary which he attributes to the idea of “flow” when one become completely involved in an activity for its own sake. Csikszentmihalyi provides many examples of individuals who have tapped into this “flow” state.
38. Shawn Achor on The Happiness Advantage
In this rapid fire talk from TEDxBloomington, Shawn Achor pushes for more focus on research into positive psychology and what makes a person better than average. He looks at the disease model of psychology which sets out to get people feeling normal or average, and pushes us to shift our focus to a positive psychology model which sets out to change the mind and the brain to be better than average. He provides some quick tips on ways to alter your psychology in a positive manner. This 12-minute talk is available free through YouTube.
39. Positive Psychology: Praising Others, Changing the Self
Jonathan Haidt is a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia and the author of The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom. In this talk he discusses his research into some positive emotions that are rarely studied in psychology including moral elevation, admiration, and awe. Going back to ancient religious teachings which brought out these emotions, Haidt attempts to analyze them from a more scientific viewpoint and see if there are ways in which we can increase these positive emotions in the modern age. Learn about these new insights into the psychology of these important positive emotions. This talk is available from the Forum Network on streaming audio. Note: The Forum Network website is currently not working but the embedded player we have does work so you can listen to it that way.
40. Alzheimer’s Prevention Program: Keep Your Brain Healthy for the Rest of Your Life
Dr. Gary Small presents this lecture from UCTV on the latest findings to aid people in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. He shows viewers the brain of an Alzheimer’s patient which has plaque and inflammation build up. Dr. Small suggests ways to prevent Alzheimer’s including exercise, lifelong learning, a healthy diet (with Omega-3 fatty acids), socializing, reducing stress with deep breathing, and a glass of wine per day might not hurt either. He also covers some studies regarding vitamins and supplements which are not yet conclusive. Can we fully prevent Alzheimer’s disease? Not yet, but there are a lot of things we can do improve brain health and memory and reduce the odds of getting Alzheimer’s. This talk is available on MP3 download on the UCTV website and on video through their YouTube channel.
41. The Book of Life
Here’s some more worldly wisdom to begin your year. From the author of the classic muckraking novel The Jungle, Upton Sinclair wrote The Book of Life, a book full of advice on how to live your life and much more written when Sinclair was in his 40s.
42. Dr. David Agus on A Short Guide to a Long Life
Dr. David Agus is author of the brand new book A Short Guide to a Long Life. In this talk delivered at Politics and Prose, Dr. Agus provides the results of recent research devoted to healthy living. He is emphatic that everyone take a personal responsibility in maintaining their health, placing special importance on what we eat (avoid the center aisles at the supermarket!), when we eat (keep meal times regulated and curb snacking!) and how we use our bodies (walk as much as possible!). He also goes on to warn against the common assumption that vitamins are good for you, and provides other well-researched insights that go against prevailing notions of how to live a longer, fuller and healthier life.
Download this free audio book by one of the leading voices of the New Thought movement in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Ralph Waldo Trine was a philosopher, mystic, teacher, and author of many books. His remarkable seminal book, In Tune with the Infinite, was published in 1897 and went on to sell over 2 million copies. Trine greatly influenced Ernest Holmes, author of The Science of Mind, and also business leader Henry Ford. Download this unabridged 5-hour audio book from Librivox which is well narrated by a fellow named Kirk. This spiritual classic will hopefully bring you closer to being in tune with in the infinite in this new year!
Download and listen to this classic self development book for public speaking The Speaking Voice: Principles Of Training Simplified And Condensed by Katherine Jewell Everts. This audio book “contains practical directions accompanied by simple and fundamental exercises, first for the freeing of the voice and then for developing it when free”. Everts deals with speaking in terms of tone, pitch, inflection, and much more. The unabridged 5-hour audio book is read entirely by one of Librivox’s best narrators, Ruth Golding.
45. Optimal Living Daily Podcast
Justin Malik’s Optimal Living Daily Podcast offers daily readings from high-profile self development blogs in a quick, easily digestible format that listeners can use daily while on-the-go. Malik’s tasteful selections mainly cover minimalism, productivity, time management, mindfulness, and similar life-hacking techniques. The podcast features the writing of popular figures in the blogosphere, including Leo Baubata (Zen Habits), Steve Pavlina, Ramit Sethi (Author of I Will Teach You to be Rich), Mark Manson (Author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck) and many more. Browse over 300 podcast episodes on this popular self development podcast.
46. Untangle: Meditation Studio Podcast
Gaiam’s Untangle meditation podcast offers a professional, gentle, and exciting way for you to both begin your exploration of meditation, and deepen your commitment to becoming more mindful throughout the day. Episodes are typically devoted to 30 minute interviews with everyday people discussing how meditation changed their perspective, expert interviews with authors, and medical practitioners discussing a specific topic (healing, self-compassion, stress, etc.) and short, guided meditations you can use right away in your own daily practice.
47. Pico Iyer: The Art of Stillness
Watch this 15-minute TED talk by travel writer Pico Iyer on the art of stillness. As we head into another busy year, Iyer urges us to take time out to go nowhere and reflect on our day to day experiences. By taking a “sabbath” from technology and other distractions we can refresh our mind and head back into life with a renewed spirit. It’s an excellent reminder for all of us. This talk is available on streaming video and downloadable video from TED.com.
Hosted by biochemist Rhonda Patrick, the Found My Fitness Podcast dives deep into the current scientific, genetic, and neurological discoveries surrounding our health. Each episode features interviews with cutting-edge figures such as Aubrey De Grey, popular authors such as Tim Ferriss, and special spotlights where Dr. Patrick dedicates her expertise to offer advice on how to optimize your own well-being. Again, this podcast weighs heavy on the hard science, with Dr. Patrick covering topics related to longevity, genetics, exercise, fasting, mindfulness, and sleep in a way that is both educational and listenable.
Robert Greene has spent his writing career examining the lives of great world leaders, thinkers, and creators, distilling what makes them so different from the rest of us. In his latest book, Mastery, Greene takes a look at a diverse group including Benjamin Franklin, the Wright Brothers, Mozart, and Albert Einstein, in an effort to figure out what led to their creative breakthroughs, and why such creativity seems so rare. Greene argues that creative people often opt for career paths that are in line with personal engagement, take experimental routes once they’ve acquired the requisite knowledge of their trade, and often retain an “outsiders” perspective that is conducive to creative leaps. The “Master” in his conception is someone that has a certain fluidity of mind, constantly subverting conventional patterns of thinking, mitigating fear of failure, and looking for insight beyond normal channels of inquiry. Greene claims we all have an innate creative capability, but that we are often stifled in adulthood by a goal-centered culture that often works to restrict our imaginative grasp.
50. Hay House World Summit Podcast
For our final motivational feature of our month of motivation we are presenting four podcasts from the publisher Hay House. The first podcast we’ll feature is their Hay House World Summit Podcast which features interviews with many Hay House authors and speakers including Christiane Northrup, M.D., Doreen Virtue, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and many others. These 30-minute mini-lessons provide you a taste of what you’d get at Hay House’s Annual World Summit.
The next podcast we’ll feature is the Hay House Meditations Podcast. The popular spiritual growth publisher Hay House is offering over 100 guided meditations on their meditation podcast from many of their top authors including Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Judith Orloff, Marianne Williamson, and many more of their bestselling authors. The podcasts vary in their theme and in their running time giving you many options to choose from. There are quick 3-minute meditations to 25-minute meditations, so you can find a guided meditation that fits you schedule.
The next podcast we’ll feature is the Hay House Radio Podcast. This podcast features selections from Hay House’s many radio programs. Some of the programs are live call-in shows where Hay House authors answer questions on personal and spiritual growth. The podcasts are titled with specific topics as top Hay House authors lead talks on the radio that usually last about 30 minutes.
And the last podcast we’ll feature from Hay House is their Hay House Live Podcast that features insightful and inspiring lectures delivered at Hay House live events. In over 80 talks that usually last about 30 minutes each, you’ll hear speakers such as Gregg Braden, Cheryl Richardson, Brendon Burchard, Barbara De Angelis, Mike Dooley, Gabrielle Bernstein, and even Dr. Wayne Dyer. Browse this podcast feed for a topic of your interest.
We hope these 50 free audio & video motivational resources will empower you to start the year 2018 in the right direction! Much more new motivation to come this month in our Free Resource of the Day Email.