



September 9, 2005

Audio Book Sales en Fuego

From the Association of American Publishers:

Another big winner was the audiobook category, which gained 197.9 percent in July ($33.5 million), and 40.5 percent for the year. “We have seen a nice increase in the audiobook category over the years,” says Kathryn Blough, vice president of the AAP. “It’s been pretty steady.” Blough stresses that despite recent reports that in an age of media saturation, people have less time to devote to reading, she doesn’t see audiobooks replacing their printed brethren any time soon. “We’ve seen steady growth on the print side,” she says. “I think the growth in audiobooks is due in part to the exciting varieties of titles out now.”

(Here’s the complete article.)

People have less time for reading? An exciting variety of titles out now? I guess it’s time to Learn Out Loud!