



January 23, 2008

2008 Presidential Candidates Audio & Video Resource


Learn more about the 2008 Democratic & Republican United States Presidential Candidates with LearnOutLoud.com’s Presidential Candidates Audio & Video Resource. We’ve gathered the best audio & video resources of the candidates for each party,featuring podcasts, speeches, debates, interviews, and audio books.

Browse our Presidential Candidates Audio & Video Resource

With less than two weeks until Super Tuesday, where over twenty U.S. states will hold their primaries and caucuses, both the races for the Democratic and Republican presidential nominations are closer than they’ve been in decades.

Since the last presidential election, the Internet has become a whole new platform for candidates to freely campaign with the expansion of online video, podcasting, and other technologies. The free audio & video resources we feature go beyond the campaign sound bytes and punditry of traditional media, featuring in-depth talks with the candidates both during their campaign and before it.

Here are the candidates for whom we feature resources:

Republican Candidates:
Rudolph Giuliani
Mike Huckabee
John McCain
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney

Democratic Candidates:
Hillary Rodham Clinton
John Edwards
Dennis Kucinich
Barack Obama

If you’re a U.S. citizen, be sure to vote in your state’s primary or caucus, if you haven’t already done so!