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Free Christian Audio
From the Bible on audio to the lectures and podcasts from today’s leading Christian thinkers, speakers, and authors, we’ve assembled this list of 25 of the top free Christian audio resources available from our Free Resource of the Day Emails. Below you’ll find free audio & video programs that explore all aspects of Christian Living, with plenty of Sermons, debates and biographical overviews to both enrich your faith and help you learn more about Christianity’s rich history. Interested in the historical Jesus? Need to know more about Thomas Aquinas? How about inspiration from Saint Francis? We have it here! Finally, to give an accurate picture of how Christianity is interacting with the modern world, we’ve included contemporary names such as Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer and Rick Warren, along with people like Dallas Willard and Brian McLaren to round out a selection of modern Christian philosophy. We hope you find plenty of spiritual food for thought with the audio and video programs listed below:
1. christianaudio’s Free Audiobook of the Month
Each month christianaudio.com offers a professionally recorded Christian audio book for free! All that is required is that you register for an account and enter in their coupon code. In the past they’ve featured free audio books such as G.K. Chesterton’s Orthodoxy, Tolstoy’s Father Sergius and Other Short Stories, Interior Castle by Saint Teresa of Avila, Paradise Lost by John Milton, The Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan. We encourage you to visit the christianaudio.com website for more thoughtful Christian audio books and a lot of other freebies as well!
2. 1 Year Daily Audio Bible Podcast
This podcast will take you through the entire Bible in 365 separate podcasts to be listened to over the next year. Each podcast is read by Nashville, TN based record producer Brian Hardin. Instead of going through the Bible chronologically, he selects four different passages for each podcast, which go through books of the Old and New Testament simultaneously, along with a Proverb and a Psalm. If you’d like to read the Bible more, but can’t find the time of day, then try listening to the entire Bible in one year with the Bible In a Year Podcast.
The Veritas Forum podcast collects various lectures from leading thinkers within the modern Christian community. Here you will listen to lectures on topics such as Science v. Religion, the existence of God, Intelligent Design, and much more. The speakers highlighted in this podcast foster dialogue over rhetoric in an effort to not only reconcile their faith with an ever changing landscape, but to also show why it is still an essential aspect of 21st century life.
One of the most popular podcasts on our site is Joel Osteen’s Audio Podcast. Joel Osteen is the pastor of Lakewood Church, the nation’s largest and fastest growing church in the nation. Pastor Osteen is also the author of the bestselling book Your Best Life Now along with numerous other inspirational audio books. Each week on the podcast Pastor Osteen delivers a half-hour sermon and this week’s sermon is entitled “Investing in People”. Enjoy this podcast from Joel Osteen.
Listen to the powerful preaching of the Reverend Billy Graham. Since his ministry began in the 1940s, Billy Graham has remained one of America’s leading Christian evangelists, and at the age of 91 he has now been a spiritual adviser to twelve United States presidents. BillyGraham.org features many sermons presented on audio & video delivered by Billy Graham from the 1950s to the present day. In these sermons Rev. Graham covers many aspects of Christian living with the focus always being on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Listen to or watch some sermons by the Reverend Billy Graham today.
In this lecture from the Veritas Forum, Christian philosopher and author Dallas Willard talks about the importance of Jesus of Nazareth throughout history when it comes to confronting the reality of existence. Willard feels that present-day universities apply a materialistic knowledge or a New Age philosophy when it comes to confronting moral life, which leaves out the essential teachings of Jesus. He posits four great questions of existence and explains the answers which Jesus gave to these questions. This lecture is available on streaming audio and MP3 download from the Veritas forum.
7. SermonIndex Classics Podcast
Listen to these podcasts from SermonIndex. These podcasts cover many aspects of Christianity and Christian Living, including sermons from Jim Cymbala, David Wilkerson, Zac Poonen, Keith Green, A.W. Tozer, Duncan Campbell, Ian Paisley, Leonard Ravenhill, and many other popular preachers from throughout the 20th century. For more free classic sermons check out the offerings we feature from SermonAudio.com.
8. The King James Version Bible
The Bible is the #1 selling book of all time. If you’ve been wanting to listen to an audio version the good folks at Audio Treasure would like to treat you to a free one. You can listen on their website or download to put on your mp3 player. It’s great for moments when you need a little inspiration!
9. Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Legacy
In this program of Speaking of Faith, host Krista Tippett talks with producer Martin Doblmeier, whose 2003 documentary covered Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s life and thought. Doblmeier tells the story of the German Lutheran pastor and theologian, as Bonhoeffer made difficult decisions in his opposition to Nazism and his attempts to assassinate Adolf Hitler. This program also explores Bonhoeffer’s faith and theology including a discussion of his work Letters and Papers from Prison, which Bonhoeffer wrote from the point of his arrest in 1943 until his execution by the Gestapo in 1945. This talk can be downloaded on MP3 from the Speaking of Faith website or through iTunes U.
Listen to this moving prayer by St. Francis of Assisi. In his short, yet profound prayer, St. Francis asks God to make him an instrument of peace and love, acknowledging that it is in giving that we receive. This prayer is read by Brian Johnson and can be listened to on MP3 download or streaming audio through LearnOutLoud.com.
11. Christian Faith in a Postmodern World
Os Guinness claims that progress has lead America into a crisis of truth. For this MP3 download presented by the Veritas Forum, the noted writer leads his lecture with this provocative declaration, and explains how the nation’s notion of truth has been eroded by relative morality. Guinness provides his listeners with tools to counteract these trends and reclaim what he feels is the lost wisdom that has come about as result of the information age.
12. The Words of Christ: From the Book of Matthew
This audio book, released by ThoughtAudio.com isolates everything uttered by Christ in the gospel according to Matthew. Extracted from the narrative of the Bible, Christ’s message is distilled to its core values. Simple in its language yet still potent in its ever-present challenge to humanity, this is as unfiltered of a view of the gospel as one might ever find. This recording is a wonderful opportunity to engage with the gospel from a new point of view. This audio book is available to download in multiple MP3 segments.
13. Proverbs Podcast
For some wisdom to start off the week try our latest podcast called the Proverbs Podcast. It will feature proverbs from various cultures and traditions offering practical wisdom from throughout the world. We’re starting the podcast with chapters from the biblical Book of Proverbs, and we’ve currently podcasts the first three chapters. Please subscribe to this podcast through iTunes for more proverbial wisdom offered up by LearnOutLoud.com.
14. The Heart and Soul of Christianity
In this talk presented by Cody’s Books at The First Congressional Church of Berkeley, New Testament scholar Marcus Borg and religious studies scholar Huston Smith reflect on their respective books The Heart of Christianity and The Soul of Christianity. Borg looks at what he feels are some of the core tenets of Christianity including ongoing practice and community. Huston Smith discusses the mystery of God working through Jesus as being beyond human comprehension. Borg and Smith then ask each other questions about the similarities and differences on their views of Christianity. This video of two great religious scholars is available from FORA.tv.
15. Apologetics.com Weekly Radio Show Podcast
The Apologetics.com Podcast is a weekly show dedicated to informing Christians on techniques that will help them to better defend their faith. Over the last few years, avowed Christian John Snyder has discussed his differences with Bob, a self-declared atheist. A great example of the Apologetics.com mission in action, these podcasts are a must for anyone that is looking for cogent discussion on the articles of faith.
In this lecture delivered at Stanford University philosophy professor and Christian author Dallas Willard looks at the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche and Jesus Christ in relation to our current worldview. He summarizes some of the core ideas of Nietzsche such as the death of God and the will to power and how they were exemplary of the trends in philosophy in the late 19th century. He contrasts Nietzsche’s thinking with the ideas of objective truth and the existence of a world created by God which have been the tradition of Christian thinking. He posits that no individual has ever found fulfillment through the practice of Nietzsche’s will to power and encourages listeners to take seriously the intellectual ideas of Jesus and find out if their truth applies to reality. This talk is available on streaming and downloadable audio & video from the Veritas Forum. To download the audio or video you must create an account on the Veritas Forum website.
17. Rick Warren’s Ministry Podcast
Listen to author & pastor Rick Warren talk with other pastors from around the world about Christian leadership principles. Rick Warren is the author of the book The Purpose-Driven Life and the founder of Saddleback Church in Southern California which has over 20,000 members. In this podcast Warren seeks to address common issues which pastors face in their ministry and asks other pastors with thriving churches how they deal with such issues. It’s a good podcast for leaders in any field.
18. Why Should Anyone Believe Anything at All?
In this digital download released by the Veritas Forum, Christian thinker James W. Sire explains why belief is central to human existence. He argues provacatively that belief is so fundamental to how we interact with reality, that it makes the distinction between religion and science a moot point. Sire then traces how we are taught to believe at an early age and how in adulthood that early exposure to a system can change, grow and help form what we become.
19. The Forum at Grace Cathedral Podcast
San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral has long hosted a series of Forum discussions with special guests that are on the cutting edge of faith-based work. Grace’s current Dean, Jane Shaw, hosts guests on a wide range of topics, with a current emphasis placed on how the arts have impacted our understanding of the nature of God. Recent talks have tackled the current state of interfaith relations, the history of religious architecture, the meaning of money, music’s role in spiritual expression, and the question of where religion is headed as humanity dives into an increasingly pluralistic modern world. Always thought-provoking, Shaw and her guests take on each topic with a welcoming, inquisitive spirit that invites everyone into the discussion at hand. Guests currently on the feed include Michael Pollan, Sandra Day O’Connor, Dinesh D’Souza, T.C. Boyle, Matthew Fox, Elaine Pagels, Rob Bell, Jim Wallis, and many other distinguished guests.
Listen to Christian author and speaker Joyce Meyer deliver talks from her TV & radio ministry. In the latest talk, she gives an inspiring message about the importance of serving others in order to overcome selfish problems. She draws from the Bible to support her belief that to enjoy life, one must actively serve others who are less fortunate.
21. A Brief Biography of Thomas Aquinas
In this introductory lecture to the course Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, Professor Peter Kreeft provides a brief biography of a theological titan. Kreeft views Aquinas’ prolific body of work as an important bridge between Greek philosophy and the early western philosophers such as Descartes. Seeing no division between Faith and Reason, Kreeft describes Aquinas as a quintessential truthseeker who was willing to take from secular and religious sources alike in the formation of an inclusive philosophy that is still vibrant and alive to this day.
FaithWords is a Christian audio publisher which publishes numerous bestselling Christian authors including Philip Yancey, Joyce Meyer, and Joel Osteen. In the FaithWords podcast they feature interviews with authors of different books published by FaithWords. On the Nov. 4th, 2008 podcast episode they feature an hour-long interview with William P. Young, author of the bestselling faith-building fictional work The Shack. William P. Young talks about experiences in his own life which inspired him to write The Shack and about how a book that he wrote for his family while working three jobs has now gone on to sell 15 million copies and inspire people worldwide. Also on the podcast you can hear interviews with Joyce Meyer, Philip Yancey, Karen Kingsbury, and numerous other Christian authors. Enjoy this podcast from FaithWords.
23. Quick History of Christianity from Jesus to the Crusades
If you’re curious about the Crusades, this lecture from professor Thomas F. Madden sets the stage for what became a 400 year war between Christians and Muslims over the Holy Land and between competing sects within these religious ideologies. This lecture focuses on the history of Christianity from its humble beginnings to its rise to prominence in the Roman Empire with the conversion of the Emperor Constantine, the development of the Papacy, and the formation of the Byzantine Empire. It’s an informative lecture covering a lot of Christian history from the time of Christ to the start of the First Crusade in the 11th century.
24. The Scandalous Gospel of Jesus
In this talk Harvard Memorial Church pastor Peter Gomes discusses his book The Scandalous Gospel of Jesus at the Tattered Cover bookstore. He states that the title The Scandalous Gospel of Jesus was actually not his title but rather the title demanded by the publisher Harper to sell more books. The book is actually about Christians getting to the Good News of Jesus and his hopeful message, and beyond the doctrinal and biblical disputes that Pastor Gomes feels are prevalent in Christianity today. He sees that so much of Christianity today is caught up in nostalgia over the past and isn’t looking towards the hopeful good news that Christ proclaimed. This talk is available on MP3 download and streaming video from FORA.tv.
25. What Does It Mean To Be Human?
Start off your week with some perspective from philosophy professor & Christian author Dallas Willard as he attempts to explain “What Does It Mean To Be Human?”. In his authoritative style, Dallas Willard clarifies the core tenants that make a healthy human being tick in this downloadable audio lecture released by the Veritas Forum. Willard explores the ever-changing cultural currents that have led to our current identification of self in the 21st century; a series of trends that he feels have done more harm than good. It is his belief that a God-centered need for love and knowledge is being lost in a society that puts a premium on desire. Always insightful and frequently controversial, Willard’s lectures offer cogent arguments that cut through the dogma in order to define religion’s role in the modern world. This lecture is available on MP3 Download and streaming audio.