



March 1, 2006

Free Audio Bliss


I finally got the sound fixed on my laptop last week (kudos by the way to the fine gentleman at Experts Exchange who provided the fix…love that site!). It’s ridiculous that I went such a long time without it working. After all, I run an audio learning company… But now it’s back and I’m absolutely loving it.

One of the things that I’m growing more amazed at by the day is the amount of ridiculously cool free audio that’s out there. For instance, here’s my playlist for the afternoon:

The latest episode of the Venture Voice Podcast. It’s an awesome interview with John Bogle, the man who started The Vanguard Group. You’ve got to listen to this one as it’s an incredibly story of idealism and entrepreneurship.

The Carson Workshops Summit – Gee, I can’t think of something a lot more fun than listening to guys from Google, Yahoo!, Delicious and 37 Signals discuss the future of Web. Good warm-up for this weekend’s BarCamp here in LA. 🙂

Guided Meditation – I came across this very cool guided meditation from Beliefnet. Almost instantly made me calm. Not bad…

So with this explosion in audio content how do you find the latest and the greatest? While we’ve got a lot of it in our Free Audio and Video Directory and in our Podcast Directory. But my goal is to try to make sure as much of this stuff as possible finds its way into our new Free Resource of the Day newsletter. We’ve got some really cool stuff lined up for that including a lot of exclusive titles. You’ll definitely want to sign up.

And oh yeah, I am listening to a lot more music now too. I’m having a lot of fun trying out new services and sites like WebJay, last.fm and my new favorite MusicRadish.

With all this cool stuff to listen to I’m not sure I ever want to stop working…