



May 9, 2006

Why Isn’t This Being Podcasted?

So I have the privilege of taking an awesome class right now through the UCLA Producers Program that is being taught by Peter Guber (Host of Sunday Morning Shootout among other things). It’s quite possibly the best graduate-level course I’ve ever been to. Last night our guest was Lloyd Braun, the head of media at Yahoo! We’ve had Mark Burnett (creator of Survivor and The Apprentice), Scott Sassa (CEO at Friendster) and a number of other interesting guests. And the class is only half over…

Anyway, when I go to classes like these I can’t help but be a little frustrated that the only people who get to experience this are the 100 or so people in the classroom with me. I would love (love love love!) to see stuff like this podcasted. I know it’s starting to happen (a podcast like Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders is an example) but in my opinion it isn’t fast enough.

We need to get this knowledge out there into the hands of as many people that want it as quickly as possible.

We need to podcast conferences like TED and PUSH (which I’m going to next month) and GEL (which my buddy Kareem just wrote an excellent blog post about).

We need to podcast more courses and lectures (especially the ones with cutting-edge ideas that can push the world forward). We need to have more people contribute their thoughts to the mix and share their wisdom with the world (which is essentially why we launched TeachOutLoud). We need to realize that ideas will change the world, especially to the extent that we can spread them as far and wide as possible.

That’s our goal here. To change the world through meaningful media. We’ve come a long way in the last five years and no doubt will make a tremendous amount of progress in the next five.

Nevertheless, I’m pretty impatient these days. 🙂