



February 6, 2006

webcast.berkeley Courses Podcasted

webcastberkeleycoursesproduct.jpgI was very excited this semester to see what Berkeley was going to unveil for their webcast.berkeley courses. We were told at the podcasting expo that some of their courses were going to be podcasted and that they had a sweet set up. Well they most certainly do. The audio quality it great, the courses look fascinating, and we just entered in all the ones they’re offering this semester:


And here’s the ones they are currently podcasting:

Operating Systems and System Programming
Economic Analysis – Microeconomics
European Civilization from the Renaissance to the Present
US Foreign Policy After 9/11
Animal Behavior
Introduction to Computers
Introduction to Human Nutrition
Descriptive Introduction to Physics
Introductory Physics
Undergraduate Colloquium on Political Science

And throughout the month of February they’ll be offering more of them as podcasts. For the ones that aren’t currently being podcasted they can be listened to or viewed as streaming audio & video. Let us all offer our thanks to UC-Berkeley and start learning.