



September 12, 2005

The Ultimate Audio Cliff Notes


I recently picked up the massive collection “The World’s 100 Greatest Books” which is a collection that consists of 100 45-minute audio abridgements of the greatest books of western literature. I thought they were very well done in terms of their content and giving background to the stories within their historical and literary context. But they were of course very abridged. If you’re majoring in Literature they’d be pretty priceless because whenever you were falling behind in your reading you could likely pull out the disc for the novel you’re needing to catch up on and get a basic understanding of the plot. The summaries are almost strictly plot related with a little character and thematic analysis. The stories move at a brisk pace which you must pay close attention to. For people who want a broad knowledge of all western literature without spending a lifetime reading I consider it a good set to have.

It’s created by Sybervision whose 14 titles we recently added to our site. They also have the “The World’s 100 Greatest People” and “The World’s 50 Greatest Composers” which I’m going to try to track down. And the rest of their titles are on training yourself through Neuropsychological and Neuromuscular methods. Interesting stuff. Check it out:
