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May 21, 2014
6 Tim Ferriss Talks on the 4 Hour Work Week, 4 Hour Body, and 4 Hour Chef
Tim Ferriss is the author of such bestsellers as The 4-Hour Work Week and The 4-Hour Body. He is also the author of the The 4-Hour Chef: The Simple Path to Cooking Like a Pro, Learning Anything, and Living the Good Life. Watch these 6 talks to transform your life with the ideas of Tim Ferriss.
Tim Ferriss on The 4-Hour Chef
Ferriss recently delivered this talk at Google, covering The 4-Hour Chef and how he applied his path of accelerated learning to the art of cooking. With visual accompaniments, he briefly outlines his main points to learning quickly. He talks about how he simplified learning how to cook, and succeeded by not attempting to learn everything at once. This process also saved him a lot of money in expensive cooking tools. Ferriss finishes the talk by answering questions about diet and nutrition and much more.
4-Hour Everything: How Tim Ferriss Tracks His Life’s Data
This is a 25-minute talk he gave at the WIRED Health Conference last October, and it is the #1 most viewed video of 2012 on the outstanding video site FORA.tv. In the talk Ferriss reveals the data that he tracks in regards to his workouts, what he eats, and a whole lot more. While he acknowledges that some of the stuff he tracks might seem obsessive or absurd to outsiders, he is confident that technology (such as apps on smart phones) is making it a whole lot easier for people to track data corresponding to their health and well-being. And he feels that tracking isn’t limited to scientific data, but can be applied to certain intangibles such as your emotions. This talk will surely get you thinking about what data you should be tracking as you strive for better physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health in 2013!
Tim Ferriss: Accelerated Learning in Accelerated Times
Watch this recent talk from Tim Ferriss, who is the bestselling author of The 4-Hour Work Week and The 4-Hour Body. Through his ongoing learning experiments, Ferriss has developed a method for learning things quickly. He encourages people to disregard conventional knowledge when it comes to learning just about anything as most conventional learning strategies are slow and ineffective. He describes the rapid methods he used to learn languages and to accomplish some of the physical feats he accomplished in his book The 4-Hour Body. He closes the talk with giving people the best behavioral techniques for carrying out his methods until your goals are accomplished. It’s great condensed knowledge from accelerated learner Tim Ferriss. This talk was delivered at the Long Now Foundation and is available on streaming video from FORA.tv.
Tim Ferriss: The 4-Hour Body and The 4-Hour Workweek
Tim Ferriss presents some of the findings in his latest book The 4-Hour Body in which he used himself as a guinea pig to find out the fastest way to the best results when it comes to the human body. He talks about his diet & nutrition as well as his fitness best practices. He also covers how he dealt with insomnia and the impact of cell phone use on male sperm count (which generates a lot of questions in the Q&A). Ferriss also addresses some of the skeptics when it came to his first bestselling book The 4-Hour Workweek. This talk is available on streaming video from FORA.tv.
Feel Like the Incredible Hulk with Tim Ferriss
4-Hour Work Week author Tim Ferriss teaches how he tackled his fears and learned to swim, speak the Japanese language, and become a championship tango dancer. By learning as much as he could about the things he feared and trying out as many different methods as he could to conquer them he succeeded. This brief talk was delivered at The Entertainment Gathering and is available on streaming video from FORA.tv.
Authors@Google: Marci Alboher & Tim Ferriss
In this @Google Talk Author Tim Ferriss discusses his bestselling book The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich. Also featured on the talk is Marci Alboher, author of One Person/Multiple Careers: A New Model for Work/Life Success. Both authors discuss the ways in which individuals can stop being overloaded with work and start doing the things they’re really passionate about.
Ferriss tells his story about how he went from working 70 hour weeks to traveling the world and becoming a world champion kickboxer and tango dancer all while keeping his job and learning to delegate his workload. Alboher talks about how she went from being an overworked lawyer to becoming a part time lawyer and part time writer while living in different parts of the world. They give tips about how they accomplished their multifaceted lives and encourage listeners to not delay pursuing their passions until retirement.
May 21, 2014
Sheryl Sandberg TED Talk and Lean In Talk
Sheryl Sandberg on Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
Sheryl Sandberg has served as the chief operating officer of Facebook since 2008, and she now has a bestselling book Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. In this hour-long interview Chicago Tribune vice president Joycelyn Winnecke interviews Sandberg about her book and about the role of women in leadership positions. Sandberg informs us of the statistic that only 5% of Fortune 500 companies are run by women and why she feels it is a problem that so few women are in leadership roles. She tries to bring out into the open many of the double standards and unmentioned issues surrounding female leadership, such as the frequent dislike of women as they get more successful and the reference to leading women as “bossy”. This is talk is available on streaming video through YouTube.
Sheryl Sandberg on Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
You can also watch the TED Talk she gave on women leaders a number of years ago. The overwhelming response to the talk spurred her to take further action in the area of women’s leadership:
Sheryl Sandberg: Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders
Chief Operating Officer of Facebook Sheryl Sandberg gives the statistics on women in leadership around the world and tells why she thinks women are not moving into these roles in politics and business. Sandberg gives examples of the subtle ways that women often shy away from the roles men are so driven to get and she encourages women to overcome these cultural barriers in order to get to a more equal balance of male vs. female leaders. This talk was delivered at TEDWomen.
Sheryl Sandberg: Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders
May 20, 2014
Neil deGrasse Tyson Podcasts, Lectures, and Debates
American astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is arguably the most exciting public science advocate since Carl Sagan. Through his work as host of PBS’s popular NOVA educational show, and frequent high profile talk-show appearances, he’s provided an affable, no-nonsense, and often-times laugh out loud funny face to a field that many find intimidating. With these two streaming video lectures we’ve chosen from FORA.tv, we’re excited to showcase Tyson’s irascible take on some of the latest scientific discoveries.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson: Death by Black Hole
In this talk Tyson muses on why he’s always getting questions about natural disasters. Starting with a detailed description of what might happen to someone unlucky enough to get sucked into a Black Hole, he then discusses the more realistic threat of asteroids impacting the earth. He asks his colleagues why we often run from these potential disasters, when we might productively devise a means of stopping them from happening in the first place. After all, this is the 21st century!
Neil deGrasse Tyson: The Pluto Files
With the Pluto Files, Dyson regales the audience with the story of how he became the central figure in the debate over whether or not Pluto was an actual planet. Since the most distant body in our solar system was humbled to “planetoid” status, he’s received angry letters from school children and teachers alike, which he feels is indicative of how protective we are over our nearest planetary neighbors. Ultimately, he argues that Pluto’s “demotion” has led to a breakthrough debate over planetary definitions, which in turn has broadened our grasp of how to research, classify, and explore the universe.
And if you want to hear more from Neil deGrasse Tyson then check out his StarTalk Radio Podcast. In this series of podcasts, Tyson answers science questions and talks with scientists & celebrities like Bill Nye the Science Guy, Jon Stewart, and Whoopi Goldberg. Choose from over 80 podcasts:
StarTalk Radio with Neil deGrasse Tyson Podcast
And check out these five debates from the American Museum of Natural History moderated by Neil deGrasse Tyson and featuring panels of leading scientists:
2010 Rose Center Anniversary Isaac Asimov Debate: Is Earth Unique?
2011 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: The Theory of Everything
2012 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: Faster Than the Speed of Light
2013 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: The Existence of Nothing
2014 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: Selling Space
And if you haven’t checked it out yet you should definitely watch the new “Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey” hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson. This series is a follow-up to the 1980 television series “Cosmos: A Personal Voyage”, which was presented by Carl Sagan. The new series updates the script and adds in many stunning new visual effects. You can now watch all the episodes of “Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey” for free on Hulu.com with limited commercial interruption:
You can find all of the Neil deGrasse Tyson Audio & Video titles on our site right here:
Neil deGrasse Tyson Audio & Video
May 20, 2014
I Have a Dream Speech Analysis
It’s the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his historic “I Have a Dream” speech. The “I Have a Dream” speech was our very first Free Resource of the Day back on March 1st, 2006, and we’re happy to feature it again on this 50th anniversary. Today we are featuring it on our podcast to be streamed on audio or downloaded:
Great Speeches in History Podcast
Welcome to our Resource of the Day e-mail! One of our favorite free titles in our free directory is Martin Luther King, Jr.’s classic “I Have a Dream” speech. Delivered on August 28th, 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., King’s passionate call for justice and equality was the battle cry for the civil rights movement in America.
It is the first and latest podcast listed on our “Great Speeches in History Podcast”. If you click “Listen to Podcast” you will hear it, or if you scroll down the page (past the reviews) you’ll see it and you can click “Download File – 7.7 MB” to download it. It’s not listed yet on iTunes but if you “Subscribe Free” to the podcast then the “I Have a Dream” speech will download in iTunes. Please check out the other great speeches we feature on the podcast as well.
You can also get this great speech from the ultimate site for getting great American speeches on audio, AmericanRhetoric.com. Also on this page we link to a video of the speech on YouTube:
I Have a Dream Speech on Audio & Video
Also we have a few bonus free resources that feature analysis of the ‘I Have a Dream’ speech:
Why MLK’s ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech Has Such Historic Impact
Learn more about the historical significance of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream Speech” and why it is considered a great speech with this free recent talk from the Aspen Institute given by philanthropist David Rubenstein. Rubenstein takes a look at some of the most famous speeches in history and analyzes why they are considered great from the historic time they were delivered to the rhetorical devices that were used in the speeches. Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream Speech” fits most of the criteria, except that King improvised from his originally written text to deliver the final stirring “I Have a Dream” oration. Rubenstein puts the speech in historical context and points out that the speech really didn’t come to prominence until after Martin Luther King’s death in 1968.
Art of Public Speaking: Share a Vision – Martin Luther King’s Dream
The Great Courses is offering this free video lecture from their course The Art of Public Speaking: Lessons from the Greatest Speeches in History. Professor John R. Hale uses Dr. King’s speech as an example of a great inspirational speech. He discusses the beginning of the speech and why it is not nearly as remembered as the final “I Have a Dream” part of the speech. He talks about how Dr. King invoked Abraham Lincoln and used Biblical phrasing in much the way Lincoln did in his day. And he mentions King’s ongoing optimism throughout the speech which helped to inspire the crowd. Professor Hale emphasizes points that you can use from the “I Have a Dream” speech to optimize your own public speaking ability.
May 20, 2014
5 Syrian War Documentaries from Frontline
Watch 5 free documentaries on the Syrian War from Frontline:
Watch this recent PBS Frontline documentary to get an up close view of the ongoing Syrian civil war. Award-winning filmmaker Olly Lambert attempts to show both sides of the conflict by following a Sunni rebel soldier and a Syrian Army soldier serving in President Bashar al-Assad’s army. It’s a pretty horrific documentary depicting graphic imagery of the ongoing violence in this bloody conflict with a death toll surpassing 100,000. But, in light of recent events, it is definitely worth watching to get a glimpse into what is happening in Syria on the ground level. Note: It seems that only U.S. viewers can watch this for free. Sorry to our international users.
There are a four more short Frontline documentaries on the Syrian uprising that you can watch:
The Battle For Syria & The Regime
Syria Undercover & The Regime Responds
These two documentaries on Syria were aired in November 8, 2011. In the 30-minute documentary “Syria Undercover” reporter Ramita Navai goes undercover to see what is happening to protesters during the Syria uprising. She seems to enter one dangerous scenario after another as the Syrian army cracks down on the protests. In the second 20-minute documentary “The Regime”, Frontline takes a look at the history of the rule of the Al-Assad family over Syria since 1970. They examine the rule of the current President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, and how his reforms may have led to the Syrian uprising during the “Arab Spring” movement, which President Assad is now trying to suppress.
Two of these are on Frontline’s audio podcast if you want to listen to them:
“The Regime” & “The Regime Responds” on Frontline Audiocast – PBS Podcast
May 20, 2014
Don Quixote Online Audio Book and Course
Firstly we wanted to let you know that Librivox.org has a brand new website with better design and functionality. The site makes is much easier and faster to browse their catalog of over 5,000 free audio books. You can now browse by category, author, title, solo vs. group narration, and recently added titles. Unfortunately they changed all of their RSS feeds, so most of the Librivox titles on our site aren’t playing in our podcast player, but we’re currently fixing that. Check out their great new site:
Today’s free audio book is a Librivox release:
Don Quixote is considered the one of the very first modern novels. Follow the adventures of Alonso Quijano, a minor landowner who reads so many chivalric novels that he decides to set out to revive chivalry, under the name Don Quixote. He recruits a simple farmer, Sancho Panza, as his squire, who often employs a unique, earthly wit in dealing with Don Quixote’s rhetorical orations on antiquated knighthood. Quixote’s “lady” is Dulcinea del Toboso, an imaginary object of his courtly love crafted from a neighboring farm girl by the illusion-struck “knight” (her real name is Aldonza Lorenzo, and she is totally unaware of his feelings for her.) The two volumes of the novel were published in 1605 and 1615, respectively. This novel is read by a multitude of volunteers at Librivox and has an unabridged running time of 42 hours.
And for those of you who want to supplement your learning about The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, Yale University has put out an entire course on the novel:
Cervantes’ Don Quixote Yale University Course
The course comes from Yale University’s Spanish department, but you don’t need to know Spanish to take it. Nevertheless Professor Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria will teach you much about Spanish culture and history. This Yale course goes through the entire book chronologically, and in the course listings it says which chapters will be covered in each lecture. Enjoy greater understanding and insight into one of the greatest works of the Western Canon.
Cervantes’ Don Quixote Yale University Course
May 20, 2014
Quick and Dirty Tips Podcasts
We uploaded a number of podcasts from “Quick and Dirty Tips”, which feature experts providing tips on a variety of topics to help you do things better. We now have 15 podcasts from “Quick and Dirty Tips” on our site. They started back in 2006 with their most popular podcast Grammar Girl’s Quick & Dirty Tips for Better Writing Podcast featuring Mignon Fogarty, who is the the founder and managing director of Quick and Dirty Tips. Since then they’ve expanded into many other topics including money, health & fitness, time management, nutrition, parenting, public speaking, and more. Below are all 15 of their podcasts that we feature on LearnOutLoud.com. After each podcast we’ve listed how many episodes are on the podcast feed. Enjoy hundreds of Quick and Dirty Tips!
Check out all of the Quick and Dirty Tips podcasts right here:
All Quick and Dirty Tips Podcasts
Here are the ones that we’ve recently added:
The Digital Marketer’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Growing Your Business with Digital Tools (98 Podcasts)
The Dog Trainer’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Teaching and Caring for Your Pet Podcast (215 Podcasts)
Domestic CEO’s Quick & Dirty Tips to Managing Your Home Podcast (80 Podcasts)
Everyday Einstein Podcast (71 Podcasts)
Get-Fit Guy’s Quick and Dirty Tips to Slim Down and Shape Up Podcast (155 Podcasts)
Get-It-Done Guy’s Quick and Dirty Tips to Work Less and Do More Podcast (283 Podcasts)
Grammar Girl’s Quick & Dirty Tips for Better Writing Podcast (385 Podcasts)
The House Call Doctor’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Taking Charge of Your Health Podcast (133 Podcasts)
The Math Dude Quick and Dirty Tips to Make Math Easier Podcast (169 Podcasts)
Mighty Mom’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Practical Parenting Podcast (250 Podcasts)
Money Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for a Richer Life Podcast (329 Podcasts)
Mr. Manners’ Quick and Dirty Tips for a More Polite Life Podcast (266 Podcasts)
The Nutrition Diva’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Eating Well and Feeling Fabulous Podcast (254 Podcasts)
The Public Speaker’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Improving Your Communication Skills Podcast (222 Podcasts)
Tech Talker’s Quick and Dirty Tips to Navigate the Digital World Podcast (95 Podcasts)
May 19, 2014
Free Guided Meditations on MP3 from UCLA
Free Guided Meditations from the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center
Listen to and download free guided meditations offered on MP3 from the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center. These eight introductory guided meditations are led by Diana Winston who is the Director of Mindfulness Education at the Mindful Awareness Research Center. Try out breathing meditations, body scan meditations, and loving-kindness meditations.
And if you want to download many more guided meditations check out:
Free Meditation Podcasts at the Hammer Museum
These 30-minute guided meditation sessions are conducted weekly at UCLA’s Hammer Museum. Download over 60 of these sessions on MP3. The guided meditations cover a wide variety of meditation topics from working with equanimity, gratitude, joy, pain, and much more. They are also lead by Diana Winston.
And if you are new to mindfulness meditation or would like to watch an introduction to it, then check out this video by Diana Winston:
Introduction to Mindful Awareness
Enjoy these free mindfulness resources from the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center.