



October 17, 2005

Thinking 100 Years Ahead…

I was listening to Wayne Dyer’s excellent course Choosing Your Own Greatness tonight and he repeated the following Chinese proverb. I felt it pretty apropos in terms of what’s going on here at LearnOutLoud.

If you are thinking one year ahead, sow seed. If you are thinking 10 years ahead, plant a tree. If you are thinking 100 years ahead, educate people.

Take a minute today (or tomorrow if you’ve already gone to bed) and think about how you can help to educate someone in your life. Maybe it’s reading to one of your children or telling someone you know about some you’ve recently learned. If you’re stuck, why don’t you share the love and tell someone else about LearnOutLoud.com. That’ll count. 🙂

Here’s to thinking 100 years ahead!