



May 25, 2006

It’s Been a While…

Boy, a couple of weeks on the road and I’m out of the blog habit. Lots going on our end though so make sure to sign up for our newsletter if you haven’t already. Our next update will be going out early next week (plus a brand new free audiobook is on the way soon!).

In the meantime, just a few things in the audio world I thought I’d point you too:

1. Dr. Daniel Amen – Recently listened to a presentation that he gave and was fascinated by what’s happening in the world of brain science. It is really remarakable that although we have sophisticated technique to scan other body parts until just recently we haven’t had anything to scan our more important body part (the brain). By the way, we have a number of Dr. Amen’s titles available here.

2. Red Business – I had a chance to meet the people behind this at last week’s Audio Publisher’s Conference. I really like what they’re doing and they’ve done some cool interviews with a number of big names (e.g., Tom Peters). Plus they recently put a title on TeachOutLoud!

3. Moneyball – I had a chance to listen to about half of Moneyball on the trip out to D.C. Very enjoyable! I’ve always liked Lewis’ writing and if you’re a baseball fan you’re in for a treat with this one.

4. Pema Chodron – I’ve started listening to Pema Chodron and have been getting a lot out of it. I think there’s a tremendous amount of benefit to be gained from merging the best wisdom from the Eastern and Western religious and spiritual traditions. Pema’s treaching can providing the Eastern component of that equation.

So much more to say but I’ll leave it at that for now. More to come soon!