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July 20, 2018
300+ New Free Audio Books
Hi! We’ve been busy making some changes on the website recently. First off we’re no longer selling audio books on download directly, but we are linking to over 30,000 audio books on Audible through Amazon.com. You can now browse our new Audio Books section here:
So now that we are free from the burden of selling audio books we can focus on offering more free audio books, podcasts, and other great free audio & video learning programs. A number of the publishers we were working with now offer their audio books for free on streaming ad-supported platforms like Spotify, YouTube, and SoundCloud. We’ve now switched the links for these publishers and added embeddable players for these titles so you can access them for free through our site. Below are over 300 new free audio books we’ve added into our Free Audio & Video Directory. We’ll be adding many more in the coming weeks as we switch over to titles that are now available for free. For now here are over 300 free audio books from a number of great publishers:
50 Free Personal Growth Audio Books from BN Publishing
65 Free Plays on Audio from L.A. Theatre Works on SoundCloud & Spotify
25 Free Audio Books of Great Speeches and Historical Audio from Speechworks
30 Free Relaxing Musical and Spoken Recordings from The Relaxation Company
7 Talks by Jiddu Krishnamurti from the Krishnamurti Foundation of America
15 Fun Full Cast Audio Books for Kids & Teens by the Publisher Full Cast Audio
50 Free Spiritual Music Albums by Sounds True (You’ll need to browse through their publisher page to find music albums that are Online Audio (Free))
Adding these titles brings our total number of free audiobooks to be over 3,500 in our Free Audiobooks section:
Browse Over 3,500 Free Audiobooks
Also we’ll remind you as you browse around that if you log in now you can create “My List” which is a list of audio & video learning titles you want to listen to or watch. “My List” is now accessible in the upper right hand corner of every page on our desktop site. Start creating a learning list today! Many more free audio books to come. Thanks for your patience!
Please Note: In order to listen to many of these audio programs you’ll need a free Spotify account. You can listen for free with occasional ads and they also have Spotify software for easier listening on your computer. If you want to listen ad-free and on a smart phone and you love music as well, we can’t recommend Spotify Premium highly enough.
May 16, 2018
Rest in Peace Tom Wolfe: Five Fun Talks He Gave on Video
Author Tom Wolfe passed away this week at the age of 88. He was one of the leading writers of the literary nonfiction style known as New Journalism that was developed in the 1960s and 1970s. Always a pleasure to read, Tom Wolfe also gave some very enjoyable interviews and talks that we’ve featured over the years. Here are five fun talks he gave on video:
In this streaming video from C-SPAN’s BookTV, Tom Wolfe talks about his career as writer from The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby which he wrote back in the 1960s all the way up to his latest novel I Am Charlotte Simmons which explores college campus life in the present day. He fields call-in questions from people across the United States and tells us the secrets of his craft. Indeed, few writers today are as fun to listen to as Tom Wolfe.
For an amusing talk on modern art, listen to author Tom Wolfe in this talk he gave at his 60th class reunion at Washington and Lee University. In the tradition of his 1975 book The Painted Word, Tom Wolfe skewers the modern art world of the 21st century. He presents slides of the work of famous “deskilled” and “hands off” modern artists such as Jeff Koons, Damien Hirst, and Marina Abramovic. He talks about the art world establishment as consisting of about 3,000 people who determine the taste and value of modern art. If you’ve ever scratched your head while looking at a work of modern art, then this talk might amuse you. It is available as a video through YouTube with slides that show the works of art which Wolfe is referencing.
3. 2000 Boston University Commencement by Tom Wolfe
Watch this turn of the century commencement address from the great American author Tom Wolfe. While most commencement address speakers urge students to go out and change the world and fight the system, Tom Wolfe reminds graduates to keep up the current greatness of America and of our tremendous wealth and openness as a country. He praises our middle class virtues and laughs at movie actors and rock stars and other “intellectuals” who tear down the ordinary virtues of America with satire and cries of indignation. Throughout the talk Wolfe gives some of his own hilarious observations on America at the turn of the 21st century. It’s a unique commencement address from one of America’s most keen observers and most entertaining writers.
4. The Word According to Tom Wolfe
In this 30-minute interview with author Tom Wolfe, he provides his two cents on a wide variety topics from the death of the novel to the latest findings in neuroscience. He gives insight into his book that he was writing at the time Back to Blood and his thoughts on contemporary immigration in America. Wolfe provides some of his political opinions such as his support of President George W. Bush, which has proved very unpopular in his social circles in New York City. While most critics predict doom and gloom for the American Empire, Wolfe feels that we are on the verge of many great American centuries. At the end he provides a little moral advice: “Be happy with what you have!”
5. Tom Wolfe: What’s Southern Today?
In this streaming video offered by C-SPAN, author Tom Wolfe talks about the South as it is today. He provides observations about going to a NASCAR event, the origins of the term redneck, and the history of the right to own a gun in the South. Wolfe also fields questions from the audience about his career and he lets us know what he’s reading now. This entertaining hour-long video is available on C-SPAN.org.
May 4, 2018
All 60 LearnOutLoud Audio Books are Now Free!
We’ve decided to make some changes at LearnOutLoud and focus primarily on free audio & video learning going forward.
First off, starting July 1st, 2018 we will no longer be selling audio books directly on LearnOutLoud.com. We’ve had a good 12-year run as an audio book retailer, but we realize there are many better options for buying audio books now (notably Amazon’s Audible.com). If you’ve purchased audio books from us in the past, you’ll still be able to access them after July 1st, 2018, but we will no longer be selling audio books from that point on. We still plan to link to the best educational audio books as an affiliate of Audible.com and other audio & video learning companies, but our main focus now is going to be on providing you with the best free audio & video learning on the Internet.
Since we’re soon no longer going to be selling audio books, we decided it was time to give away all 60 of the audio books we’ve published on LearnOutLoud.com over the past 12 years. Since 2006 we’ve been featuring a free audio book of the month every month. Well now we’re giving away all 60 of those audio books we’ve published. Here are the audio books we’ve published that are now free on audio download exclusively on LearnOutLoud, now and forever:
Acres of Diamonds by Russell H. Conwell
Anthem by Ayn Rand
The Art of Money Getting by P.T. Barnum
The Art of War by Sun Tzu
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
The Best of Steve Pavlina’s Blog
Character Building Thought Power by Ralph Waldo Trine
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Civil Disobedience & Life Without Principle by Henry David Thoreau
Classics of Western Philosophy: Volume 1
Classics of Western Philosophy: Volume 2
Classics of Western Philosophy: Volume 3
Classics of Western Philosophy: Volume 4
Creative Mind by Ernest Holmes
Death in Venice by Thomas Mann
The Dhammapada by Buddha
The Enchiridion by Epictetus
The Founding Documents of the United States of America
The Go-Getter by Peter B. Kyne
Great American Presidents, Volume II
The Greatest Thing in the World by Henry Drummond
Hawthorne Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Impersonal Life by Joseph Sieber Benner
Iron Will by Orison Swett Marden
The Jefferson Bible by Thomas Jefferson
The Madman by Kahlil Gibran
The Magic Story by Frederic Van Rensselaer Dey
A Message to Garcia by Elbert Hubbard
Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Science of Being Great by Wallace D. Wattles
The Science of Being Well by Wallace D. Wattles
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
Selected Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Selected Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume 2
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
A Theory of Human Motivation by Abraham Maslow
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Thought Vibration by William Atkinson
The Way of Peace by James Allen
The Will to Believe by William James
In the coming months we’ll also be uploading all of these audio books to our YouTube channel which you can listen to there.
We’re very grateful to the millions of visitors that have used LearnOutLoud.com over the years. If you’d like to support us just keep visiting our site and you can also support us by signing up for one of our affiliates, which is a win-win-win situation for all of us. You can support us by signing up through the following links:
Audible Free Trial Offer:
Get your first 30 days of the Audible membership plan free, which includes two free audiobook credits. After your 30 day trial, your membership will renew each month for just $14.95 per month so you can continue to receive one audiobook credit per month plus members-only discounts on all audio purchases.
Or from our more recent affiliate, that offers a truly amazing deal:
Scribd Free Trial Offer:
Get your first 30 days of a Scribd subscription free. With a free trial to Scribd, you’ll get unlimited access to over 90,000 audio books and over 900,000 eBooks, along with numerous magazines, documents, and more. After your 30 day trial, your membership will renew each month for just $8.99 per month with ongoing unlimited access to their growing collection of audio books and eBooks. Scribd is truly becoming the Netflix of Audio Books & eBooks!
Or sign up for a free trial from one our all-time favorite audio & video learning companies, The Great Courses:
The Great Courses Plus Free Trial Offer:
You can now sign up for a 14-day free trial on TheGreatCoursesPlus.com When you sign up for The Great Courses Plus, you can then watch over 350 great courses and over 8,000 video lectures as much as you want, whenever you want! After the initial free trial, the price is only $19.99/month now! A bargain considering all the great courses you get access to. And if you sign up for a full year the price breaks down to only $14.99/month.
Thanks for Learning Out Loud! We can’t wait to dedicate our focus solely on providing you with the best free audio & video learning content on the World Wide Web!
March 31, 2018
Unlimited Audiobooks Subscription from Scribd
I’ve had a little bit of a revelation recently. That revelation being unlimited audiobooks services! Like many fans of audio books I’ve been a subscriber to Audible.com for years, getting my one credit per month for $14.95 and amassing a sizable library of audio books over the past decade.
Earlier this year the popular e-book and audiobook subscription service Scribd opened up their subscription service to offer unlimited e-books and audiobooks for $8.99/month after a 30 day free trial. I was skeptical of the selection I could get, but then I started browsing around. On Scribd you can browse around without having to create an account or log in to see the different audio books they have to offer. It’s easier to browse their offerings on a desktop or laptop computer, but you can also browse on a mobile phone. And you can search for specific audio books on their site as well, sorting results by “Everything” or just “Books” or “Audiobooks”. I decided to subscribe and after subscribing I’ve now got unlimited access to 90,000 audio books and 900,000 eBooks! Check it out for yourself:
Browse and Get Access to 90,000 Audio Books on Scribd
Scribd works with almost all the major audio book publishers amounting to over 50,000 titles from the following publishers:
Penguin Random House Audio (9600 Titles)
HarperAudio (4200 Titles)
Simon & Schuster Audio (2800 Titles)
Hachette Audio (1600 Titles)
Macmillan Audio (700 Titles)
Tantor Audio (9500 Titles)
Recorded Books (9000 Titles)
Brilliance Audio (8100 Titles)
Christian Audio (1800 Titles)
Oasis Audio (1600 Titles)
Zondervan Audio (1600 Titles)
Highbridge Audio (1400 Titles)
Naxos Audiobooks (800 Titles)
Thomas Nelson Audio (500 Titles)
Listen & Live Audio (500 Titles)
Gildan Audio (400 Titles)
L.A. Theatre Works (300 Titles)
Made for Success Audio (300 Titles)
Audio Holdings (300 Titles)
Better Listen Audio (200 Titles)
Penton Overseas Audio (130 Titles)
New World Library (40 Titles)
Berlitz Audio (30 Titles)
Once I had joined and was into my Scribd account, I started browsing the categories of the site. I began adding dozens of audio books to my saved library, and it was a bit like the first time I added streaming movies to my Netflix queue or starting listening to any album I wanted to on a streaming music service like Spotify. I wasn’t just creating a wish list of audio books I would someday like to buy, but I was making a list of audio books that I could access and listen to as much (or as little) as I wanted to immediately! And that’s what I’ve been doing since I subscribed last month. I’ve been trying out new releases along with audio books that used to be in my Audible Wish List, and I’ve also listened to titles that I might’ve never have purchased on Audible.
When it came to listening, I found the Scribd app on iOS to be very user friendly and assume that Android is the same experience. The titles are divided up by chapters and the app bookmarks your place wherever you’ve left off listening on your desktop or mobile app. On your phone you can stream audio books over your mobile network or download them on a WiFi connection for offline listening. The app specifies how large the files are for storing on your phone.
While I’m still an Audible.com subscriber since it has the largest selection of audio books at about 180,000 with many titles I can only get there, I’ve been impressed by Scribd’s selection of 90,000 audio books. Some publishers not currently offered on Scribd include Blackstone Audio, Nightingale-Conant, Pimsleur, Phoenix Audio, Sounds True, The Great Courses, Hay House, AudioGO, and, of course, they don’t have the titles published exclusively by Audible Studios (which includes about 30,000 audio books).
After looking around I discovered Scribd is not the only unlimited audiobooks subscription service currently. Here are a few others:
Playster.com – Has 100,000+ audiobooks available unlimited for $14.95/month. They have apps for iOS and Android, but their app is not as well reviewed as Scribd.
Otto Radio – I think they started as a radio and podcast app on iOS, but now have 55,000 audio books with two plans:
– Otto Select is $9.99 a month for unlimited access to 20,000+ Audio books.
– Otto Premium is $14.99 a month for everything included in the Select plan, plus one premium audio book per month.
And if you’re looking for more a la carte options or one audio book per month subscriptions then you can try these:
Audible Free Trial Offer:
Get your first 30 days of the Audible membership plan free, which includes two free audiobook credits. After your 30 day trial, your membership will renew each month for just $14.95 per month so you can continue to receive one audiobook credit per month plus members-only discounts on all audio purchases. 180,000 Audio Books available!
Downpour Audio Books – Owned by our friends at Blackstone Audio, members get 1 Credit per month for $12.99 per month along with saving up to 70% off retail prices for members.
Kobo Audio Books – The popular eBook platform also features one audio book per month for $9.99/month.
Audiobooks.com – Offers an impressive 100,000 audio books with a free book and trial before it is $14.95 for one audio book per month.
Google Play Audiobooks – And with the growth in the audio book market, Google decided it was their turn to jump in, offering no subscriptions, but audio books for sale a la carte at discounts. They launched in January with audio books in their Google Play Books app for both Android and iOS.
LearnOutLoud.com Audiobooks for Sale – And we offer 10,000 educational and inspirational audio books to download or stream on MP3 audio.
You can also purchase audio books through Amazon.com (which owns Audible) and iTunes (which Audible distributes to). There is also the ability to get audio books through libraries with Hoopla and Overdrive. Many options, but we recommend trying:
90,000 Audio Books with a 30 Day Trial to Scribd
March 30, 2018
20 Free Talks by Osho, Star of Netflix’s Documentary Wild Wild Country
There is a new 6-hour Netflix documentary series out called Wild Wild Country on the Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (popularly known as Osho) and the Rajneeshpuram community he and his followers set up in the 1980s in central Oregon. It is a fascinating documentary that covers the drama that unfolded over many years from many perspectives including leading figures within Rajneeshpuram and the surrounding townspeople and law enforcement officials they came into conflict with.
What the documentary doesn’t cover much is the actual teachings of Osho. We’ve sold Osho talks on our site for years and have enjoyed his unconventional spiritual wisdom which draws on Eastern philosophy and religion. We recently discovered that these talks are available for free on Spotify as well, so we’ve embedded them onto our pages for 20 of Osho’s talks which we’ll list below. OSHO International has also recently uploaded a six-part 4-hour video series by Osho to their YouTube channel entitled:
Priests & Politicians: The Mafia of the Soul
And here are the 20 free talks featured on Spotify. Please Note: In order to listen to these audio programs you’ll need a free Spotify account. You can listen for free with occasional ads and they also have Spotify software for easier listening on your computer. If you want to listen ad-free and on a smart phone and you love music as well, we can’t recommend Spotify Premium highly enough. If you don’t have Spotify or you want the talks on audio download, we are selling each talk for $4.00 on audio download.
1. 20 Difficult Things to Accomplish in this World
6. Every Human Being is a Seeker of Truth
8. Hypnosis in the Service of Meditation
9. Love and Hate: Just Two Sides of the Same Coin
10. The Man With the Inexplicable Life
11. Mind And Body Are Not Two Things
13. The Philosophy of Non-Violence
14. Reminding Yourself of The Forgotten Language of Talking to Your Mind And Body
15. Watchfulness, Awareness, Alertness
17. When Eternity Penetrates Time
18. Why Is Communication So Difficult?
19. You Are in Prison and You Think You Are Free
Take a listen to these Osho talks and decide for yourself about his unique spiritual ideas.
March 22, 2018
100 New & Notable Podcasts for 2018
In the past few years podcasting has been going through a Renaissance evolving from its origins of talk shows and radio programs to a new era of original content through digital storytelling complete with seasons as binge-worthy as your hottest Netflix show. After seeing this trend, we decided to greatly expand our podcast directory adding 5000 New Podcasts in Our Podcast Directory in January of 2017. We’ve been continually checking for the best podcasts on iTunes and also discovering amazing ones that aren’t making it to the top of iTunes charts. We’ve recently added 100s of more podcasts and today we’re highlighting 100 new and notable podcasts that we’ve added. As always we’re sticking to the best podcasts you can learn from. Enjoy these great new educational podcasts in our directory. We tried to divide them up by categories:
Change Agent Podcast – Podcast by Charles Duhigg, author of the bestselling book The Power of Habit. In the podcast Dughigg sets out to help everyday people solve tough personal problems with the help of novel methods.
The Solopreneur Hour Podcast – Interviews with icons and successful game changers on how to become profitably unemployable.
The One You Feed Podcast – Conversations about creating a life worth living. Host Eric Zimmer interviews experts on a variety of self help topics.
Something You Should Know Podcast – Host Mike Carruthers interviews top experts in their field to bring you fascinating information and advice on a great many topics.
From The Heart: Conversations with Yoga Girl Podcast – Yoga Girl Rachel Brathen shares practical and spiritual wisdom along with her guests.
Popular Mechanics Most Useful Podcast Ever Podcast – Life hacks from the classic magazine of popular science and technology.
Masters of Scale Podcast – Reid Hoffman hosts this educational podcast on how the leaders of the world’s biggest companies scaled up to the place they are today with interviews of Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg & Sheryl Sandberg, Netflix’s Reed Hastings, and Google’s Eric Schmidt.
The Goop Podcast – Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle brand gets a podcast mostly about health and wellness.
Cutting Edge Consciousness Podcast – Older podcast but features interviews with many leading spiritual teachers.
Dream Big Podcast – 7-years-old Eva Karpman and her mom Olga Karpman interviews extraordinary achievers like General Stanley McChrystal, inventor Ray Kurzweil, and human guinea pig A.J. Jacobs. Family-friendly inspiration!
Getting In: Your College Admissions Companion Podcast – A real-time podcast following a diverse group of New York-area high school seniors through the process of applying to college with plenty of expert advice along the way.
Losing 100 Pounds Podcast – Master Weight Loss Coach Corinne has lost 100 pounds and is now coaching you how to lose weight.
Daily Meditation Podcast – Meditation coach Mary Meckley answers your questions and guides you on the journey of establishing a daily meditation ritual.
The Ultimate Health Podcast – Interview with world-class experts in the health & wellness community. Over 200 episodes to choose from.
The Psych Central Show Podcast – Candid chat on many different aspects of mental health & psychology.
Pray the Word with David Platt Podcast – Short, daily meditations on prayer featuring teacher, author, and pastor David Platt.
Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations Podcast – Oprah Winfrey is now podcasting the conversations from her Super Soul Sunday TV show! Hear 30-60 minute long conversations with some of the most popular authors on spiritual and personal growth.
Where Should We Begin? Podcast – Relationship therapist Esther Perel takes you behind closed doors for the stories of 10 anonymous couples.
Under The Skin with Russell Brand Podcast – Comedian speaks with guests from the world of academia to help us to see the ulterior truth behind our constructed reality.
High Performance Habits Podcast – Late last year the bestselling author and leading personal development trainer Brendon Burchard put out a free abridged version of his new book High Performance Habits as a podcast!
The Goal Digger Podcast – Jenna Kutcher’s podcast for creative girl bosses.
American History Tellers Podcast – Multi-episode series on The Cold War, Prohibition, the Gold Rush, the Space Race, and more. Very entertaining history storytelling hosted by Lindsay Graham (not the Senator).
Slow Burn: A Watergate Podcast – In this 8-part investigative podcast hosted by Slate’s Leon Neyfakh, you’ll get a careful examination of the people that had a key political, legal, and cultural part to play in the Watergate scandal.
Unknown History Podcast – Short, fun history podcast covering little known stories in world history.
Ponzi Supernova Podcast – Original audio series from Audible.com covering Bernie Madoff’s $65 billion dollar Ponzi scheme and including interviews with Bernie Madoff from prison.
Presidents Are People Too! Podcast – Short Audible original series covering Franklin Pierce, Gerald Ford, Chester A. Arthur, George Washington, William Howard Taft, and Rutherford B. Hayes.
Making Obama/Making Oprah Podcast – Season One told the story of how Oprah built a media empire and Season Two tells the story of Obama’s climb from Chicago to the national stage.
Slate’s The Moment Podcast – Host Brian Koppelman interviews creative people about the pivotal moments that fueled fascinating creative careers.
ESPN: 30 For 30 Podcast – Very well produced audio documentaries on sports from ESPN, creators of the amazing 30 for 30 documentary series. They also interview some of the documentary filmmakers from the series.
Tides of History Podcast – Patrick Wyman, PhD sets up the makings of the modern world from the fall or Rome to the Renaissance.
Business Wars Podcast – Netflix vs. HBO. Nike vs. Adidas. Business is war! More fabulous storytelling from the podcast network Wondery.
This is War Podcast – A raw look at the combat and homecoming experience from American veterans who have been deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Fall of Rome Podcast – PhD historian and specialist Patrick Wyman outlines the fall of the Roman Empire in over 20 episodes.
LBJ’s War Podcast – From Public Radio International, a documentary in oral history form of Lyndon Johnson and the Vietnam War.
100:1 The Crack Legacy Podcast – Journalist Christopher Johnson traces the roots of today’s violent policing and mass-incarceration back to the war on drugs.
APM: Reports Documentaries Podcast – Over 100 of the best produced audio documentaries available dating back over two decades. APM Reports (formerly American RadioWorks) has now put them all on one podcast feed!
Today Explained Podcast – Led by host Sean Rameswaram, Today, Explained brings together Vox Media’s team of explainers to break down the news into a 20 minute, daily podcast released every afternoon.
Slate’s Working Podcast – Slate host Jacob Brogan goes out and interviews everyday Americans about their jobs.
Our National Conversation About Race Podcast – Lively multiracial conversation about the ways we talk about race.
WBEZ Resound Podcast – Short audio documentaries and stories from WBEZ in Chicago.
See Something Say Something Podcast – BuzzFeed’s Ahmed Ali Akbar gathers folks together to drink tea, tell stories, and talk about being Muslim in America.
The Ben Shapiro Show Podcast – Daily podcasts from this leading conservative voice.
NPR: It’s Been a Minute Podcast – Weekly wrap up show from NPR’s Sam Sanders.
Slate Politics Spoken Edition Podcast – The latest Slate.com political articles read by humans.
Radio Atlantic Podcast – A weekly show from the 160-year-old magazine hosted by Jeffrey Goldberg (Editor-in-Chief, The Atlantic), Matt Thompson (Executive Editor, The Atlantic), and Alex Wagner (Co-host, CBS This Morning: Saturday; Contributing Editor, The Atlantic).
POLITICO’s Pulse Check Podcast – Podcast on health care with interviews of the most interesting and influential people in health care.
The Atlantic Interview Podcast – Atlantic Editor in Chief Jeffrey Goldberg talks with the pivotal voices shaping politics, technology, art, media, business, and culture.
C-SPAN’s The Weekly Podcast – C-SPAN’s latest podcast features interviews that take you behind the scenes of what is happening in politics in Washington, D.C.
The Libertarian Podcast – Hoover Institution podcast featuring Richard Epstein on the latest news from a libertarian political perspective.
Slate’s Double X Podcast – Slate podcast focused on the latest news involving feminism and women’s issues.
The FRONTLINE Dispatch Podcast – FRONTLINE has launched their first audio-only podcast in The FRONTLINE Dispatch Podcast and it applies FRONTLINE’s investigative reporting to the podcast medium with superb audio documentaries.
The Writers Panel Podcast – Chat show with professional writers about the process and business of writing TV, film, comic books, music, novels, etc.
The Combat Jack Show Podcast – Interviews with hip hop icons and news from the world of hip hop music.
The New Yorker: The Writer’s Voice Podcast – New Yorker fiction writers read their stories.
NEA Big Read Audio Guides Podcast – Audio guides featuring readings from great books with commentary from artists, educators, and public figures. Short guides to The Great Gatsby, The Age of Innocence, To Kill a Mockingbird, Fahrenheit 451, and many other works of great literature.
All of the Above with Norman Lear Podcast – Entertainment legend Norman Lear (now 95 years old!) interviews many famous entertainers.
LeVar Burton Reads Podcast – Listen to short fiction read by the amazing actor and voice talent Levar Burton.
KPCC: The Frame Podcast – Hosted by longtime LA film writer John Horn, who talks to the people at the center of the creative universe in the world of film, TV, art and music.
HarperAudio Presents Podcast – Conversations with authors of major book releases from the publisher Harper Collins.
The New Yorker: Poetry Podcast – Readings and conversation with The New Yorker’s poetry editor, Kevin Young.
The Slash Filmcast Podcast – Discussion and debate over the latest movies from bloggers at the film site slashfilm.com.
AudioShelf Podcast – Finally a podcast for the audiobookworm! Podcasts about many audio books, mostly fiction.
Fictional Podcast – Modern adaptations of classic stories.
Homecoming Podcast – The first scripted audio series from Gimlet Media, starring Catherine Keener, Oscar Isaac, David Schwimmer, David Cross, Amy Sedaris, Michael Cera, and Spike Jonze. What a cast!
The Daily Show Podcast – The “Ears Edition” of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show hosted by Trevor Noah.
Launch Podcast – Screenwriter John August sets out to write his first novel and takes you along the ride.
The New York Public Library Podcast – Amazing wealth of talks and events featuring today’s best writers, artists, and thinkers. Over 200 episodes to choose from.
The Close-Up: Film Society of Lincoln Center Podcast – Film Society of Lincoln Center brings in major guests from the world of cinema including filmmakers, actors, critics, and more.
The Vergecast Podcast – Popular tech and gadget news podcast.
The Sporkful Podcast – Eating show hosted by Dan Pashman of Cooking Channel’s You’re Eating It Wrong and the book Eat More Better.
Antiques Roadshow – PBS Podcast – Behind-the-scenes of the fun PBS show on the world of antiques and collectibles.
The H3 Podcast – Comedy podcast featuring mostly YouTube superstars and hosted by the H3 duo of Ethan & Hila Klein.
2 Dope Queens Podcast – Live comedy podcast from Brooklyn featuring Phoebe Robinson and Jessica Williams and many other comedians.
Hi-Phi Nation Podcast – Professor Barry Lam’s storytelling podcast that raises philosophical questions and answers them with the help of contemporary academic philosophers.
The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast – Interviews & lectures from the now world famous psychologist and author of the current bestseller 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.
Houston We Have a Podcast – Official podcast of the NASA Johnson Space Center, the home of human spaceflight, stationed in Houston, Texas.
NPR: Live from the Poundstone Institute Podcast – Comedy and random knowledge from Paula Poundstone and her team of experts.
The Butterfly Effect Podcast – This free series from Audible.com is a multi-part audio documentary by bestselling author Jon Ronson who examines the wide-ranging effects of free pornography.
Sincerely, X Podcast – TED and Audible.com teamed up for this series of talks from speakers whose ideas deserve to be heard, but whose identities must remain hidden.
Stay Tuned with Preet Podcast – Join Preet Bharara, the former U.S. Attorney who fought corruption, financial fraud and violent crime, in a podcast about justice and fairness.
WSJ The Future of Everything Podcast – Wall Street Journal podcast that takes a look at the future of technology.
Duolingo Spanish Podcast – Learn some Spanish from the creators of the popular language-learning platform.
And for you true crime fans we have added some of the most popular true crime podcasts to our podcast directory:
Dirty John Podcast – Complex web of love, deception, forgiveness, denial, and survival from the L.A. Times.
Up and Vanished Podcast – The unsolved disappearance of Georgia beauty queen and high school teacher, Tara Grinstead.
Cults Podcast – What goes on inside a cult? Let’s find out. Covers the Manson Family, the Branch Davidians, Heaven’s Gate, and many other cults.
Crimetown Podcast – Each season investigates the culture of crime in a different American city.
APM: In the Dark Podcast APM Reports Season 1 focused on the investigation of the abduction of Jacob Wetterling.
Atlanta Monster Podcast – Atlanta Monster aims to tell the true story of one of Atlanta’s darkest secrets, almost 40 years later.
Casefile True Crime Podcast – A new true crime case in ever episode.
Serial Killers Podcast – A psychological glimpse into the mind, methods and madness of the most notorious serial killers.
Unsolved Murders: True Crime Stories Podcast – Podcast drama with a modern twist on old time radio that delves into the mystery of true cold cases and unsolved murders.
The Vanished Podcast – Stories of those who have gone missing.
And for some lighter fare:
A Very Fatal Murder Podcast – The Onion puts together a pretty funny podcast satirizing the true crime podcasts that have become all the rage.
March 9, 2018
100 Best Librivox Audiobooks from the Past 5 Years
We’ve recently gone through the last five years of audio book recordings on the free audio books site Librivox.org. The volunteer narrators there have been busy recording over 4,000 titles since we last updated them on our site back in 2014. We will be adding a number of these free audio books to our site soon. For today we’ve attempted to pick the best of the best in terms of interesting audio books with high quality recordings. Most of these are solo narrations (as opposed to the group narrations with many narrators). For the first 50 audio books we’re featuring here, they are not on our site yet so we’re linking directly to Librivox. For a few of these titles it’s the first time they’ve ever been on audio book! Enjoy these top recent Librivox recordings:
Ancient and Modern Celebrated Freethinkers by Charles Bradlaugh
Anthropology by Immanuel Kant
The Art of Kissing by Will Rossiter
The Book of Good Counsels by Sir Edwin Arnold
The Citizen’s Almanac
The Conduct of Life by Ralph Waldo Emerson
A Confession by Leo Tolstoy
Cousin Betty by Honore de Balzac
The Essentials of Spirituality by Felix Adler
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals by Charles Darwin
The Fireside Chats by Franklin D. Roosevelt
Fundamentals of Prosperity by Roger Babson
The Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche
A Guide to Stoicism by St. George Stock
Happy Homes and the Hearts that Make Them by Samuel Smiles
Henry D. Thoreau by Franklin Benjamin Sanborn
History of the World War by Francis Andrew March
How to Write a Novel
How We Think by John Dewey
Indian Home Rule by Mohandas Gandhi
An Iron Will by Orison Swett Marden
The Jefferson Bible by Thomas Jefferson
Life and Times of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass
The Life Triumphant: Mastering the Heart and Mind by James Allen
The Logic of Hegel by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
The Logic of Vegetarianism by Henry Salt
The Madman by Kahlil Gibran
Mark Twain: The Complete Interviews by Mark Twain
Mark Twain: His Life and Work by William M. Clemens
Meister Eckhart’s Sermons by Meister Eckhart
The Misanthrope by Moliere
Musings of a Chinese Mystic: Selections from the Philosophy of Chuang Tzu by Lionel Giles
My Reminiscences by Rabindranath Tagore
A Narrative of the Life of David Crockett, Written by Himself by Davy Crockett
The New Freedom by Woodrow Wilson
Noted Speeches of Abraham Lincoln by Abraham Lincoln
Nutcracker and Mouse King by E.T.A. Hoffmann
The Odysseys of Homer by Homer
On the Ends of Good and Evil by Marcus Tullius Cicero
The Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud
Philosophical Rudiments Concerning Government and Society by Thomas Hobbes
Poems of Rilke by Rainer Maria Rilke
Political Ideals by Bertrand Russell
Poor Richard’s Almanack by Benjamin Franklin
Presidential Farewell and Last Addresses
Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany by Friedrich Engels
Rights of Man by Thomas Paine
The Rough Riders by Theodore Roosevelt
Royal Highness by Thomas Mann
The Shining Gateway by James Allen
Smoke by Ivan Turgenev
Some Problems of Philosophy by William James
The Soul or Rational Psychology by Emanuel Swedenborg
A Study in the Psychology of Religious Phenomena by James H. Leuba
Thoughts on Art and Life by Leonardo da Vinci
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex by Sigmund Freud
Three Lives by Gertrude Stein
The Warren Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy
The Way to Will-Power by Henry Hazlitt
World English Bible
And for our next top 50 new free Librivox audio books, these are titles that were on Librivox already and on our site, but have had a better narration done in the past five years. Previously these books either had a group narration or a solo narration that was not very high quality. We’ve update the narrator info and RSS feed and links for these titles to point to the new Librivox recording from our site. You can also listen to them all and download them directly on LearnOutLoud at the links below:
Acres of Diamonds by Russell H. Conwell
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope
Bhagavad Gita Translated by Sir Edwin Arnold
Bleak House by Charles Dickens
The Columbian Orator by Caleb Bingham
Common Sense by Thomas Paine
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Dhammapada by Buddha
Father Goriot by Honore de Balzac
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
The Happy Prince and Other Tales by Oscar Wilde
Hard Times by Charles Dickens
His Last Bow by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day by Arnold Bennett
Laws by Plato
The Life And Adventures Of Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens
Main Street by Sinclair Lewis
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass
Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens
Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
On the Duty of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau
Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens
The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James
The Rainbow by D.H. Lawrence
The Return of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad
The Sign of the Four by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Story of My Life by Helen Keller
A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington
The Valley of Fear by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray
The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells
With Christ in the School of Prayer by Andrew Murray
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
We hope you find a great new listen from the Top 100 Free Librivox Audio Books from the Past Five Years!
If you want to browse more of the best of Librivox on our site, please check out our selection of over 3,000 free Librivox audio books we feature on LearnOutLoud:
Browse Over 3,000 Free Librivox Audio Books on LearnOutLoud.com
March 1, 2018
The Best Librivox Narrators
Librivox.org continues to be the best resource for free audio books online. Since 2005, Librivox volunteers have now narrated over 14,000 public domain titles with over 8,000 readers! Their community has not only recorded almost every great work of classic literature, but they’ve dug deep into the public domain, narrating titles that might otherwise never have made it onto audio book. Because of their open copyright, their audio books have been distributed through many sites and apps (including our own). And thanks to Archive.org, the hosting of these audio books is free.
While we love any reader who volunteers their time to narrate unabridged audio books, some of the readers at Librivox stand out above the rest, both in terms of the quality of their narration and the technical quality of the recording. To further help you find the best Librivox audio books, we’ve assembled this short list of “The Best Librivox Narrators” and some of their top solo recordings. We’ve come up with this list after sampling thousands of their audio books over the years. Also most Librivox audio books are up on YouTube now, and we’ve gone through the comments of these videos to see which narrators listeners enjoy the most.
Below are our top 15 Librivox narrators in no particular order of greatness. We’ve included some of their top solo narrations below their name and we’re linking to their websites if they have provided ones on Librivox. For a number of these narrators their efforts at Librivox have lead to narrating audio books professionally for titles on Audible.com. Below we’re linking to their top titles on our site. If you’d like to see everything they’ve narrated you can search their names on Librivox.org. Enjoy free audio books from these great readers:
1. Audiobooks Narrated by Ruth Golding
Her Website: golding.wordpress.com
Top Titles She’s Narrated:
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
The Speaking Voice by Katherine Everts
Mental Efficiency by Arnold Bennett
The Art of Money Getting by P.T. Barnum
Women in Love by D.H. Lawrence
2. Audiobooks Narrated by Bob Neufeld
Top Titles He’s Narrated:
The Republic by Plato
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton
The Art of War by Sun Tzu
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Notes from the Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
Common Sense by Thomas Paine
On the Duty of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau
Bartleby the Scrivener by Herman Melville
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
3. Audiobooks Narrated by Cori Samuel
Her Website: piratelibrary.com
Top Titles She’s Narrated:
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Frankenstein, or Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley
4. Audiobooks Narrated by Chip Doc
Top Titles He’s Narrated:
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving
American Indian Fairy Tales
War Is Kind by Stephen Crane
5. Audiobooks Narrated by Karen Savage
Her Website: www.karenrsavage.com
Top Titles She’s Narrated:
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Persuasion by Jane Austen
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
6. Audiobooks Narrated by John Greenman (who has taken it upon himself to narrate almost all of the writings of Mark Twain)
Top Titles He’s Narrated:
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
7. Audiobooks Narrated by Mil Nicholson (who has taken it upon herself to narrate many of the best Charles Dickens novels)
Her Website: milnicholson.com
Top Titles She’s Narrated:
Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Bleak House by Charles Dickens
8. Audiobooks Narrated by David Clarke (who has taken it upon himself to narrate all the Sherlock Holmes novels and short story collections by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Top Titles He’s Narrated:
A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Sign of the Four by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Valley of Fear by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
9. Audiobooks Narrated by Mike Vendetti (In addition to free audio books he’s narrated for Librivox, he also sells some audio books through our site)
Top Titles He’s Narrated:
The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis
10. Audiobooks Narrated by David Barnes
Top Titles He’s Narrated:
The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A. Kempis
What I Believe by Leo Tolstoy
11. Audiobooks Narrated by Mark F. Smith
Top Titles He’s Narrated:
White Fang by Jack London
The Kama Sutra by Mallanaga Vatsyayana
The Call of the Wild by Jack London
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald
12. Audiobooks Narrated by Elizabeth Klett
Her Website: elizabethklettaudio.com
Top Titles She’s Narrated:
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
The Awakening by Kate Chopin
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
13. Audiobooks Narrated by Mark Nelson
His Website: www.markdouglasnelson.com
Top Titles He’s Narrated:
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington
Main Street by Sinclair Lewis
The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo
14. Audiobooks Narrated by Jothi Tharavant
Top Titles He’s Narrated:
The Dhammapada by Buddha
Bhagavad Gita Translated by Sir Edwin Arnold
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Translated by Charles Johnston
15. Audiobooks Narrated by Phil Chenevert
Top Titles He’s Narrated:
The Happy Prince and Other Tales by Oscar Wilde
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day by Arnold Bennett
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
Acres of Diamonds by Russell H. Conwell
And there are many other fine narrators at Librivox. In addition to great solo narrations there are also over 5,000 titles narrated by a group of readers, which can be enjoyable. Also many of the most popular works of classic literature have been narrated multiple times now, so you can choose which version you like best. At LearnOutLoud we’ve tried to pick out the best version of each audio book to post to our site. From their massive catalog we’ve selected 3,000 of the best Librivox you can browse and listen to right on LearnOutLoud:
Browse Over 3,000 Free Librivox Audio Books on LearnOutLoud.com
February 9, 2018
Free Plays on Audio from L.A. Theatre Works on SoundCloud & Spotify
L.A. Theatre Works is the leading publisher of full cast plays on audio with a catalog of over 500 plays that they now currently offer. The plays they’ve recorded range from classic works by Shakespeare and Oscar Wilde, to modern classics from Arthur Miller and Neil Simon up to award-winning contemporary plays. Each play features a full cast of professional actors from the stage and screen, with many well known actors such as Richard Dreyfuss, Laurence Fishburne, Anne Heche, John Lithgow, Stacy Keach, Martha Plimpton, and many others.
In addition to selling their plays as audio books they also broadcast them on radio stations across the country and they now have a podcast which features a rotating selection of about 10 free plays that they’ve recently broadcast:
L.A. Theatre Works Podcast Featuring 10 Free Plays as Podcasts
Along with the podcast they also have a SoundCloud channel which currently features an archive of about 20 of their plays on streaming audio. We’ve embedded these plays on our product pages for the following titles which you can now listen to for free on streaming audio through SoundCloud. Enjoy these full cast dramatizations of some really great plays:
Arcadia by Tom Stoppard
Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitemore
Doctor Cerberus by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
The Doctor’s Dilemma by George Bernard Shaw
End Days by Deborah Zoe Laufer
Fake by Eric Simonson
The Great Tennessee Monkey Trial by Peter Goodchild
The Lost World by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1-Hour Dramatization)
Lucy by Damien Atkins
An Immaculate Misconception by Carl Djerassi
Moving Bodies by Arthur Giron
The Physicists by Friedrich Durrenmatt
Proof by David Auburn
The Real Dr. Strangelove by Peter Goodchild
Relativity by Cassandra Medley
The Ruby Sunrise by Rinne Groff
Secret Order by Bob Clyman
Top Secret: The Battle for the Pentagon Papers by Geoffrey Cowan
War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells (1-Hour Dramatization)
And in addition to their free plays on SoundCloud, they also feature over 80 free plays on the streaming audio service Spotify! Below we’ll list some of those plays. And here’s a link to the Spotify playlist we made of all their plays. We’ve collected the first track of each play on this playlist. Click the album for the full play. Here’s a direct link to the playlist:
Our Playlist of Over 80 L.A. Theatre Works Plays on Spotify
And here are some of the plays that are featured on Spotify:
Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
Macbeth by William Shakespeare
True West by Sam Shepard
The Odd Couple by Neil Simon
A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller
Speed the Plow by David Mamet
The Grapes of Wrath by Frank Galati in his adaptation of John Steinbeck’s novel
Crimes of the Heart by Beth Henley
Enron by Lucy Prebble
Mrs. Warren’s Profession by George Bernard Shaw
Dinner with Friends by Donald Margulies
Antigone by Jean Anouilh (Inspired by the play by Sophocles)
The Prisoner of Second Avenue by Neil Simon
A Lesson Before Dying by Romulus Linney
Six Degrees of Separation by John Guare
California Suite by Neil Simon
Our Lady of 121st Street by Stephen Adly Guirgus
Becket or the Honor of God by Jean Anouilh
Lost in Yonkers by Neil Simon
On the Waterfront by Budd Schulberg
An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde
M. Butterfly by David Henry Hwang
The Real Thing by Tom Stoppard
American Buffalo by David Mamet
Glengarry Glen Ross by David Mamet
A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare
Hamlet by William Shakespeare
As You Like It by William Shakespeare
A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen
Amadeus by Peter Shaffer
The Money Shot by Neil LaBute
Red by John Logan
In the Heat of the Night by Matt Pelfrey
Master Harold and the Boys by Athol Fugard
Reasons to Be Pretty by Neil LaBute
Judgment at Nuremberg by Abby Mann
Steel Magnolias by Robert Harling
God of Carnage by Yasmina Reza
The Mountaintop by Katori Hall
Fathers and Sons (Dramatized) by Ivan Turgenev
The Hound of the Baskervilles (Dramatized) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Dracula (Dramatized) by Bram Stoker
Jane Eyre (Dramatized) by Charlotte Bronte
Pride and Prejudice (Dramatized) by Jane Austen
January 20, 2018
Greatest Speeches on Free Audio & Video
We’ve recently gone through and added videos to the 150 great speeches we feature from American Rhetoric. AmericanRhetoric.com is the largest online speech bank which features over 5000 full text, audio, and video versions of public speeches, sermons, lectures, debates, and interviews. From their speech bank we’ve selected 150 of the most well known speeches they offer on streaming audio and MP3 audio download. We’ve now added to these pages the videos of the speeches when they are available as many have been uploaded to YouTube or are available on C-SPAN. You can view them all here:
Browse 150 of the Best Speeches of All Time from American Rhetoric
To see our full collection of free speeches, check out our Free Speeches Audio & Video category:
Browse Over 250 Free Speeches on Audio & Video on LearnOutLoud.com
We’ve also decided to permanently make our Great Speeches in History audio book free. You can download this collection of great speeches from throughout history exclusively on LearnOutLoud:
Download Our Free Great Speeches in History Audio Book Exclusively on LearnOutLoud.com
We also feature many speeches and talks in our over 200 top video programs we selected from C-SPAN:
The Best of the C-SPAN Video Library
For some of the most popular speeches on our site, here are the top 10 most popular speeches from American Rhetoric:
1. I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King, Jr.
2. I’ve Been to the Mountaintop by Martin Luther King, Jr.
3. Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln
4. 1993 ESPY Award Address by Jim Valvano
5. A Time for Choosing (aka “The Speech”) by Ronald Reagan
6. Remarks on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. by Robert F. Kennedy
7. John F. Kennedy: Inaugural Address
8. Beyond Vietnam by Martin Luther King, Jr.
9. The Ballot or the Bullet by Malcolm X
10. D-Day Pre-invasion Address to Soldiers by Dwight D. Eisenhower
In addition to these great speeches, you can listen to over 25 one-hour audio books that highlight some of the greatest speeches of the past century. For years now we’ve been selling the audio books of Speechworks on audio download. Their audio books feature highlights from great speeches of past presidents and notable figures like Sir Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Jr., Joe DiMaggio, and Muhammad Ali. Now over 25 of their audio books are available to stream for free from Spotify. We still sell them on audio download but have embedded the albums on Spotify on our these pages. Please Note: In order to listen to these audio books you’ll need a free Spotify account. You can listen for free with occasional ads and they also have Spotify software for easier listening on your computer. If you want to listen ad-free and on a smart phone and you love music as well, we can’t recommend Spotify Premium highly enough.
Bobby: The Speeches of Robert F. Kennedy
Edward M. Kennedy: Lion of the Senate
General Douglas A. MacArthur: Soldier
The Greatest Speeches of All Time: Volume I
The Greatest Speeches of All Time: Volume II
The Greatest Speeches of All Time: Volume III
Harry S. Truman: Give ’em Hell, Harry
JFK: The Kennedy Tapes Vol. II
Joe DiMaggio: The Yankee Clipper
Martin Luther King Jr.: We Shall Overcome
Michael Jordan: An Audio Tribute
MLK: The Martin Luther King, Jr. Tapes
Muhammad Ali: An Audio Tribute – Beyond the Myth
Richard M. Nixon: The Nixon Tapes
Robert F. Kennedy: In His Own Words
Ronald Reagan: The Great Speeches Vol. 1
Ronald Reagan: The Great Speeches Vol. 2
Sir Winston Churchill: “The War Years”
Sir Winston Churchill: His Finest Hour
William Jefferson Clinton: Great Speeches
And if you’d like to listen to full speeches from our past presidents, we also are linking to large Spotify playlists on the below pages, along with linking to the Miller Center of Public Affairs which features the largest collections of presidential speeches on audio & video. Here they are in presidential order:
Franklin D. Roosevelt Speeches
Lots of speeches on audio & video to choose from. Be inspired by some of the most famous speeches of all time on LearnOutLoud!