



June 28, 2006

TED Talks – Very Cool!


Back in January I blogged about how I’d like to see the sessions from the TED Conference made available on audio and video. Chris Anderson, the Editor of Wired magazine and the Curator of the TED Conference, saw my blog and let me know that they had some exciting plans in the works to make some of the content publicly available.

Today I noticed that a half-dozen of the sessions from the TED Conference are now available for free on audio and video. I just got done watching the session with Tony Robbins and it’s really good stuff. People pay over $4,000 to attend the TED Conference so the fact that they are willing to make this content available to people who can’t go says volumes about what the TED Conference is all about.

Kudos to Chris and the rest of the people at TED for helping to bring the ideas from the TED Conference to the world and in the process helping to change the world. It’s an incredible world we live anyone with a PC and an Internet connection can now access all this amazing content.