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August 31, 2006
Free Resource Highlights: Week 3
We’ve been sending out our “Free Resource of the Day Email” for a number of months now, and we want to share some of the free audio & video titles from past weeks that we have offered. Here are the free resources from Week 2:
Tragically Hips
Winter Session
Yoga Quickie
Time to do some yoga! You’ve no doubt heard how good yoga is for your body and it’s a great way to get yourself more in balance mentally and emotionally. Vancouver Yoga has a series of yoga classes online for free. If you haven’t done yoga before you may want to take a class or buy a book as audio alone is a tough way to learn. But if you are familiar with the poses you’ll definitely want to check these out.
Frederic Bastiat’s “The Law” produced by FreeAudio.org is one of the best free audio books available. Bastiat’s brief treatise on law is a passionate cry for his belief that law should only be put in place to maintain life, liberty, and property. He denounces legislators and philosophers who seek legalized plunder, moral coercion, and numerous other methods of force through law which encroach on liberties. The production quality is professional and Marvin Payne’s narration is superb. You can download this title through LearnOutLoud.com on MP3 or MPEG-4 (if you want to bookmark it in your iPod).
Harvard University Commencement Address
Last Monday was Stanford and this Monday is Harvard. This is a free speech that is not to be missed. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Russian author of the The Gulag Archipelago) delivered the Harvard University Commencement Address in 1978. While in exile from the Soviet Union, he spent a number of years in the United States and this address is his analysis of the Western predicament.
In this comprehensive one hour speech he discusses Western politics, the media, our role in Vietnam, the lack of courage in leadership, Soviet communism, commercialism and materialism, and the spiritual state of Western man. Most of Solzhenitsyn’s criticisms still hold true today. He delivers the speech in Russian and it is simultaneously translated into English. This speech is offered by American Rhetoric and you can download the speech on MP3 or listen to it streaming.
SXSW 2006 Interactive Panel Podcasts
Every spring thousands of people descend on Austin, Texas for the South by Southwest (SXSW) festival and conference. It’s a really cool mix of movies, music and technology and brings a lot of movers and shakers to the area to talk about what’s on the horizon. This year’s keynotes featured luminaries such as Bruce Sterling, Craig Newmark (of Craig’s List fame), Heather Armstrong and Jason Kottke. If you didn’t have a chance to attend this year’s SXSW festival and want to see what all the buzz is about click on the link for free audio from the keynotes.
August 26, 2006
Get Ready for Another Semester at UC-Berkeley!
It’s back to school at UC-Berkeley and they’re podcasting many of the courses they podcasted in the Spring of 2006 along with a number of new courses. Here’s some of the new ones they’ll be podcasting:
Introduction to General Astronomy
Introduction to General Astronomy
Economic Analysis – Macroeconomics
American Environmental and Cultural History
World Regions, Peoples, and States
Survey of the Principles of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
General Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
You can access the RSS feeds and start subscribing to them here:
And for a listing of all the podcasted courses they’ve released to date check them out here:
Thanks UC-Berkeley! You’re the most generous college in America!
August 26, 2006
Free Resource Highlights: Week 2
We’ve been sending out our “Free Resource of the Day Email” for a number of months now, and we want to share some of the free audio & video titles from past weeks that we have offered. Here are the free resources from Week 2:
Remarks on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy lived his life in the shadow of his brother John. Yet his story is a remarkable one and one of the moments that most stands out is the speech that RFK delivered on the evening of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination. Delivered on April 4th, 1968 in Indianapolis, Kennedy’s speech is a message of reconciliation that came at a time when America needed it most.
The World is Flat: MIT Lecture
MIT has tons of great educational content online for free. One of our favorites is a lecture given by New York Times writer Thomas Friedman on the subject of his book The World is Flat. Like Friedman’s book, this lecture is an extremely interesting look at globalization and both the challenges and opportunities of doing business in the 21st century. This title is available on streaming audio and video.
St. Patrick’s Day – A Complimentary Lecture
Have you listened to a Teaching Company course? If not, you’re in for a real treat. We have a link to free full-length Teaching Company lecture on the subject of St. Patrick. It’s presented by Professor William R. Cook, the Distinguished Teaching Professor of History at the State University of New York at Geneseo. You’ll enjoy this lecture which provides the background on this 4th-Century saint.
Ayn Rand’s books are made for audio. In these busy times very few people have the time to sit down and read The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged. But get these audio books and pop them on in your car while you’re commuting and you can finish them up in a month or two. It’s a great testament to the opportunity represented by audio learning.
If you would like to check start off with a more bite-sized portion of Rand’s wisdom check out ThoughtAudio’s production of Anthem, one of Rand’s earlier novels. Anthem sets the stage for what’s to come in Rand’s later works.
August 20, 2006
The 5 Dangers of Buying DRM’ed Media
A generation of people are being mislead by some glitzy marketing. They are buying music and other media off of services like iTunes thinking that they “own” this media. But unlike the generation before them was able to do with all those CDs they purchased, this new generation probably won’t be able to enjoy their music and other media for many years to come. Instead, they’re making a purchase today that will likely become worthless to them, and perhaps much sooner than they think. As I’ve heard Ian Rogers over at Yahoo! Music state several times, the iTunes music file is the equivalent of the 8-track cassette for this generation. So with that said let me present 5 very real dangers associated with buying DRM media:
1. Your next media player might not be an iPod – Right now everyone is in love with the iPod and for good reason. It’s by far the superior device and experience for personal media. However, history tends to repeat itself and one thing we know from history is the gadgets that are dominant rarely stay on top for long. Microsoft is going to launch its new Zune soon and it may or may not be the coolest thing since sliced bread. Knowing Microsoft it probably won’t be but other companies are going to launch other players and eventually there is probably going to be something out there that’s cooler than the iPod. If all of your media was purchased from the iTunes Music Store (or any other place selling content in a proprietary format) you’ve pretty much locked yourself in to buying a particular type of device in the future. I’m not sure about you but that’s not what I want to do. And besides, it’s possible that your next MP3 player might not even be a dedicated MP3 player. Instead, it’s quite possible that…
2. Your phone will be your next media player – Almost all of the new phones coming out right now have media playing capabilities built-in. For a while you’ll probably find that whatever you’re doing with your iPod is going to be superior to the experience on your phone. However, over time that will change and within a few years your phone will provide an iPod-like experience and eliminate the need for you to carry to devices everywhere (heck, the Nokia N91 is almost there today). So if you’ve bought a bunch of music in a proprietary file format (such as the iTunes Music Store) you really need to ask yourself the question “Am I prepared to not be able to listen to stuff on my phone in the future?” Sure, Apple will launch an iPhone sometime and it’ll probably be cool but the fact of the matter you’ll probably want to keep your options open for a while.
3. You have no idea how you might want to share your media in the future – Oh my gosh are there a lot of cool new media-sharing devices and technologies these days. Slingbox. Sonos. Roku. Bluetooth. Some of these work well with DRM’ed content and some don’t. And who knows how the media-sharing devices of the future will respond to all of these proprietary file formats. The bottom line is that if you want to keep your options open and be able to use all of the kick-ass devcies that are on the horizon you’d be well-advised to have most or all of your media stored in an open, non-proprietary file format like MP3. Otherwise, you just might be SOL…
4. You might decide you want to get a new computer in the future – Yes, it’s quite possible that the computer you are on right now might not be the same computer you’ll be using a few years in the future. I’ll go out on a limb and say that you’ll likely want a little more memory and processing power down the road which will mean you’ll have to upgrade. Will your music and other DRM’ed media go with you? Maybe… Music services such as iTunes/Rhapsody/etc. have ways you to authorize new computers and de-authorize computers you are no longer using. But can they guarantee that it won’t be a pain in the ass? Nope, many people who have to do spend many hours of frustration dealing with this. And an unsettling number of people can’t their media to work at all with their new computer.
5. Two words “Sony Rootkit” – Everyone knows about the Sony rootkit fiasco. That only affected people that had bought DRM-infected CDs. However, there’s nothing to guarantee that something similar won’t affect digitally downloaded files in the future. After all, DRM protection is always changing. For example, a while back Apple modified its firmware to make it incompatible with Real Networks music track. Now, it’s important to point out that there hasn’t been a case where DRM’ed files have rendered someone’s computer inoperable. Having said that, I’d be very surprised if there weren’t a scandal similar to the Sony rookit one that does affect downloadable content in the future. Given the ever-changing nature of DRM and the lengths to which some content providers will go to try to protect their works it could quite easily happen. And I don’t want to be there when it does.
There are no doubt many other reasons not to buy DRM’ed media (including the very important one that you are supporting DRM with every DRM-laden purchase) but I think these five give a pretty compelling reason to avoid purchasing this type of content in the future. Now, I’m not adamantly against all shapes and forms of DRM. Sometimes it does make sense. For instance, it would be pretty hard to pull off an “all-you-can-eat” music service like Rhapsody/Yahoo Music/Napster without DRM. So in this case I’m not against DRM (I personally LOVE Rhapsody).
But the bigger problem is people (mostly unsuspecting teenagers and 20-somethings) buying DRM-laden media and thinking that they will be able to play that media ten or twenty years down the road (just like the generation before was able to enjoy CDs many years later). That almost assuredly will not be the case. Unless you’re interested spending tons of time on the tedious (and potentially illegal depending on how you interpret the DMCA) task of removing the DRM from your media.
So where do you go to find DRM-free media? A while back I wrote a post entitled A Guide to DRM-Free Audio and that’s a great place to start. Music services like eMusic and Audio Lunchbox rock and will only get better with time (especially as we lend them more support). And you can get a ton of spoken word content (audiobooks, podcasts, etc.) DRM-free as well.
If you still want to go out an buy DRM’ed content that’s totally cool. Just don’t say you weren’t warned about what might happen. 🙂
August 19, 2006
Our Podcast Directory at One Year
It’s been about a year since we launched the LearnOutLoud.com Podcast Directory, devoted to high quality podcasts that you can learn from. Man has podcasting exploded!
I just went through our whole directory and got rid of a lot of the podfaders whose podcasts haven’t been updated in a year or so. For the most part all the podcasts we feature are now up-to-date.
Some highlights from this last year in podcasting:
webcast.berkeley Courses Podcasted!
Many New Language Learning Podcasts
National Public Radio Podcasts
Hay House Podcasts
New York Times Podcasts
And theres a lot of other individual podcasts that have popped up and really excelled, but I’ll leave it up to you to find them in our directory:
August 16, 2006
Free Resource Highlights: Week 1
We’ve been sending out our “Free Resource of the Day Email” for a number of months now, and we want to share some of the free audio & video titles from past weeks that we have offered. Here are the free resources from Week 1:
I Have a Dream Audio and Video
One of our favorite free titles in the directory is Martin Luther King, Jr.’s classic “I Have a Dream” speech. Delivered on August 28th, 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., King’s passionate call for justice and equality was the battle cry for the civil rights movement in America. Choose from an audio version of the speech from American Rhetoric or a video version from iFilm.
50 Things I’m Going To Do Today
Are you doing the 50 Things? 50 Things I’m Going to Do Today is an exclusive audio title that we love. Brian Johnson (CEO over at Zaadz, Inc. recorded this a while back and it’s well worth listening to a couple of times a month. There’s a ton of great advice about optimal living contained within and the format makes it easy to listen to a little bit at a time.
How about diving into some Nietzsche? We came across an edition of Nietzsche’s classic Thus Spoke Zarathustra a couple of weeks ago. Not only was it the only Nietzsche audio we’ve encountered…it was also free! Really good quality too. Download it to your iPod and your weekend listening is all taken care of.
August 15, 2006
Our Top 100 Bestsellers
I’m a sucker for lists. When I was kid I remember creating a Top 100 list of songs each year and dubbing the songs (along with a voiceover of course) onto cassette tapes. It was one of my fondest memories of childhood.
If you’re a sucker for lists like me you might want to take a look at the new Top 100 Bestsellers list we just posted to the site. We’ve had our Top 10 up for a while but now we’ve finally had enough orders to produce a meaningful Top 100. Here were a few I found interesting:
#20: English for Portuguese (Brazilian) Speakers – Easily our best selling language title. Who knew LearnOutLoud was so popular with the Portuguese and Brazilians?
#30: Spiritual Enlightenment – This one came to us via our TeachOutLoud service which allows you to self-publish your audio content. This title and Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment are both in our Top 50 which shows the great opportunity for those who want to self publish content to our site.
#71: A Survey of Ancient History – I love a good value as much as the next person. How about 8 hours of educational audio content for less than $5? Now that’s what I call a bargain!
#93: Appreciating Emotional Intelligence – These interviews from New Dimensions are excellent. This represents a big part of why I’m so proud of the collection we’ve got here at LearnOutLoud. You might not find all the latest best-sellers but you will find a lot of high-quality stuff that you probably won’t find elsewhere (with lots more on the way soon!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy your Top 100 list. I can’t even begin to imagine how much this world would change for the better if everyone made it their mission to listen to as many of these titles as possible!
August 6, 2006
The 6 Best Ways to Learn Physics…for Free
I was listening to an excellent audiobook yesterday called The Wisdom of Huston Smith in which Huston relates a story about a visiting professor (can’t recall the name right now) who came and lectured to the physics department at the university he was teaching at and spent the entire time presenting on philosophy rather than physics. He was asked why he didn’t talk about physics with the physics department and his answer was interesting.
I don’t draw any distinctions between physics and philosophy.
This has gotten me thinking that I need to study physics a bit more. So to help me (and you!) get started I’ve compiled six excellent ways to learn physics. The best part…all of these resources are free. Enjoy!
1. The PBS Series The Elegant Universe – I watched this one a while ago on Netflix and it’s really cool. What’s even cooler is that you can watch the entire three hours of it at the PBS website for free. The Elegant Universe covers a wide range of topics and goes particularly in-depth on string theory. It’s very entertaining and you’ll learn a ton by watching this.
2. Imagining the Tenth Dimension – A buddy pointed me to this recently and it’s a great introduction to the string theory notion of ten spatial dimensions. I was introduced to this in the Elegant Universe and while I’m getting a better handle on it I’m still a little lost when we get outside of the three/four dimensions that most people readily understand. This flash-based presentation is very well-done and a great complement to a watching of The Elegant Universe.
3. Free Physics Video Lectures – In our free directory we’ve compiled over two dozen free audio and video physics lectures. Here are some of the highlights:
Richard Feynman lectures from the Vega Science Trust – Four video lectures from world-renowned physicist Richard P. Feynman
Einstein’s Miraculous Year – Two free lectures from The Teaching Company that celebrate the 100th anniversary of Einstein’s “Miracle Year.”
Parts of a Whole – A free lecture with physicist David Bohm who addressed quantum physics from a spiritual perspective.
You can find more lectures like this (including lectures from MIT and the Lannan Foundation) and in the Physics subcategory of our free audio and video directory.
4. Motion Mountain – An amazing free, full-length, professional-quality physics textbook…how cool is that? If you’d rather not part with the $100+ that most physics textbooks cost give this one a shot. This is the real deal too at over 1,300 pages! (Thanks to Wynn @ The Stingy Scholar blog for pointing us to this.)
5. Free Physics Podcasts – Another great way to learn physics is to listen to some of the excellent physics podcasts that are out there. Berkeley has two worth checking out, Descriptive Introduction to Physics and Introductory Physics. NOVA has an “e = mc2” podcast that is also worth checking out (part of their well-done Einstein’s Big Idea section).
6. Random Fun Stuff – I’ll admit it…sometimes a subject like physics can get a little dry. If you’d like to spice it up a bit check out these fun ways to learn physics below:
The Britney Spears Guide to Semiconductor Physics
Super Mario Physics
Interactive Physics Simulations
OK, that should be enough to make your brain hurt for a while.
August 1, 2006
“Soul-deadening gridlock”???
The lead story of this week’s Los Angeles CityBeat is titled Fear and Entropy in Los Angeles and starts with the following tagline:
Scenes from a gas struggle: Will soul-deadening gridlock and exorbitant fuel prices kill the remnants of SoCal car culture?
Soul-deadening gridlock? Well let’s see. In the last few weeks I’ve spent my “soul-deadening gridlock” listening to Krishnamurti, Alan Watts and Ken Wilber (Kosmic Consciousness may be the most anti-soul-deadening thing I’ve ever listened to).
So what is the author of this article talking about? Do people not know they can consume the wisdom of the world’s greatest teachers during their commutes? Or do they not care? If it’s the latter there’s not much we can do. But I suspect that it’s at least partially the former. And if that’s the case then we have a helluva lot of work to do.
Here’s to anti-soul-deadening…